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#Translated_Transcribed_Fatāwā_ (30)
بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم
Our Shaykh Abū Bilāl - may Allāh preserve him- was asked on 24th Dhul- Al-Qi'dah 1443 (23th June 2022):
A person vowed to slaughter two sheeps if provided with a child, then the child came out lifeless so does he have to fulfil the vow?
It depends on his intention; if the intention was [to slaughter] out of happiness and joy over the child and [prospect of] the benefit he will bring in the future - even if he did not say it out loud but this was his intention - he does not have to fulfil this vow because he intended a particular type of child, a child that would bring him happpiness, benefit him in the future and so on, not just any child.
But if he did not specify that, nor did it cross his mind and he simply said: "If I am provided with a child"; this [child] is still considered to be a provision and even if he does not benefit from him in this life, he will benefit from him in the hereafter - in sha Allāh - as he will intercede on his behalf in front of Allāh سبحانه وتعالى.
Translated by:
Abū Sufyān
Sāmi ibn Daniel Al-Ghāni
✒Read the fatwā in Arabic here:
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Related Question:
القناة الرسمية للشيخ أبي بلال الحضرمي
#سلسلة\_الفتاوى\_الصوتية\_المفرغة\_ (30 ) بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم ***📝******🔹***سئل شيخنا أبو بلال حفظه الله تعالى: شخص نذر إذا رُزِق بِولدٍ سيذبح شاتين ثم وُلِد الولدُ ميْتًا فهل يجب عليه الوفاء؟ ***📩******♦️***فأجاب حفظه الله: بحسب نيته، فإن كانت النية الفرح بهذا…
#Translated_Transcribed_Fatāwā_ (٢9)
بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم
Our Shaykh Abū Bilāl - may Allāh preserve him- was asked on 14th Dhul- Al-Qi'dah 1443 (13th June 2022):
The old Yemeni currency is only in the Houthi controlled regions, is it permissible to sell the new currency for the old currency?, for example he sells two thousand [riyal] of the new currency for one thousand [riyal] of the old currency?
It is harām, usury because the currency is one not different. The Yemeni currency is one and the people have indeed been dealing with this currency as a single currency and [this country as] a single country for a period of time and that is still the case so this transaction is usury. One thousand for two thousand or one thousand for five hundred, or more, or less, it is all harām. [It must be] one thousand for one thousand without any extra.
As for if the currencies are separate, the Saudi currency and the Yemeni currency for example, then there is no problem; a thousand Saudi riyal for three hundred Yemeni, five hundred Saudi for one hundred and fifty Yemani because the currencies differ. Likewise, there is also no problem with [buying] the dollar with the Yemeni or Saudi currency because the currencies differ. As for buying the Yemeni with the Yemeni with extra, this is harām.
Translated by:
Abū Sufyān
Sāmi ibn Daniel Al-Ghāni
✒Read the fatwā in Arabic here:
? Listen to the audio of the fatwā here:
القناة الرسمية للشيخ أبي بلال الحضرمي
#سلسلة\_الفتاوى\_الصوتية\_المفرغة\_ (٢٩) #بيع #شراء #العملة بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم ***📝******🔹***سئل شيخنا أبو بلال حفظه الله تعالى: في المناطق التي سَيْطَرَ عليها الحوثي العملة القديمة، هل يجوز بيع العملة الجديدة بالعملة القديمة مثلًا يبيع ألفين جديد بألف…
#Translated_Transcribed_Fatāwā_ (٢8)
بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم
Our Shaykh Abū Bilāl - may Allāh preserve him- was asked on ٢١st Dhul- Al-Qi'dah 1443 (20th June 2022):
What is the ruling of uncovering the face of the deceased before the funeral prayer after he has been washed and shrouded?
We do not advise this because some of the facial features they used to know may have changed which may make them think badly of him, even though he is a good man who this change may have occured to from the severity and pains of death, so he should not be thought badly of.
But if he has been prepared prior to being enshrouded then there is nothing wrong with that because Abū Bakr did indeed remove that covering from the Prophet ﷺ and kiss him.
As for after he has been enshrouded and presented for the prayer, we do not advise uncovering his face infront of the people because he may be thought badly of. They should leave him as he is, there is no need to uncover his face, but having said that it does not reach the point of being harām.
Translated by:
Abū Sufyān
Sāmi ibn Daniel Al-Ghāni
✒Read the fatwā in Arabic here:
? Listen to the audio of the fatwā here:
القناة الرسمية للشيخ أبي بلال الحضرمي
#سلسلة\_الفتاوى\_الصوتية\_المفرغة\_ (٢٨) بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم ***📝******🔹***سئل شيخنا أبو بلال حفظه الله تعالى: ما حكم كشف وجه الميت قبل صلاة الجنازة بعد غسله وتكفينه؟ ***📩******♦️***فأجاب حفظه الله: ما ننصح بهذا فإنه قد يحصل التغيُّر لبعض ملامح الوجه التي قد…
#Translated_Transcribed_Fatāwā_ (٢7)
بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم
Our Shaykh Abū Bilāl - may Allāh preserve him- was asked on 14th Dhul- Al-Qi'dah 1443 (13th June 2022):
In my country, Djibouti, we have the Government building houses and completing them. Thereafter any native may come forward to buy the house by paying a quarter or half its worth upfront, upon which he collects the key and becomes the homeowner.
He then pays the rest as soon as possible in installments each month through his monthly salary - not through a bank - which could take close to five years to pay off; what is the ruling on entering the likes of this transaction?
If this is out of compassion for the natives and the poor then this is a good act of generosity and this support from the goverment is praiseworthy.
However, there is something [that needs to be confirmed] which is; if he misses an installment will the outstanding amount be increased? because if the outstanding amount is increased when he makes a late payment - whether they increase it by a little or a lot - this is not permissible, [it is] harām because it is an interest based agreement.
Likewise, if the poor person becomes unable to pay the outstanding amount and would like to withdraw, will he be given back the money he put in or will the Government keep it?. If these two factors exist in the contract then this contract is unlawful, harām and an unjust consumption of peoples wealth.
Translated by:
Abū Sufyān
Sāmi ibn Daniel Al-Ghāni
✒Read the fatwā in Arabic here:
? Listen to the audio of the fatwā here:
القناة الرسمية للشيخ أبي بلال الحضرمي
#سلسلة\_الفتاوى\_الصوتية\_المفرغة\_ (27 ) بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم ***📝******🔹***سئل شيخنا أبو بلال حفظه الله تعالى: السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته، عندنا في بلادي جبوتي تبني الدولة بيوتًا وتُكمِلها ثم يتقدم من يريد من أفراد الشعب لامتلاك البيت ويدفع مبلغًا…
#Translated_Transcribed_Fatāwā_ (٢6)
بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم
Our Shaykh Abū Bilāl - may Allāh preserve him- was asked on 16th Dhul- Al-Qi'dah 1443 ( 15th June 2022):
A man paid a sum of money to one of the residents of Makkah to perform hajj on his behalf in the year in which Non-Saudi residents were prevented from performing hajj due to corona, is his hajj valid?
Yes, his hajj is valid with or without this reason, although it is better for hajj to be performed on behalf of another from the place of his residence, according to a nunber of the scholars this is mustahab.
However, if one were to perform hajj on behalf of someone else without travelling from his place of residence and instead performs hajj directly from Makkah, this hajj is valid and with it the obligation of hajj is lifted from the deceased or incapable.
Translated by:
Abū Sufyān
Sāmi ibn Daniel Al-Ghāni
✒Read the fatwā in Arabic here:
? Listen to the audio of the fatwā here:
القناة الرسمية للشيخ أبي بلال الحضرمي
#سلسلة\_الفتاوى\_الصوتية\_المفرغة\_ (26 ) بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم ***📝******🔹***سئل شيخنا أبو بلال حفظه الله تعالى : رجل دفع مبلغًا من المال لأحد أهل مكة لِيحجّ عنه في السنة التي مُنِع غير أهل البلد من الحجّ بسبب كورونا، فهل حجّه صحيح؟ ***📩******♦️***فأجاب حفظه الله:…
#Translated_Transcribed_Fatāwā_ (٢٥)
بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم
Our Shaykh Abū Bilāl - may Allāh preserve him- was asked on ٧th Dhul- Al-Qi'dah 1443 (6th June 2022):
Is the prayer in every masjid within the confines of The Haram equal to one hundred thousand prayers outside of it?
What is correct is that it is not because it has come in some narrations: "the masjid of The Ka'bah" (١) and these narrations restrict the unrestricted narrations because [what is mant by] the unrestricted goes back to the restricted and a narration has indeed come restricting it to "the masjid of The Ka'bah" which means in it [alone] is [the reward of] one hundred thousand prayers.
However one is not deprived of an increase [in reward] in the other masājid within the confines of the haram, for indeed when Allāhs Messenger ﷺ was outside The Haram during the Treaty of Hudaibiyah he would leave and enter The Haram when the time came for the prayer, thus showing the virtue of prayer in the haram of Makkah whether it is in 'The House' itself, the other masājid or a piece of land in the haram, for indeed Allāh's Messenger ﷺ sought it out when the time for the prayer came at Hudaibiyah.
As for the one hudred thousand, it is in the masjid of the Ka'bah. Those [other masājid in the boundaries of the haram] contain extra [reward] but not like the masjid of the Ka'bah.
Translated by:
Abū Sufyān
Sāmi ibn Daniel Al-Ghāni
✒Read the fatwā in Arabic here:
? Listen to the audio of the fatwā here:
القناة الرسمية للشيخ أبي بلال الحضرمي
#سلسلة\_الفتاوى\_الصوتية\_المفرغة\_ (٢٥) #مكة #الحرم بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم ***📝******🔹***سئل شيخنا أبو بلال حفظه الله تعالى: هل الصلاة في كل مسجد داخل حدود الحرم تساوي مائة ألف صلاة خارجه؟ ***📩******♦️***فأجاب حفظه الله: الصحيح، لا، لأنه قد جاء في بعض روايات: "مسجد…
#Translated_Transcribed_Fatāwā_ (24)
بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم
Our Shaykh Abū Bilāl - may Allāh preserve him- was asked on 19th Ramadhān 1443 (20th April 2022):
Is it permissible to buy food and clothing for the poor with the money from zakāt or must they be given the money?
The precedent is to give the money to them, not to spend their money, perhaps they are in need of other than what you buy for them, so do not spend their money.
The precedent is that you give the money to them, unless they are financially irresponsible and incompetent, because Allāh has prohibited giving money to the incompetent:
(وَلَا تُؤْتُوا۟ ٱلسُّفَهَآءَ أمْوَٰلَكُمُ ٱلَّتِى جَعَلَ ٱللَّهُ لَكُمْ قِيَٰمًا).
(And do not give the incompetent your wealth, which Allah has made a means of sustenance for you).
(An-Nisa': 5)
So the money is given to the guardian and he buys for him what he needs using his money and the zakāt that comes to him. He may even be an adult that is incompetent, for indeed the term incompetent applies to the financially irresponsible even if he is mature, (for example) he buys qāt, wastes the money and does not buy the needs of his household, (in this case) there is nothing wrong with the one giving the zakāt buying what he needs for him.
If it is during the 'Eids, he buys the food and clothes etc. that they need and saves some of the money if it is a lot. In this case there is nothing wrong with buying for them, but if it is not like this or that then the precedent is for the money to be given to them.
Translated by:
Abū Sufyān
Sāmi ibn Daniel Al-Ghāni
✒Read the fatwā in Arabic here:
القناة الرسمية للشيخ أبي بلال الحضرمي
#سلسلة\_الفتاوى\_الصوتية\_المفرغة\_ (٢٤) #الزكاة بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم ***📝******🔹***سئل شيخنا أبو بلال حفظه الله تعالى: هل يجوز أن يُشترى بمال الزكاة ملابس وأطعمة للمساكين أو لا بُدّ أن يُعطَوا المال؟ ***📩******♦️***فأجاب حفظه الله: الأصل هو إعطاؤهم المال وعدم…
Our Sheikh Abū Bilāl - may Allāh preserve him - said:
There is no trace of Allāh's Messenger ﷺ left to seek barakah from except The Sunnah, so it is upon us to seek its barakah and act upon it.
Translated by:
Abū Sufyān
Sāmi ibn Daniel Al-Ghāni
Lesson: Sahih Al-Bukhāri
3rd Dhul-Qiadah 1443H
3rd June 2022
✒Read the Arabic here:
القناة الرسمية للشيخ أبي بلال الحضرمي
قال شيخنا أبو بلال حفظه الله: ما بقي شيء من آثار رسول الله ﷺ يُتبرَّك بها إلا السنة؛ فينبغي أن نتبرَّك بها ونعمل بها. ═══✺✺ ═ درس صحيح البخاري ليلة الجمعة ٣ ذو القعدة ١٤٤٣ه
Our Sheikh Abū Bilāl - may Allāh preserve him - said on 1st Dhul-Qiadah 1443H (1st June 2022):
From the worst stinginess is being stingy with knowledge.
Translated by:
Abū Sufyān
Sāmi ibn Daniel Al-Ghāni
✒Read the Arabic here:
القناة الرسمية للشيخ أبي بلال الحضرمي
قال شيخنا أبو بلال حفظه الله: من أشد البخل البخل بالعلم. ═══✺✺ ═ درس الزهد لابن المبارك يوم الأربعاء ١ ذو القعدة ١٤٤٣ه
#Translated_Transcribed_Fatāwā_ (23)
بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم
Our Shaykh Abū Bilāl - may Allāh preserve him- was asked on 25th Ramadhān 1443 (26th April 2022):
A woman took medication to prevent herself from menstruating before 'umrah, but since she missed the time to take it she has continued to bleed for ten days; should she consider this blood to be 'istihādah' and fast Ramadhān?
If this blood appeared at the time of her menstruation and in it's well-known form then it is menstrual blood, even if it continues for more or less than the normal duration, therefore she cannot fast or pray.
But if it appeared outside the time of her menstruation and not in it's well-known form then it is 'istihādah': 'fasād' blood (1) due to her not completing the dosage.
Menstruation is usually seven days, but a small increase on the normal duration, such as three days, is inconsequential, so she should refrain from fasting and praying until this bleeding subsides.
If it continues after that into the next month, she should go back to her usual duration - if she has a usual duration - and then perform ghusl after it [has ended] and disregard the extra blood that comes out after that by fasting, praying and her husband engaging with her in the way clean women are engaged with.
What is correct is that there is no minimum or maximum duration of menstruation. Although, according to the Hanbali's the maximum duration of menstruation is fifteen days, so whoever acts upon their saying should not be blamed, this saying is good.
(1.) Our Sheikh, Abū Bilāl - may Allāh preserve him said: 'fasād blood' and 'istihādah' are the same, which is [the blood] that comes out after the menstrual bleeding has ended. It may also occur outside the time of menstruation and not in the form of menstrual blood.
Translated by:
Abū Sufyān
Sāmi ibn Daniel Al-Ghāni
✒Read the fatwā in Arabic here:
Related Question:
A woman took 'period delay tablets' and fasted the month of Ramadhān completely, so it was said to her: "you have to fast the days of your period again" and other than that was said to her, so what is the ruling in the religion?
القناة الرسمية للشيخ أبي بلال الحضرمي
#سلسلة\_الفتاوى\_الصوتية\_المفرغة\_ (٢٣) #النساء #الحيض ***📝******🔹***سئل شيخنا أبو بلال حفظه الله تعالى: امرأة تناولت أدويةً لمنع الحيض قبل العمرة، ومنذ أن فاتها وقت تناولها جاءها دمٌ مستمرٌ إلى الآن لمدة عشرة أيّام، فهل تَعتبره استحاضة فتصوم رمضان؟ ***📩******♦️***فأجاب حفظه الله:…
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