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Spirituality Roots Channel

Love, Meditation all around the world.
All human beings spiritual, religious and no religious as brothers and sisters as one in the name of love ❤️

PS. No politics, no bitcoins pls

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1 month, 2 weeks ago

You've outgrown your surroundings. 🔥

1 month, 2 weeks ago

Exclusive vs Inclusive

Relationships and love are something many struggle with and constantly face conflict. How our trust is broken with our partner is based on how exclusive we are or how inclusive we are towards building a relationship.

Those who choose to be Inclusive meaning their body is open to everyone, not valuing themselves and spreading distrust in each individual person they meet. Slowly they are moving towards low self-esteem, lack of confidence, and not being valuable, cause of their own choice of being too inclusive to everyone no matter how honest they are to themselves and to the other person even if it's mutual. Inclusive are not into making a commitment only time past, want to enjoy the freedom of being irresponsible, not yet ready to grow up to be mature. Yet their own habits cause them to go into stress, unhappiness, addiction to smoking, addiction to drinking, and addiction to drugs because all those inclusive habits lead them towards being addicted to temporary joy which doesn't last long.

On the other hand, those who choose to be Exclusive meaning want to make a commitment and invest their time in just one person and their bodies are only open to the person they are really interested in. When your heart is committed to just one person and willing to be open and vulnerable with feeling safe and there is no fear of being caught or fear of cheating or fear of deceiving or fear of being used etc. When there is no fear and only Love is present then this union of a love relationship with honesty allows both to be elevated to a higher level of consciousness. Awaken the hormones of pure love, bliss, peace, compassion, kindness, unlimited joy, long-lasting contentment, and many more. Being Exclusive takes time, knowing the person, relying on the person during hard times, both committed to making investments of their time to be together no matter what obstacles come their way, and Respecting each other body by waiting when both are ready for the touch and being vulnerable in each other company, Both can trust each other with no doubt visiting in the minds. Such a union will always elevate each other and the people who are around them. They are free from drugs, free from addictions, free from attachment, free from controlling, free from depression, free from anxiety, free from wanting more, free from fear as they both will empower each other to face their fear with mindfulness.

What kind of Relationship do you want Exclusive or Inclusive?

1 month, 2 weeks ago

Who is your Friend ?

We all learn to make friends in school and when we find our match then we choose these friends to be lifelong friends, along the way some friends move away, change schools, or quit school. Whatever the reason if the enjoyment with this friend is really good, no matter the distance we will make an effort to keep them in our life.

By the time we go to college, our childhood friend doesn't move with us to the same college we have to make an effort to connect with new friends again to build a bond so strong that we enjoy college life. During Lunch time we can observe and spot a group of friends hanging out based on popularity, nerds, sporty, fashion, introvert, extrovert, etc. There are verities of friends that we can pick who we want to hang out with and we have to copy them to fit in to feel belong, sometime these groups of friends will pick you to be part of the gang.

Let's think outside the box now with this same concept of friendship with our Habits and traits.

Popular Group of Friends:

Unpopular Group of Friends:

Which group of Friends would you want to hang out with and which group of friends you are willing to let go of. Some friend that comes towards you do they bring something that will benefit your life or do they bring some habits that cause you to get the flu (influence) Have you ever spread your influence onto others or did you allow their influence to change you to feel belong. Did you like yourself after you chose to continue hanging out with those groups of friends who influence your daily life?

1 month, 3 weeks ago


Have you ever been Banned I have many times and this time the Banned is one full month. Turn out Telegram will take report of any individual seriously and will make sure the person will have no permission to text in any group. This is putting power in public hands if anyone dislikes you they can just report you and ban you from participating in groups.

It's like pushing the person into isolation just cause you have hurt my emotions and I shall report you so you can't share your post or ideas or lesson you learn with anyone anymore. I will not give you a chance to make some changes in other people's lives or influence others with your truthfulness.

I have a choice to get upset or see the bright side.
I tell myself I am getting vacation for one month while I have one month of vacation not allowed to share with anyone what I learned I can still share in the channel that I owned and groups I created. Sometimes negative thoughts do come saying what if the owner of the telegram banned you from the telegram itself then all that you share in the group and in the channel will be gone for good or will be deserted and all that I have shared will be gone like as if I didn't exist at all. This does make me feel a bit sad and wants to cry and yet I tell myself what if I am dead everything I share will also disappear as well so why cry or feel sad. Telegram owners will have the power of the channel and can keep it active or deactivate that is again their choice as well. However, I trust in the Divine in everyone so the Divine in them will 100 keep the channel active so others can still benefit from it.

One heart still says to always have backup plans just in case want to pass on the lesson to the next generation in Books.

Plus Point:
Can still share in the group that I am Admin. Am grateful that I am allowed to express and share my lesson freely in all those groups that have promoted me to be Admin, without you all I would feel and think "Am I useless" "Am I not needed anymore"

Negative thoughts like to visit when it knows that what the owner love is gone it will come to visit me to cause me pain with lots of whisper saying lots of things. It's like uninvited friend come to stay and doesn't want to leave. It just left cause it doesn't like to be expose.

How will you handle the situation when you are banned ?

1 month, 3 weeks ago

"We are the inheritors of millions and millions of years of successfully lived lives and successful adaptations to changing conditions in the natural world. Now the challenge passes to us, the living, that the yet-to-be-born may have a place to put their feet and a sky to walk under; and that's what the psychedelic experience is about, is caring for, empowering, and building a future that honours the past, honours the planet and honours the power of the human imagination. There is nothing as powerful, as capable of transforming itself and the planet, as the human imagination. Let's not sell it straight. Let's not whore ourselves to nitwit ideologies. Let's not give our control over to the least among us. Rather, you know, claim your place in the sun and go forward into the light. The tools are there; the path is known;you simply have to turn your back on a culture that has gone sterile and dead, and get with the programme of a living world & a re-empowerment of the imagination."
-Terence McKenna

1 month, 4 weeks ago

This simple awareness shift can changed your life.

Think of all your thoughts and emotions like clouds.

Some days, your mental sky is filled with light white clouds — happy thoughts.

Other days, those dark storm clouds roll in — anger, sadness, or overwhelm.

Just like the weather, our inner world is always changing.

Yet, it's essential to remember that we are not the weather.

We're the vast, open sky that stays constant under the ever-changing clouds.

But how can this metaphor help you?

Well... when you start to notice your “passing clouds,” you can learn to detach and handle them better.

You can observe your thoughts and feelings come and go without getting too caught up in them.

This practice, inspired by ancient Buddhist teachings, is the very fundamental aspect of meditation: the more you become aware of your thoughts and emotions, the more you will see that you'll rise above them.

Your worst enemy cannot hurt you as much as your own unguided thoughts.
— Buddha

Love this quote so much.

It's so true... Your uncontrolled thoughts and emotions are indeed your greatest enemy.

While these experiences are inevitable, you can always choose how to respond to them.

In modern terms, this is called cognitive defusion (seeing our thoughts as separate from ourselves).

So every time you think a "bad" thought, simply pause and observe it.

Not every thought or emotion needs your attention and energy.

You don't have to accept them as truth.

You will see how, just like clouds, they will change, and eventually fade away.

With a less reactive mind, you'll be able to see situations more clearly and make better decisions.

You can feel anger without being consumed by it, and experience sadness without letting it define you.

Rather than being your thoughts and emotions, be the awareness behind them.
— Eckhart Tolle

This simply awareness shift, as I mentioned, truly changes everything.

And the best way to begin practicing is with your eyes closed.

Start with just a few minutes each day. Find a quiet spot, close your eyes, and focus on your breath.

As thoughts and emotions arise, simply observe them without judgment.

Notice them passing through your mind like clouds across the sky.

By practicing mindfulness, you are literally building the muscle of awareness, no different than how you build a muscle at the gym.

Remember, it's not about stopping your thoughts.

It's about changing your relationship with them.

3 months, 3 weeks ago

We are currently in this massive shift. Why? Because each and every one of us contributes to speaking the truth, sharing it and standing up for it.
We have to be the CHANGE

All hands on deck


3 months, 4 weeks ago
Spirituality Roots Channel
3 months, 4 weeks ago
4 months ago
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