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Maths By Gagan Pratap is a channel which helps you to prepare for all gov. exams.
Gagan Pratap Sir is providing high quality education on Careerwill App for various competitive exams
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Last updated 1 month ago
There are so many founding fathers that we have never heard of before.
Have you ever heard of the Reverend John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg?... a Pastor from Pennsylvania who fought in the American Revolution and later served in Congress, helping to shape the Bill of Rights?
I didn't either. Get educated!!
Like many, I’m still processing yesterday.
Lots of questions about whether the shooting was staged.
The assassination attempt was real. No doubt in my mind.
The question for me is whether there was a line of sight for a real marksman behind the patsy (20 year old Thomas Matthew Crooks) we are all supposed to believe clipped the President’s ear.
I believe Thomas Matthew Crooks was sent there to die.
He shouldn’t have been on that rooftop.
He was let on that rooftop.
Whatever entity that had the wherewithal to recruit him, brainwash him, provide him access, have security stand down, and now marshal all snake news media to focus on Crooks alone, can sure as hell arrange for an expert marksman none of us saw.
Too many questions.
All fingers point back to the agencies that have screwed over the American people.
The quickest way to end a political discussion with a highly opinionated person who's not afraid to try to "school" you:
Ask 2 questions.
1. Can you name the 3 branches of government?
2. Can you name the 5 freedoms in the 1st amendment?
70% of the time, they won't know the answers. The goal isn't to be condescending and show them how smart you are, but to plant in them a hunger for truth and maybe, just maybe make them realize that there is so much more to learn before developing such strong opinions.
Something occurs to me today as I'm driving through the Pittsburgh area... When brand new medical facilities that are nicer than some hotels are popping up on every other street corner, I'm fairly certain the "medical field" is no longer about our health... If you didn't figure that out in 2020, hopefully you get it by now.
Somehow it brings me peace to honor her memory on Mother's Day by sharing just a little bit of her testimony.
I miss her every day. ?
If you still have your momma here on earth, honor her... not just today, but every day you have with her. She won't be here forever.
A Tribute To My Mother
Topic: Life Lessons
Trump's rally in New Jersey, (a blue state surrounded by nothing other than supposedly blue states) had 80,000 people attend today.
Meanwhile Biden is crapping his pants in public spaces and can't draw a crowd of 1000 people anywhere he goes.
If we are denied a hand count of the paper ballots, NOBODY is going to believe a Biden victory in Pennsylvania.
What's more painful?
Watching the SOTU being given by a dementia ridden, illegitimate traitor?
Watching well meaning, but uninformed patriots tell a roomful of super voters to vote early and by mail?
Tough call. ?
Incredible interview. Worth the time. Make it a "movie night" with your friends or your hubby and watch this.
#savetherepublic ???⚔️
Common sense policies win the day at Southside Beaver!! This is why local action matters!!
Of course the Post Gazette puts a negative spin on it and paints the decision as an anti LGBTQ action, which it is clearly not when you read the policy.
The policy states the following:
1. The school has to notify parents if a child wants to change his or her pronouns.
2. If you were born with a donger, you have to use the boys' bathroom. If not, you have to use the girls' bathroom.
3. Again, if you were born with a donger, you play in boys sports. Otherwise, you play with girls. No Lia Thomas crap up in here, which I still don't understand how the feminists aren't up in arms over.
Common-freaking-sense!! ?
Captain K and I are coming to Erie! Spread the word!
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Maths By Gagan Pratap is a channel which helps you to prepare for all gov. exams.
Gagan Pratap Sir is providing high quality education on Careerwill App for various competitive exams
200 Crore Cash Prize Winner : Fantasy Cricket Expert : Cricket Trader : 32 Wheels : YouTuber / Content Creator : On a Mission
Instagram Channel: https://ig.me/j/AbbbdNImVuSuiesY/
Last updated 2 months ago
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Last updated 1 month ago