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My latest book review for The Occidental Observer: The Problematic History of the European Union: Review of ‘Eurowhiteness’ Are the anti-whites turning on the European Union?…
My latest book review for The Occidental Observer:The Problematic History of the European Union: Review of ‘Eurowhiteness’Are the anti-whites turning on the European Union?
The Hidden Figures of Australian Multiculturalism:
#2 Michael Kapel
Neo-conservative political operator and former chief of staff to both Federal Liberal MP Petro Georgiou and Former Victorian Liberal Premier Ted Baillieu.
Editor of the Australia/Israel Review during the 1990s, where he roused the Jewish assault on Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party from its pages. Infamously published the party’s stolen membership list in the July 1998 edition in a blatant act of political intimidation and broke the story on David Ettridge, co-founder of the party, using an account in an off-shore tax haven.
As chief of staff for Georgiou, Kapel co-ordinated Georgiou’s pro-asylum seeker policy, one that consistently critiqued the Howard governments stance on border control and mandatory detention.
Today is the birthday of P. R. Stephensen, Australian publisher, polemicist, and man of the race-conscious Left. Learn more about his life and work at Counter-Currents.
Counter-Currents Publishing
Remembering P. R. Stephensen | Counter-Currents
239 words Percy Reginald Stephensen was born on November 20, 1901. Stephensen was a writer, publisher, and political activist dedicated to the interests of the white race and the Australian nation. Like Jack London, Stephensen was an archetypal man of the…
Struggling with money and the skyrocketing cost of living? Worried about your financial future? Frightened about the prospect of spending your entire life living inside a tiny rented flat?
Have no fear, Australia’s top finance podcaster and “award-winning financial advisor” has the solution:
“Reassess” your dreams and your antiquated and outdated benchmarks, and learn to accept the drudgery of modern Australia. For that life your parents and grandparents once enjoyed was all just a fantasy of your imagination in the first place.
Truly award-winning advice.
The Sydney Morning Herald
Is this the end of Australia’s middle class?
Australia, once hailed as the land of opportunity, is witnessing an uncomfortable societal shift. Is that such a bad thing?
When it comes to repatriation, anti-White opponents inevitably proclaim that such acts necessarily lead to violence or outright genocide - the “Road to Auschwitz” theory, which claims that all political manifestations of White solidarity have murder as their ultimate conclusion. Australian history offers us the perfect example to disprove this claim.
Beginning with the first act of parliament in 1901, Australia under consecutive Protectionist and Labor governments successfully implemented a program of racially restrictive immigration controls, thus legally enshrining a racial character to Australian identity, and oversaw the peaceful deportation of thousands of unwanted racial foreigners to their own homelands.
Far from being beset by inevitable violence, all of this was carried out by democratically elected governments, with not a single authoritarian dictator, mass killing, or concentration camp in sight. Similar laws passed in the USA and Canada in the 1920s were likewise non-violent, and there is no inherent reason why any future repatriation cannot also be carried out peacefully using democratic means.
His tenure also saw the introduction of the NITV channel and Skrzynski‘s multiculturalist television credentials go as far back as the 1980s during his time as chief executive of the Australian Film Commission, involved in the production of the 1984 documentary series The Migrant Experience.
Community chat:
Last updated 6 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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