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Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago
If you want to do your patriotic duty and alert the authorities to any illegals in your area, ICE has a way to do so.
📍Ferndale, Michigan.
Two Dutch WLM activists have been convicted and sentenced to six months imprisonment for laser-projecting the benign phrase "white lives matter" and the 14 words onto the Erasmus Bridge in the Netherlands.
Please donate at least €5 to their GiveSendGo to fund their appeal in higher court:
Activism. No Pro-White should idle in the face of this absurd injustice. Our race spans the globe — shake it!
Free John — Free Daniil
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.
• Dutch Dissident - Updates:
• White Lives Matter Official - Source initiative of the laser activism:
• Active Club Dietsland - Get Active Dutchmen! :
?**In the author's opinion, the reason why the pro-White community has made virtually no progress since the 1940s is precisely because of poor messaging and strategy.
Many people have co-opted the pro-White community to serve their financial purposes. Some were gatekeeping infiltrators to begin with. Most simply needed a refuge.
✡As jews & marxists consolidated power after WW2 in virtually all parts of the governments, media and culture, the pro-White movement was pushed underground. The same jews and marxists painted any pro-White person as being an "ignorant nazi" ready to smash "innocent" non-Whites' heads for no reason.
Although National Socialism was anything but, the false portrayal of its ideals and the creation of various "nazi" stereotypes - the most common being a "a foul mouthed, unemployed, ignorant, uneducated and marginalized person hated by everyone in their community" - lead to a large influx of, for a lack of better word, marginalized White People into the "movement".
For a long time, the "movement" was ridden with people with nothing else to offer to the world other than insults and name calling. It was a win-win situation for the anti-Whites and the "movementarians" alike, and a total DEFEAT for the White race.
On the one hand, the marginalized people who started taking pro-White views, suddenly belonged to something, suddenly had a purpose and were not irrelevant anymore. They could say "I'm the stereotype, you are not, therefore I am cooler, I am something." While their intentions might have been good, the message and delivery only drove people away.
On the other hand, the jewish & marxist elite could not believe their eyes how easy it was to transform Nationalism from a movement of intellectuals, family men and noble heroes into a bunch of disgruntled people seemingly deriving their will not out of love for their children, but out of addiction to shock-value interactions.
??This, of course, led to the rejection of the explicitly pro-White ideas in the public discourse. It made intellectuals, family men and heroes fall for the globalist trap precisely because the pro-White reach at the time was faulty. No White Person will align themselves with people shouting "nigger" randomly in the streets, but they will definitely resonate with an initiative that tries to create a better future for White Children, and delivering that message in a White way.
?To be clear: at WLM, since April 2021 (we have just a name similarity to any prior "WLM" groups - we are a new initiative), we have tried to create a new way of thinking, delivering and acting. A new form of pro-White activism. That is, being and acting explicitly pro-White in an appealing manner, without any political, religious add-ons.
For us, being part of the race means more than simply possessing the genetics and definitely more than spewing insults or value-shock messaging at our people. We are an initiative of mothers, fathers, builders, farmers, doctors, lawyers, soldiers, software engineers, entrepreneurs, students and so on. We want to be mainstream. We want a pro-White WORLD.
??♂️Ask yourself, if the whole world was White, would you still be a valuable asset to the race? Do you bring any value to White Children? Would other White People allow you to speak for them? Can you make a compelling argument in favour of the 14 words?
????It is not too late to join the family. The past is the past and while we can continuously learn from it, it is imperative to think of the present and shape the future. If you agree with the viewpoint, get involved in your state at @wlmcontactbot. We particularly look for people with leadership qualities.
TL;DR: The 'group first' instead of RACE FIRST mentality is killing our race. "Nigger" shouting is driving our people away from pro-White ideas. Civnats are anti-White. We can only win this by making the "movement" mainstream, not underground. You won't be as special when 99% of Whites will be explicity pro-White. You will have to bring value with your character and actions.
? on this last post from our Alabama brothers. Too many snakes wriggling their way into our groups to destroy them from the inside.
Community chat:
Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago