Russian House in Colombo

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2 months, 2 weeks ago
Russian House in Colombo
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Russian House in Colombo
2 months, 2 weeks ago

The Ural Federal University took 6th place in the new RAEX ranking of the employers' demand for graduates. According to this indicator, the university rose by two lines over the year and surpassed other federal universities in the country.

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5 months ago

Герой России, летчик-космонавт Андрей Борисенко обратился к Русскому дому в Коломбо по случаю долгожданной премьеры документального фильма «След Гагарина на Цейлоне».
Совершив два космических полета и проведя на орбите 377 суток, Андрей Борисенко возглавляет Центр подготовки космонавтов им. Ю.А. Гагарина.
Узнав об авторском проекте Русского Дома в Коломбо, посвященном первому человеку в космосе, космонавт поддержал нашу команду в своем видео-приветствии ?

5 months ago

A multi-sectoral business mission has opened in Dubai: 29 Russian companies are presenting their products and services under the "Made in Russia" brand.
Potential partners from the UAE and other Middle Eastern countries will be able to assess domestic achievements in the field of high technology.

5 months ago

Russia developed world's first medication for Bekhterev’s disease
This disease typically affects the spine and large joints and can lead to reduced mobility.
It is reported that testing has shown that the medication is highly effective and safe and can completely prevent the progression of the disease.
The invention was made by scientists from the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, the Shemyakin–Ovchinnikov Institute of bioorganic chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as the domestic pharmaceutical company BIOCAD.

5 months, 1 week ago

Russia developed carbon footprint calculator
It is based on an algorithm, created by Roslesinforg specialists as a result of analyzing a large amount data on sources of environmentally harmful emissions.
There're plans to use the invention at factories. It will help to estimate how many trees need to be planted to compensate for the carbon footprint.

5 months, 1 week ago

Roscongress named the main theme of this year's St. Petersburg International Economic Forum "The basis of multipolarity - formation of new growth centers".
The theme was chosen due to the urgency of the problem, namely, the transformation of the system of international relations.
The main program of the forum will include four thematic blocks, which meet the main mission of the forum to maintain the global balance of power and build a multipolar international system, to provide conditions for development on the basis of a unifying and constructive agenda dictated by the national interests of Russia.

5 months, 1 week ago

Roscongress named the main theme of this year's St. Petersburg International Economic Forum "The basis of multipolarity - formation of new growth centers".
The theme was chosen due to the urgency of the problem, namely, the transformation of the system of international relations.
The main program of the forum will include four thematic blocks, which meet the main mission of the forum to maintain the global balance of power and build a multipolar international system, to provide conditions for development on the basis of a unifying and constructive agenda dictated by the national interests of Russia.

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