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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Make your Friday special, clear a transaction with Allah.
We have a case of a sisters who is struggling financially, this sisters is very shy to ask for help.
The sister teaches Quran for the sake of Allah, she do not charge. If there is anyone that would like to lay off her finacial burden please DM me for further details. We would like to collect for her 150$ per month.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized its importance, referring to it as the “best day on which the sun rises.” Giving Sadaqah on this blessed day is a means of drawing closer to Allah, as one aligns their intentions with the spirit of Friday.
Introduction ?****
Assalaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu
Dear Parents, Alhamdulillah, with the help of Allah we were able to adapt Shaykh Ahmad‘s(حَفِظَهُ الله) Gems of Ramadan Series and part of Shaykh Musa’s (حَفِظَهُ الله)Ramadan book, into a children’s booklet. Our goal was to keep the same essence of their beneficial works to In Shaa Allah help and inspire the next generation of Muwahhideen.
A Statement from Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril (حَفِظَهُ الله) ?****
“I went over this booklet and found it to be a phenomenal effort and an incredible, huge step in delivering the pure Islam and Tawheed to our children in a manner they can understand and relate to.
I ask Allah to bless the sisters behind this effort and their work, as they put much effort and time, making this free and available for everyone for His sake. I ask Allah that their work be a means to raising a new generation of Muwahideen, who will bring victory to this deen.”
— Shaykh Ahmad Jibril (حَفِظَهُ الله)
For my fellow prisoners
Whenever you feel down, remember:
"وَلِرَبِّكَ فَٱصْبِرْ
"But for your Lord be patient."
Al-Muddaththir 74:7
Whatever is not for Allah will not last forever, and whatever is for Allah is eternal.
My brothers and sisters in captivity, although some days are a drag, don't think too hard; it's not worth it. Put your trust in Allah and let it be. Things will work out, InShaAllah. Whatever happens will happen, so don't ponder about matters which aren't in your control. Live for the day; if you have food, shelter, and clothes to wear, this is it. It's the world and everything in it. This world is nothing more. Jannah is the goal, stay focused, victory is near, bi'ithnillah ta'ala. What matters is our end. We ask Allah (SWT) to grant us and all Muslim prisoners wal afwa, al-afia(نسأل الله العفو والعافية), a best end. One day inShaAllah(إن شاء الله) we will look back at these posts and rejoice because we're making HISTORY.
Go back? For what...?
I came here with a dream and a goal
Also I love my life here.. even despite the horrors, hardship and trials.. it has become my home..
Also I don't think I can be "normal" anymore.. cuz that normal is not me at all..
I love how adventurous it is.. and how close to life of sahaba and the Prophets I am.. these are lands of history.. and these are roads and places they all have been.. they walked, they lived, they died and were buried in.. I travel, I see and explore things.. just wait until I break free again..
I am used to this wide and vast land.. you know how suffocating it is there.. I feel like I'm close to nature, the creation of Allah rather than concrete, cold buildings.. with cold, arrogant people..
Back to what..?
To the life I bid farewell? To the people I've erased from my life? To the land where I sinned and wronged myself? To the land where the rights of Allah is crushed under the feet? To the land where people are extremely oppressed and they don't even realize it?
To the life where I will be humiliated for choosing this path? To the life where it is all about this dunya and not the hereafter..
You know this feeling when you feel you don't belong there? Your soul is constricted and heavy like it is imprisoned..
Like it doesn't resonate there.. like your soul belongs elsewhere..
Altho things are hard.. my soul feels like it found it's home..
I want to grow old and die here.. I want to marry and have children here.. build my life here.. I want to die martyred while my body is buried in these lands and is mixed with it's soil..
It is the enemies that made things hard..
Why isn't it normal for us?
If we go back we would be locked up forever. Our wings would be clipped and our feet will be chained forever. Don't you see what's happening to those like me there? They're in the dungeons of the enemies and their families are living in hardship. There's no place for me there anymore.
Here we are free.
Amidst the war and under the hands of the enemies.. behind bars and fences, we are free.
And life there is like a canvas with no color
If only you feel the same happiness.. you will understand my feelings
Its like soaring in the sky.. with no limit.. with no one to hold you back.. that feeling..
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
We would like to collect sadaqa to help the mothers who have their sons in the merkez (prison for teenager).
Several mothers have come to ask for our help. And we would like to answer their requests insha allah.
?The Kurds told the mothers that they have until Sunday to send the money to their children.?
Share this post to the best of your abilities insha Allah. may Allah reward you. We would like to help at least 6 boys from the merkez.
Contact us: @Donation_for_merkez
Jazakum allahu khayran
? NEW (Updated!) | The Aqeedah of Ahlul Sunnah Wal Jama’ah
— Shaykh Musa Jibril حفظه الله
A heartbreaking experience of a sister inside.
27.01.2024/ Raid in Camp Hol
The morning started at Fajr, with fully equipped guards surrounding us. Hammvees driving up and down the phases. At 8.30am we stood outside our khaima (tent) prepared with all our belonging, unaware of what to expect and how long this would take. I grabbed a blanket as it was very cold. They escorted us to an open area, where we waited in the cold until Asr.
When my turn came, we entered a big tent.
The tent was filled with many female guards where they checked our bags and done a full body check. After the check, they escorted us to another tent where they took pictures of sisters only. (not the children).
However, when my turn came, two American female guards took pictures of my family. After taking a picture of my daughter, she was told to sit aside, but I was told to go! I heard my daughter scream: "Mama they will take me to prison!!" I went to see what was going on and why she was screaming! I inquired what was the problem! She is my daughter and I am her mother! They took about 10 iris scans to see if they match and questioned me to see if she was my biological daughter.
After the questioning, they let us go! Alhamdulilah it was such a relief, but it only lasted a short while. The same American guard approaches me with 3 PKK soldiers and questions me to where my daughter is. My poor daughter was frightened, not knowing what they will do to her!
Once again, my daughter and I were escorted back to the tent for another check. Out of fear, my daughter was crying. The guards re-took iris scans another 5 times. They also questioned my daughter to only confuse her, but I stood firm beside her. We were told to sit aside and a PKK guard comes in with handcuffs. She grabbed our hands behind our back and put the handcuffs on me and my daughter. She blindfolded me and another sister that was beside me. My daughter began to cry out loud ..."mama mama"...wallah my heart was sinking.....not because of me....but because of my daughter and the worry of the rest of my family that was waiting outside for me.
At this point all I could do was make lots of dua and dhikr of Allah as only he can take me out of this situation I was in. An American comes and says "free those two!"
ALHAMDULILAH ALHAMDULILAH ALHAMDULILAH.... they took the hand cuffs off and we were free!!
Shaykh Mūsā Jibrīl (Shaykh Ahmad’s noble father) has been ill and in intense pain for most of the past month.
We request all the brothers and sisters to please keep him in your sincere Du’ās. May Allāh تعالى grant him a swift, complete recovery from his illness and make it a means of increasing his ranks. May Allāh preserve our beloved Imām upon goodness and grant him a long life full of good deeds.
Remember him and all the suffering, oppressed Muslims in your Du’ā in Sujūd during the last third of the night.
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Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago
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