Yellow Boards London

Yellow Boards London
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2 weeks, 5 days ago
***💰******💰***Angel, Thu July 11th, 4 to …

💰💰Angel, Thu July 11th, 4 to 6pm. Beware Digital Prison & Cash is freedom Yellow Boards.💰💰

Junction Pentonville Road /Islington High St / St John's St. Turn left when you come out of Angel Station (Northern Line Bank branch). 1min from the station. (N1 9LQ).

⚠️Digital ID & Digital Money
➡️ Digital Prison
Use Cash - Stay Free

Boards and flyers provided.

We got the yellow cash flyers and the black, detailled digital ID & credit score flyers.

3 weeks, 2 days ago

Still on for tomorrow - looks like there will be a break in the rain in the afternoon.

But if it starts raining badly, we will go to Jamon Jamon (closeby) early.

3 weeks, 5 days ago
YB Cancelled. More rainfronts moving in!!

YB Cancelled. More rainfronts moving in!!

Straight to Jamon Jamon 38 Parkway, London NW1 7AH at 3pm for those who fancy it!!

💰💰Camden Town, Fri, July 5th, 3 to 5pm Yellow Boards.💰💰

Camden Town Tube Station, Junction of Camden High Street and Camden Parkway.

Lots of traffic and pedestrians.  There is momentum in the cash drive!🔥

⚠️Beware Digital ID & Digital Money = Digital Prison.
✳️Use Cash. Stay Free. 

Boards and flyers provided.

We got the yellow cash flyers and the black, detailled digital ID & credit score flyers.

Afterwards Jamon Jamon. There should be enough space at that time of the day even on a Friday.

3 weeks, 6 days ago
Yellow Boards London
3 weeks, 6 days ago
Yellow Boards London
3 weeks, 6 days ago
Yellow Boards London
3 months ago
Yellow Boards London
3 months ago

I hope people can make it today!

Forecast shows heavy rain for Saturday most of the day, so it looks like we are going to have the day off 🙏

3 months ago

It all got clear to me now.
Some might have got it much earlier, but I had not looked enough into it. Sorry if this for you sounds like stating the obvious!

1) Pollution
So they have been spraying toxins Micro aluminium (ok to enter the brain) and Barium for decades with the purpose of destroying our health (dementia) and insect / bee populations.

Bees lose their steering mechanism, similar to dementia in humans.

Reduced insect means eventually reduced food.

Reduced insect means they can blame pollution (YOU)

They spray toxins and are trying to blame it on normal planes (eg this guy Jim Lee does it). As they of course are working on stopping us from flying.

And the big corporations are working on bees that survive aluminium and crops which strive on aluminum. Seeds need to be bought directly from them of course.

And they are providing dementia pharma of course for all those extra dementia sufferers.

2) sun dimming
They justify the spraying (more and more now) under the "global warming" ruse, "it's needed".

Sun dimming obviously destroys our health and food supply.
Dan Widginton (The dimming) agrees with the Global Warming Carbon Dioxide business, so another fake controlled opposition guy. Got bad vibes and M Yeadon said the same.

3) Weather modification
More toxins.
A weapon in war.
A tool to change the water distribution.
A weapon to destroy farmers, crops and food supply.
A tool to create "climate" catastrophies and blame us and the cows for LIVING aka CO2 bullshit villainy.

5 months ago

24th February 12pm Tower Hill Tube Station Protect the children March/outreach. We have approximately 14 boards for this event and so it would be good to know who will be able to make it on Saturday to hold a board, a head count is needed and would prefer us yellow board team with boards and also so we do not loose them as it does tend to happen occasionally, we lost a board at this event a couple of months ago.. so please let us know if you can make it 👍🏻

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Last updated 5 hours ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru

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Last updated 1 day, 18 hours ago