Wyoming Active Club

Nationalist networking, activism, and fitness across the Cowboy State

Contact: [email protected]
We recommend to visit

Community chat: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_chat_2

Website: https://hamster.network

Twitter: x.com/hamster_kombat

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@HamsterKombat_Official

Bot: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot

Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago

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1 year, 8 months ago

BSAC putting in the work this spring. Thank you to all the different orgs who helped us show up and show out for our people.

Reach out to an AC near you and make your ancestors proud. HV ⚡️⚡️

[email protected]

1 year, 8 months ago

Please join us in welcoming Active Club Portland to the 3N family. Active Club Portland already has a sizeable roster of young white men who are willing to fight for the PNW, join their ranks today.

Member Groups:

1 year, 8 months ago
An appeal to our followers to …

An appeal to our followers to show solidarity with our French Brothers!

All of you have seen the sickening video's by hordes of migrants destroying and looting French cities. During all this chaos roaming France some real men of honor from the city of Angers stood up against armed Antifa and migrants while protecting their headquarters. Five days straight the Nationalists have been standing their ground. Some footage of the brawls can be seen here and there. We kindly request you to show support for our comrades from RED Angers who are facing legal issues. Link to donate: https://gofund.me/74e20ef4

1 year, 9 months ago
**White Unity at every opportunity ***??********?****Natrona …

White Unity at every opportunity ??*?***Natrona County, Wyoming

1 year, 9 months ago
1 year, 9 months ago

Active Club Latvia - zāles pret vārgulību, hiperindividuālismu un modernistu dekadentajām idejām!Jauni vīrieši visapkārt, kas audzināti vienos rāmjos ar meitenēm, pieauguši uzvedas kā skuķi.
Jauni, potenciāla pilni vīrieši, dzīvo ar nepamatotu bravūru par spējām, kas viņiem nepiemīt, kas rezultējas ar sabrukšanu zem konfrontācijas spiediena izšķirošā brīdī.
Jauni vīrieši, nespēdami un negribēdami atrast vērtīgus cīņas un domubiedrus, tā vietā izvēloties cilvēkus, kas tos ievelk tuvāk pašiznīcinošā bezdibeņa virzienā.

Active Club Latvia ir izaicinājums un risinājums vienlaicīgi.Izaicinājums, uzņemties sevis pilnveidošanu un kļūt par sava vīrišķā spēka potenciāla iemiesojumu.
Risinājums rast piepildījumu pēc domubiedriem un ar tiem kopīgi vairot savu spēku un iemaņas.

Praksē šis nav tikai sporta klubs.
Tā ir apņemšanās tiekties pēc augstākiem ideāliem.

Active Club Latvia piedāvā:>kļūt spēcīgākam un mentāli noturīgākam

attīstīt savu spēju cīnīties kontakta sparinga formātā
iespēju veidot brālīgu saikni ar citiem biedriem, kas pieņēmuši to pašu izacinājumu

Ja uzskati, ka esi pareizās motivācijas vadīts, sazinies ar mums un uzzini vairāk.

Ar šo, pirmo ierakstu, Active Club Latvia atklāj savu klātbūtni publiskajā telpā.

Uz drīzu tikšanos treniņos!

Active Club Latvia - remedy against weakness, hyperindividualism and the decadent ideas of modernists!Young men all around have been raised up within the same framework as women, and having grown up act as girls.
Young men, full of potential, are living with groundless bravado about abilities they do not possess, which results in them crumbling under the stress of confrontation in the most decisive moment.
Young men, unable and unwilling to find valuable comrades in arms and in their ideals, instead choose people, who drag them closer to the abyss of self-destruction.

Active Club Latvia is a challenge and a solution simultaneously.A challenge to take upon the task of self-improvement and become the embodiment of ones self masculine potential.
A solution to find fulfillment in being with like-minded people and together increase strength and improve skills.

In practice, this is not only a sport club.
It's a devotion **to reach higher ideals.

Active Club Latvia offers:**>to become stronger and mentally resilient

to develop the ability to fight in the format of contact sparring
a chance to develop brotherly bonds with other members, who have accepted this challenge

If you believe you are lead by the right motivation, contact us and find out more.

With this first post, Active Club Latvia reveals it's public presence.

See you soon!

1 year, 9 months ago

Several of us in the active club got together on Monday to watch a small-town memorial day parade here in Mass. At the end of the ceremony, there were a couple speeches given by local veterans and something they brought up was just how many men who enlisted (in pretty much every conflict prior to the turn of the century) lied about their age to get in. Part of the reason so many WWII vets are still alive to this day is because they all enlisted at 17, 16, and even 15 years old. I thought about that a lot because, as we know, the modern American military no longer embodies the warrior spirit. Where men used to clamor to fight for their country via the US military, they now clamor to hasten their discharge and maximize the amount of gibs they can get. Patriot Front and the Active Clubs have become inheritors of that sought after warrior spirit hence why we now see kids like t.me/robloxfront making memes about PF and eagerly counting down the days until they're old enough to join. Where our government has failed us, the Active Clubs will take up the mantle of responsibility and lead our youth to greatness.


1 year, 9 months ago

Congrats to our PF brothers for putting Wyoming in the top 5! Wyoming is becoming the hub of activism on the Frontier!

1 year, 9 months ago

See you fags in Franklin Tennessee on Saturday!

1 year, 9 months ago
Wyoming Active Club
We recommend to visit

Community chat: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_chat_2

Website: https://hamster.network

Twitter: x.com/hamster_kombat

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@HamsterKombat_Official

Bot: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot

Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago

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