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??? : @mobsec_ads
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Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
رسانه خبری _ تحلیلی «مثلث»
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تازهترین اخبار ایران و جهان
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Last updated 2 months ago
Rhino 9 Feature: Block Attribute Extract
FillSrf: add history support
!!!!There was a problem with the command specifically on AMD processors. That has now been fixed.
OpenNURBS: Added new C++ SDK Tool ON_Curve::GetCurveSeparation()
ON_Curve::GetCurveSeparation() is a new openurbs C++ SDK tool that calculates the minimum and maximum separation points.
This is the information displayed by the CrvDeviation command.
This is an often requested piece of information in commands that fit a curve to another curve. There was no tool in C++ opennurbs to do this and the tool in TL was obscure and hard to call.
The motivation for adding this tool was to fix the final known bug in C++ Elmo - users wanted the separation reported i Elmo to be the same as what they saw in the CrvDeviation command.
Grasshopper: Custom Preview of Annotation Dots with Color
SDK: Added RhinoCurveBooleanIntersection SDK function
Calculate common regions among a list of curves
InCurves - [in] An array of curves.
plane - [in] Regions will be found in the projection of the curves to this plane.
tolerance - [in] Function tolerance. When in doubt, use the document's model absolute tolerance.
PlanarCurves - [out] The region curves. Note, memory for these curves is allocated and is the responsibility of the caller.
OutRegions - [out] The indices and parameters for the members of PlanarCurves.
true if successful, false otherwise.
bool RhinoCurveBooleanIntersection(
const ON_SimpleArray& InCurves,
const ON_Plane& plane,
double tolerance,
ON_SimpleArray& PlanarCurves,
ON_ClassArray& OutRegions
TestMarkup in Rhino
Change the MarkupLayer setting from giving numbers to pointing to specific Layers by their name (including nested Layers)
Allow setting Colors with transparency.
More importantly than the second point: make every possible setting to be set by Layer.
Currently I can undo lines but I can’t redo them.
There must be some tool that would serve as an eraser, it should either affect only: a specific layer / current layer / all layers / only curves made by the TestMarkup command. The best would be to have different erasers for different linetypes.
I should be able to prepare a couple of TestMarkup macros that would resemble different tools (pencil, pen, marker) this could just mean different linetypes. Of course, there can be a “global eraser” but for the ease of drawing specific eraser should only affect specific linetypes (so it should have some kind of filter built-in). This way we can avoid erasing underlying sketches while erasing the “marker” lines without fiddling too much with the layer-locking system.
The current implementation of line tapering in Rhino is very odd. - It’s a good start for showing the technical ability, but usability is not there. Currently it’s good for drawing horsehair worms and similar stuff.
Wireframe geometry crashes ARM Windows Computers
On a Windows computer with an ARM chip (Snapdragon)
Run the box or sphere command to create geometry in a wireframe view
As soon as the command completes Rhino crashes.
This is a GPU driver crash. We need to detect Rhino running on this specific GPU and have wire drawing performed with a different set of instructions.
Grasshopper: Long processing times on change of Model Block Visibility > Content Cache
Tested in 8.12.24240.02001
Issue: When pushing visibility changes via content cache for 250 blocks there is an unexpected lag of 3 1/2 to 4 minutes to complete.
To repeat:
open users 3dm file and grasshopper file that are privately attached in a zip file.
change the 4 boolean inputs and Push Content.
Rebuild: not clear when preview is automatic
Looking at the code the preview is automatic when the total point count is below 500. But the preview button is always clickable, and it is not clear for the user when they should click Preview or if they are waiting for the automatic preview to finish.
Maybe it could be optimized that the preview button is enabled/disabled depending on if the previews are automatic, or by allowing the user to toggle automatic previews themselves.
NestedClippingDrawing: All option now creates clipping section drawings ordered by section names in alphabetical order
When I select the clipping planes manually (1)(2), the first section is created at the lower-left location. I was expecting it to be at the upper-left location. Maybe an option like FirstSEC=UpperLeft/LowerLeft is needed.
When the All option is used (3), the sections are created in a random order in this example. I think it makes sense to order the sections by names, and in https://docs.mcneel.com/rhino/8/help/en-us/index.htm#commands/layer.htm#NaturalSortOrder like the layer list does.
( اَلـفـبای تِکنولژے وَ ترفَنـد )
آمـوزش ، تـرفـند ، ابـزار
??? : @mobsec_ads
??? : @sudosup_bot
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
رسانه خبری _ تحلیلی «مثلث»
News & media website
تازهترین اخبار ایران و جهان
ارتباط با ما :
اینستاگرام ?
Last updated 2 months ago