Dr VanDeWater PharmD

Dr Jen VanDeWater PharmD
The People's Pharmacist 🙏🏼❤️🇺🇲
I answer to the people never big pharma!

Empowering and equipping individualized optimal health and wellness through mind, body, spirit alignment!
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Last updated 19 hours ago

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Last updated 21 hours ago

1 month, 4 weeks ago

Happy & Blessed Wednesday Friends!

Wow, already Wednesday, the days are moving fast. With springtime projects and longer days, time seems to escape me!

Something I've been pondering lately. I encourage any thoughts, so please share.

Home & Family

Not too far back, just a few generations ago, our ancestors lived a way of life that focused on the home and family.

They knew the importance of traditions, family values, wholesome meals, passing on and so much more.

I was blessed with grandparents and great grandparents who understood this and I feel I'm reconnecting to that wisdom they left with me.

The public school, aka indoctrination camps, gives us something far different. Women are compared to men, encouraged to leave the home, never raise a family or stand beside the husband.

Men, well, it's so different from when I was in school, but back in my day I saw the de- masculine agenda beginning. Men were and still are not encouraged to find a wife, settle down and provide for his home and family.

All of this agenda has been intentional and lead to the destruction of the home and family. These school teachings, in my opinion, were the beginnings of destroying the foundation given by God for the home and family.

No longer were Mom and Dad the heros to their children, but teachers, friends "cooler" parents, peers and friends became the role model.

I know others have been speaking on this and I believe they are correct. They posed some questions...
How do you destroy community/nation/ life?
How do you keep people enslaved? Whether it's in the system or in their own thoughts?

I remember as a young teen wanting to follow the crowd, wanting to fit in, wanting to be like everyone else but, God always had other plans.

I believe He walked me through certain situations, as I look back over my life, where He was teaching me, showing me and weaving together a story where I was never meant to fit in but to stand out!

He knew the home and family was the target of destruction. He needed His people to be set apart, to bring back, to encourage others that the home and family is the heart of the Lord!

Over the last year, the Lord has been revealing things to me with home and family. My hearts desires are understood now. I understand the role of the home and family on our society. I understand my role in His plan.

This path is definitely a bit daunting as this is all new. But with divine assistance and guidance, I can do all things!

Be encouraged friends, for the Lord has great plans for His people. Continue pressing forward, living the life He created for us. Building, guarding, raising, loving, enjoying your home and family too!

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Philipans 4:13

-The People's Pharmacist 🙏🏼❤️🇺🇲

2 months ago
Dr VanDeWater PharmD
2 months ago


2 months ago
Dr VanDeWater PharmD
2 months ago
Dr VanDeWater PharmD
2 months ago
Dr VanDeWater PharmD
4 months, 1 week ago
Dr VanDeWater PharmD
4 months, 1 week ago
Dr VanDeWater PharmD
4 months, 1 week ago
Dr VanDeWater PharmD
4 months, 2 weeks ago
Dr VanDeWater PharmD
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Play: @hamster_kombat_boT

Last updated 19 hours ago

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Last updated 2 weeks, 3 days ago


Last updated 21 hours ago