Community chat:
Last updated 4 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago
Dear IT1-24 and IT2-24 Students,
Please note that the Arduino Development Course exam, originally scheduled for 8th February at 9:00 AM, has been rescheduled to 16:00 (4:00 PM) on the same day.
The venue remains the Library.
List of students for the Exam on Introduction to electrical engineering - Electrical machines
05/02/2025 15:00
List of students for the Exam on Algorithms and Programming 2
05/02/2025 15:00
Dear students,
We are pleased to announce that the "Startup Fest" event will take place at Inha University in Tashkent on November 21 at 14:00. This is a great opportunity for talented innovators to showcase their projects and compete for the “Startup Garage Coaching Service” scholarship.
Venue: University Building B, Conference Hall B-304.
Students with startup projects or an interest in this field are warmly invited to attend.
? ? ?
Hurmatli talabalar,
Joriy yilning 21-noyabr soat 14:00 da, Toshkent shahridagi Inha universitetida “Startup Fest” tadbiri bo‘lib o‘tadi. Unda iqtidorli innovatorlar o’z loyihalarini taqdim etib, “Startup Garage Coaching Service” stipendiyasini yutib olishlari mumkin.
O‘tkazilish joyi: Universitetning B-binosi, B-304 konferens zali.
Startup loyihalari mavjud va ushbu yo’nalishga qiziqish bildirgan talabalar taklif qilinadi.
❗️Dear 1 year students*❗️***
Please check your timetable, there are some changes
Dear BM students,
Registration is open now for paid retake exam in November.
The students who have not obtained required credits will have last opportunity for 2023-2024 AY to participate in the additional exam session - paid retake exam (you have to pay 500,000 UZS per subject due to the cost associated with technical and student database maintenance, exam organization), which will take place in the next week of November 2024.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Paid exams don't guarantee successful passing of the exams.
You can find the registration link in the following pages of LMS platform:
[BM-23 I] News - for 1st year students
[BM - 23 - II] News - for 2nd year students
[BM - 23 -III] News - for 3rd year students
If you do not register and pay, you will nit have a right to re-sit on the paid retake exam.
Deadline: November 21, 2024, 23:59
Dear Students of
ME-23, CIE-23, IT-23, ASE-23
This is a kind reminder about tomorrow’s (November 15) Midterm Exam on Computer Science, which will be held in the Library at 2:30 pm. Please arrive on time.
Dear all students who is going to participate ceremony
On Friday you are all asked to come to the Conference hall at 15:00. There will be preparations for the ceremony.
Following Italian track students
You will not be able to take any exams until your tuition fee debt is paid. Your personal accounts have been blocked.
If you won't pay the debt by Monday, 18.11.2024, you will be excluded from the university.
Требуется преподаватель робототехники:
? Офис: RoboEngineering LAB
? Технология: Arduino, Lego MindStorm
?? Телеграм: @zub90
? контакт: +998 948427997
? место: Toshkent shahar
? Время подачи заявки: 7:00 - 22:00
? Рабочее время: вы можете установить время занятий в удобное для вас время
? Зарплата: 4.500.000 - 7.500.000
‼️ Дополнительный:
Школе нужен опытный преподаватель, способный преподавать предметы по робототехнике и информационным технологиям на русском языке.
Community chat:
Last updated 4 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago