✅ Kanal rivojiga hissa qo'shish uchun quyidagi havola orqali o'tib, donat (ehson) qilish mumkin. Bu mutlaqo xavfsiz.
✉️ https://tirikchilik.uz/grammarnotes
Donat uchun karta raqami: 8600332998853000
? Kanal asoschisi: @kh_atajanov
Last updated hace 1 mes, 2 semanas
IELTS - muvaffaqiyatli kelajagingiz garovi!
O‘zbekiston Respublikasida xorijiy tillarni o‘rganishni ommalashtirish faoliyatini sifat jihatidan yangi bosqichga olib chiqish.
Certificate: 765017
Hamkorlik va reklama: @IELTSuzbekistan_bot
Last updated hace 3 años, 3 meses
Xush kelibsiz, Ange
Xush kelibsiz, Gulbahor
Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (U,V,W)
✅ unpleasant TO sb -…ga yoqimsiz
✅ upset ABOUT sth -…dan xafa
✅ use (OUT OF) - foydalanilmaydi
✅ use (IN) - foydalaniladi
✅ use sth UP (ph.v) - ishlatib boʻlmoq
✅ useful FOR sb - foydali
✅ vain (IN) - bekorga
✅ value AT (v) - baholamoq
✅ value TO sb (OF) - ahamiyatli boʻlmoq
✅ various FROM sth -…dan farqli
✅ view OF (IN) - hisobga olib
✅ voyage TO smwh -…ga sayohat
✅ voyage (ON a) - sayohatda (dengiz)
✅ wait FOR sth/sb - …ni kutmoq
✅ wake UP (ph.v) - uyg'onmoq
✅ walk (go FOR a) – sayrga chiqmoq
✅ walk ON sth - ustida yurmoq
✅ walk UP TO sb (ph.v) - yoniga kelmoq
✅ war (AT) - urush holatida
✅ warn ABOUT/OF sth -…dan ogohlantirmoq
✅ wash DOWN (ph.v) - ichib yubormoq
✅ wash UP (ph.v) - idishlarni yuvmoq
✅ watch OUT - ehtiyot boʻl (undov)
✅ way (BY the) - aytgancha
✅ way (ON the) - yoʻlda
✅ wear AWAY (ph.v) – yemirilmoq(tosh, yog’och), sekin o’tmoq (vaqt)
✅ wear sb/sth DOWN (ph.v) – qarshilikni yengmoq
✅ weigh UP -tarozida tortmoq
✅ welcome … sb TO a place - kutib olmoq
✅ withdraw FROM sth - tortib olmoq, olib chiqib ketmoq
✅ wonder AT sth -…dan hayratlanmoq
✅ wounded IN the shoulder- yelkasidan yaralangan
✅ words (IN) - soʻzlarda
✅ work (OUT OF) - ishsiz
Xush kelibsiz, Patience
Suv – obi hayot!
? Drinking water - toza ichimlik suvi
There is no source of drinking water on the island.
? Tap water – vadaparavod suvi
The tap water is not safe to drink.
? Bottled water – idishli suv
Sales of bottled water have rocketed.
? Mineral water – gaz,mineral suv
The mineral water comes from the Scottish
? Spring water – buloq,chashma suvi
I ordered a glass of spring water.
? Fresh water – musaffo,toza suv
This bird is usually found in open country near fresh water.
? Salt water – sho’r suv
He washed his hands in a pool of salt water.
? Lukewarm water – iliq suv
Stir the yeast into lukewarm water.
? Soft water – mayin suv
In our area the water is quite soft.
?Contaminated water – ifloslangan suv
They became ill from drinking contaminated water.
? Water leaks – suv sizib oqmoq
Water had leaked into the cellar.
? Water drips – suv tomchilari
Water dripped from his coat onto the floor.
✅ Kanal rivojiga hissa qo'shish uchun quyidagi havola orqali o'tib, donat (ehson) qilish mumkin. Bu mutlaqo xavfsiz.
✉️ https://tirikchilik.uz/grammarnotes
Donat uchun karta raqami: 8600332998853000
? Kanal asoschisi: @kh_atajanov
Last updated hace 1 mes, 2 semanas
IELTS - muvaffaqiyatli kelajagingiz garovi!
O‘zbekiston Respublikasida xorijiy tillarni o‘rganishni ommalashtirish faoliyatini sifat jihatidan yangi bosqichga olib chiqish.
Certificate: 765017
Hamkorlik va reklama: @IELTSuzbekistan_bot
Last updated hace 3 años, 3 meses