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“I shall seize fate by the throat.”
— Beethoven
Dolores Cannon a hypnotherapist, shares her clients' past lives and their encounters, plus messages for humanity.
The universe consists of 5 elements, Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Akasha.
The whole of the Primordial Elements, the Original Cause and Thought constitute what we could call the Absolute. However, and as Thoth-Paimon taught it, there is ONE God and Gods. And with the Gods, there is a God of Gods who is Ptah, Sanat Kumara, Enki whom Thoth referred to as Atum
The "God" Thoth discourses with Asklepios on is not an external theistic divinity as the One but rather the quintessence of all that exists, in the purest, the most primordial, the most perfect possible state because still undifferentiated. It's important to realise that any creation shown, was it divine, becomes immediately imperfect. The absolute perfection is in the absence of manifestation which is Life
For Thoth and his school of Hermeticism, the 4 elements are integral parts of the Divine because directly connected to the intrinsic qualities of the Grand Being:
FIRE is the Omnipotence, the absolute and long-lasting capacity of Creation. Who is the master of the three others. Because the Fire originates from Heavens, everything emanates from it. The Fire, divine beyond any measure, is thus of a superior nature to the other elements Water, Earth and Air.
AIR is the Wisdom, the Purity, the Clarity, the Discernment, the Intelligence which engender the universal balance. which we inhale.
WATER is the Love and the Eternal Life, the Magnetism (magnetic fluid) which we drink, in which we bathe.
EARTH is the Ubiquity, the Immortality on which we walk or in which we plant our seeds.
The Shaivites gather the original elements under the term of Tattwas. These Tattwas are directly linked to the chakras: the divine chakras, those from the universe, from Earth and from human beings. They are the essence of the element which lives in the chakra, even if for Humankind, the essence of our chakras remains primary (basic) regarding our current very low level of consciousness
Our brain of which we only use ten percent of his capacities, is incapable to understand the subtleties of the Great Mysteries. And anyway, the words still do not exist to define really them nor even the principles which should accompany them.
So, it's always perilous to approach this type of subjects. Nevertheless, it's essential to seize here the foundation of the precocious assimilation of the Gods to the Fire, to the Sun, to the Light and by definition, to the Heat in motion.
Indeed, the cobra, universal symbol of energy, power and fire. (the fire being symbolized, in addition to kundalini by the spat poison which burns). Think of Uraeus in Egypt or still stick-snake, supplier of energy and health.
The lingam is the obvious symbol of fertility, of the creative capacity of god Shiva, of Gods generally, for whom the sexual act is evidence and necessity.
Lingam raises itself in Yoni, its base, matrix of the world, feminine principle. The lingam, the cosmic power, the creative power fits in Yoni to give birth to universes and to everything on them. That's why when we cut ourselves from sexuality for ascetism, we often cut ourselves from creativity. Although it's not systematic.
Naturally, the energy of life is sexual, there are not two energies, one for life, the other one linked to sex, but ONE inseparable energy. The energy of sexual and creative life. So, ultimately, the lingam is not the lingam of Shiva. The lingam IS Shiva. Lord Shiva and the Lingam are One
The snake is also associated with the libido, with the sexual energy, which is also another name for the energy of life. the religions have made of sex a dirty thing, only reduced to fertilization and reproduction. Energy of life, sexual energy, creative energy, Chi, all these are the same thing. He is the essential principle, always to be reborn, to live, to dance, to love. He is the Life.
The stimulation of chakras, especially the root one, fundamental base of our earthly reality, the awakening of Kundalini becomes achievement. Permanent orgasm of the constant contact with the Invisible, the Divine in oneself, the Great Creator.
Calling the gods according to our heritage. These aren’t all, but to name a few…
Óðinn (Odin) = Wóden
Þórr (Thor) = Þunor (Thunor)
Freyr = Fréa (Seaxnéat) (Ing)
Frigg = Fríġe
Freyja = Frówe
Baldr = Bældæġ
Heimdallr = Háma
Völundr = Wéland
Mímir = Mimor
Urðr = Wyrd
Community chat:
Last updated 6 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 3 weeks ago