Stephen A. McNallen

Up-to-the-minute info and commentary by the author of "Asatru - A Native European Spirituality"... spiritual guide, activist, adventurer, and iconoclast, Stephen McNallen.
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7 months, 3 weeks ago

[email protected] - - -

As most readers of Wotan Network know, I want people to "throw the spear"...the spear of Wotan...meaning that I want them to engage in activism on behalf of our Folk and our native spirituality. This activism is non-violent, non-destructive, generally easy to do, and aimed at influencing the culture in which we live. Spirituality shapes culture, and culture shapes politics.

This activism includes stickering, leaving mysterious runic inscriptions in public places, posting selfies from the gym wearing Wotan Network merch, leafleting, documenting and sharing Wotan-rituals from the top of mountains (or hills, as the case may be), and more. I personally did what I call a "Wotan on the Drop Zone," offering a horn of mead to Wotan upon making a parachute jump...We're creative. If you want to get involved, drop me a line and/or check out The Wotan Network and the Wotan Network Activity channel on Telegram. There's good stuff there, but we need a little more variety. Contact me and let's get this moving.

"Wotan Network...OUR Folk...OUR gods...OUR Destiny!"

The Spear - essentially, the "field manual" for Wotan Network - can be ordered from Lulu as an actual book or in PDF form, or you can order it directly from me at [email protected]. Signed copies of my earlier book, Asatru: A Native European Spirituality are also available along with other, smaller works; inquiries welcome. I am available for interviews.


The Wotan Network

The Telegram Home of the Wotan Network.

7 months, 3 weeks ago

This Jung quote is consistent with my formula - "Spirituality shapes culture, and culture shapes politics."

7 months, 3 weeks ago

"In reality only a change in the attitude of the individual can bring about a renewal in the spirit of the nations." Carl Jung.

8 months, 1 week ago

[email protected] - - -

Where's the strangest place you ever saw a Thor's hammer amulet around someone's neck? On a train ride? Disneyland? In the Vatican? Here's a story for you...

Years ago, when I was freelancing for Soldier of Fortune magazine, I ended up in Myanmar (formerly known as Burma). I was there for two reasons - to recover some personal effects of an American who had been killed by mortar fire, and to write an article for SOF about the war. Actually, I had a third reason; the good guys (Karen National Liberation Army) were, among other things, against the Chinese influence in the region...and I have a sort of personal vendetta against China. (I still do: that's a story for another time.)

Unfortunately, it was the middle of the monsoon, and unlike the American Army the KNLA were only minimally active in inclement weather. I was sitting in HQ one soggy, muddy day, hoping to get on with my mission...when a man with a fancier-than-usual rifle staggered into the tent. And he sure as hell was not a local - definitely a White man, the only one I had seen since crossing the border. It turned out he was a German national who, on vacation from his job back in Deutschland, paid his own way to Myanmar and trained the KNLA soldiers in the art of sniping. A conversation was inevitable. After a couple of minutes the German said to me, "What's that piece of metal around your neck?" My Thor's hammer had, partially, slipped out between the buttons on my shirt. I pulled it into full view and explained what it was....At which point, the German reached into HIS shirt, and pulled his own Mjolnir into view. (Herr Doktor Jung might say it was another of those "meaningful coincidences"}...

The world is indeed a magical and wondrous place....Hail those who fight for justice and freedom!

The Spear - essentially, the "field manual" for Wotan Network - can be ordered from Lulu as an actual book or in PDF form, or you can order it directly from me at [email protected]. Signed copies of my earlier book, Asatru: A Native European Spirituality are also available along with other, smaller works; inquiries welcome.


The Wotan Network

The Telegram Home of the Wotan Network.

8 months, 2 weeks ago

[email protected] - - -

Wotan Network is exactly that - a network. You contribute to that network when you share our posts and other material with friends, and urge them, in turn, to pass it on to others. This gives you a high degree of anonymity, and your only obligation is to pass it on and let it multiply! If you send it to a lot of people, and each of them sends it to a lot of other people who also like it...that's when it "goes viral" - and we hope you will do your part to help make that happen!

Key themes: 1,) Wotan, also known as Odin or Woden, is the father-god of the Germanic or Northern European-descended peoples, wherever they live in the world today. 2.) We are his Folk, and he is our All-Father. 3.) Our Folk has a right to exist, as do all unique peoples, and adherence to our inborn, native faith serves our long-term well-being, and the working of our destiny.

Change minds, and you change attitudes; change attitudes and you change history! THE SPEAR, the "field manual" for Wotan Network, tells exactly how we will do it.

"THROW THE SPEAR"...OF WOTAN'S WISDOM! Pierce minds, not flesh.
"The existence of our people is not negotiable."

The Spear can be ordered from Lulu as an actual book or in PDF form, or you can order it directly from me at [email protected]. Signed copies of my earlier book, Asatru: A Native European Spirituality are also available along with other, smaller works; inquiries welcome.


The Wotan Network

The Telegram Home of the Wotan Network.

9 months ago

Wearing my "Remember the USS Liberty" tee shirt to the gym today...You can order USS Liberty merch from their veterans page...

11 months ago

YOU ARE NOT ALONE - RESIST! - - - [email protected]

You may think you are wandering alone through the Kali Yuga, the Great Downgoing, the "Decline of the West". The system wants you to feel that way - that all is lost, that "resistance is futile" - that you are alone. They want you on your knees, begging for forgiveness of your sins against multiculturalism and wokeness. Feel guilty! Wash the feet of those who hate you!

As always, they lie. There is nothing they fear more than our Awakening. They want you to think that degeneracy is art, that self-hatred is a duty, and that your holy ancestors were criminals, thieves, and murderers. But don't buy the lie! To hell with them. You are not alone. We are legion. The blood of heroes and demigods runs through your veins...a thousand generations of Those Who Overcome. Stand tall and proud! Treat all men and women fairly, and be open-handed - for that is honorable and noble - but kneel to none. Love your folk, and seize the destiny that awaits us! RESIST the Downgoing...alongside Wotan Network!


P.S. The Spear - the "field manual" for Wotan Network - can be ordered directly from Lulu as an actual book or in PDF form, or you can order it directly from me at [email protected]. My earlier book, Asatru, A Native European Spirituality is also available along with other, smaller works. I will be glad to add my signature on any of the aforementioned items.


The Wotan Network

The Telegram Home of the Wotan Network.

11 months, 1 week ago

UPDATE FROM STEPHEN MCNALLEN! - - [email protected]

I've decided not to create YouTube videos at this point. For one thing, I am not particularly skilled at it. For another, I am simply swamped with other priorities. Major projects at this time include finishing The Book of the Cauldrons and getting it into circulation as soon as I can. I sense that the One Eyed One wants this to happen, and I'm not going to argue with Him.

A second project will be a sort of partial biography, detailing my life generally, the rebirth of Asatru in the twentieth century, and my adventures through Africa and Southeast Asia as well as my brief time spent with the Tomislav Brigade in Bosnia. I owe it to a number of people to ensure that, in some form, their names will be remembered. "Only the forgotten are dead," and those of you who have sat with me when mead horns are raised will have heard at least some of their names.

Besides my writing projects, I will of course continue to develop Wotan Network and other endeavors in my own personal "revolt against the modern world."

I am available for interviews by interested parties.

P.S. The Spear - the "field manual" for Wotan Network - can be ordered directly from Lulu as an actual book or in PDF form, or you can order it directly from me at [email protected]. My earlier book, Asatru, A Native European Spirituality is also available along with other, smaller works. I will be glad to add my signature on any of the aforementioned items.


The Wotan Network

The Telegram Home of the Wotan Network.

11 months, 3 weeks ago


I can't believe I went a whole week without posting on my usual media outlets...just shows how busy I've been!

I've been re-organizing Wotan Network to function as a larger organization, pulling together my YouTube project (still in progress; it's been a long time since I did anything on that platform), reading relevant material, dealing with various domestic chores - yes, I have those just like you do - and, of course, lifting weights down at the gym and doing my daily spiritual work.

What I have NOT done is to forget, even for a minute, my life mission and the struggle for freedom and for Folk.

Today's news was one example out of many; Lena Petrova's video today on YouTube was "Breaking: CBDC Launch Date Revealed - Prepare!". A large number of banks on an international level just completed a major trial of Central Bank Digital Currencies, and are determined to put a permanent system into place within one to two years. The only good news is that this gives freedom-loving citizens a matter of months to organize resistance against a system which would demolish our privacy and the liberty of free men and women everywhere. The rights of freemen ARE a spiritual issue for all of us who stand before Odin....and I think our Christian friends would agree. (I address the threat of CBDCs, as well as many other things, in my book, The Spear.)

P.S. The Spear - the "field manual" for Wotan Network and of resistance - can be ordered directly from Lulu as an actual book or in PDF form, or you can order it directly from me at [email protected]. My earlier book, Asatru, A Native European Spirituality is also available along with other, smaller works.

1 year ago

Shit, I may make a sign and go stand on a local overpass. Seems like the least I can do.

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