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2 weeks, 2 days ago

Labour are weak on crime and weak on the causes of crime!


The government will announce plans on Friday to release prisoners early to stop jails becoming full, the BBC has confirmed.

Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood is expected to set out a suite of emergency measures to free up space in prisons.

The main measure will be automatically releasing prisoners on "standard determinate sentences" after they have served 40% of their sentence, government sources confirmed.

Currently they are released after serving 50% of their sentence.

There will be exemptions for sexual and serious violent offenders.'

The term served has regularly been reduced over the decades/years from 100% - 75%(?) - 66% - 50% and now to 40%! A crime is a crime is a crime. Liebour striking early to appease the liberal-left in our society?

2 weeks, 2 days ago

The ongoing saga of child grooming and sexploitation in Rotherham! Ignored and 'swept under the carpet' by the town's authorities for TOO MANY YEARS!


A former taxi driver who used his car to prey on and sexually abuse children as young as 12 has been jailed for 13 years.

Adam Ali, formerly known as Razwan Rasaq, targeted and attacked vulnerable girls in Rotherham between 2002 and 2004.

In May, a jury at Sheffield Crown Court found Ali, 43, of Washington Road, Sheffield, guilty of four counts of rape and three counts of sexual assault in relation to two victims.

Ali, who was released from prison in 2023 for separate sexual offences, has also been made subject to a sexual harm prevention order for 15 years.'

British Democrats Chairman Dr Jim Lewthwaite, served on Bradford Council representing Wyke ward between 2004 and 2007, where he tried to persuade the Council to tackle the scandal of grooming. However, none of the other parties would support him.

British Democrats will protect our children and tackle the sexual predators and the issue of 'groomng' which should be defined as Gang Rape!

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2 weeks, 3 days ago

We all know what's happened to many of the 'promises' made by Lib-Lab-Con in the past don't we!


Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has said the UK has a "cast iron commitment" to spending 2.5% of national income on defence - but is still refusing to put a timeline on when the promise will be delivered.

Sir Keir has travelled to Washington for the annual summit of the Nato defence alliance, less than a week after he won the general election.

He and his wife Victoria have been invited to the White House by President Joe Biden.

The prime minister has said the new government will begin a review of the defence capabilities the country needs in the future, which will set out a "roadmap" to reaching the 2.5% target.'

....We'll believe it IF/WHEN we see it!

3 weeks, 1 day ago

There are plenty of British people who want the permanent settlement of migrants stopped!

Many of them voted for the Farage/Reform roadshow yesterday because they had no other option available.

The UK needs a real and credible anti-immigration party. That party is the British Democrats!

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British Democrats

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The Party of British Identity

There are plenty of British people who want the permanent settlement of migrants stopped!
3 weeks, 1 day ago

THANK YOU to our candidates and activists for putting in another solid campaign.

Our best result was Doncaster North where we received a credible 1,160 votes. beating several parties including the Liberal Democrats!

This was the first time we stood in Doncaster which bodes well, indicating how we can build on the result 👏


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3 weeks, 1 day ago
Well done Frank!

Well done Frank!

British Democrat candidate Frank Calladine received a very credible 1,160 votes in Doncaster North, beating several parties including the Liberal Democrats!

This was the first time we have stood a candidate at any election in Doncaster!

Frank also beat, the Yorkshire Party, Party of Women, and TUSC.

Well done to Frank and our team of superb activists for all their hard work achieving this solid result.

Onwards and upwards!

3 months ago

This could be the beginning of the end for the SNP leader!

The Independent

Scottish government coalition collapses as SNP end power-sharing with Greens

The decision came after first minister Mr Yousaf called an emergency meeting of the Scottish cabinet to address growing tensions between the Scottish Greens and the SNP

This could be the beginning of the end for the SNP leader!
3 months ago

By David Fleming

Report from Norfolk.

Yet again West Norfolk Council has been given a high profile by the Lynn News, this time a vacancy arising for the post of Chief Executive Officer. The salary on offer is at least £136,000 per annum, which is more than Government Cabinet Ministers and not far short of the Prime Minister's income. Will the successful applicant be worth this remuneration, paid for by the Council taxpayer? I do not think so with perpetual Municipal under performing!

The job description looks demanding and impressive, but many tasks get delegated as I discovered when serving in Local Government and annual leave for purported respite is generous which the private sector couldn't afford. The post used to be known as 'Jobs For The Boys', nowadays an outdated term. There are anomalies on these gravy trains where Chief Executives attend conferences and seminars in top hotels with all expenses paid. They are politicised with no relevance to mundane Council functions such as local services, refuse collections and street lighting.

Take the Electoral Registration Office as an example where Chief Executives are cosied up in sumptuous offices, inaccessible to the electorate, perusing promulgations and bulletins. They condescendingly annotate nomination forms, at election times, while their staff do all the hard work on modest incomes. The Returning Officer at counts reads out the number of votes cast for the candidates, what a hardship. £136,000 a year is nice money if you can get it.

5 months ago
In Essex today. Our activities are …

In Essex today. Our activities are increasing thanks to our great teams around the country 💪

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