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Video darslar mundarijasi: 1- dars- universitet tanlash, qabul xati olish, CV tayyorlash 2-dars - o’quv rejasi tayyorlash 3-dars - motivatsion xat yozish 4-dars - tavsiyanoma yozish 5-dars - hujjat topshirish va boshqa hujjatlar
Video darslar mundarijasi:
1- dars- universitet tanlash, qabul xati olish, CV tayyorlash
2-dars - o’quv rejasi tayyorlash
3-dars - motivatsion xat yozish
4-dars - tavsiyanoma yozish
5-dars - hujjat topshirish va boshqa hujjatlar
NSP Applicants
1- dars - universitetdan qabul xati olish
*? Useful Vocabulary & Expressions of* #Essay300
⛓ to ban: officially or legally prohibit (something).
Example: Parking is banned around the harbour in summer.
⛓ panic: to suddenly feel frightened so that you cannot think clearly and you say or do something stupid, dangerous
? Example: I panicked when I saw smoke coming out of the engine.
⛓ occur: to happen
? Example: When exactly did the incident occur?
⛓ commute: to travel regularly by bus, train, car, etc. between your place of work and your home
? Example: She commutes from Oxford to London every day.
⛓ tube: the underground railway system
? Example: a tube station.
#IELTSWriting #Writing9 #Vocabulary
✅@Essays_band9-Road to band 9️⃣
☘️ Agree / Disagree
✅ Q: Some people think that the best way to increase road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars or riding motorbikes. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
*? Answer:*
Some individuals believe raising the minimum legal age for driving cars or riding motorbikes is the most effective method of increasing road safety. While I accept that this policy is good to some extent, I believe it is not the best because there are much better measures to reduce traffic accidents.
It might be a good idea to increase the minimum age required for driving because of some reasons. Firstly, since younger people are usually less mature and less responsible with their manners, they might not be aware of the importance of following the rules. Therefore, it is reasonable to ban them from travelling on the street to prevent them from breaking the law and causing accidents. Secondly, as older people are more experienced, they can know how to react quickly to handle dangerous situations on the road, while younger ones might not be able to. To illustrate, if the brakes of a car suddenly stop working, a young driver might panic, and accidents are more likely to occur.
However, I would argue that there are much better methods of ensuring road safety. The first one is to have stricter punishments for driving offenders. For example, people who break traffic rules should be required to pay huge fines or be banned permanently from commuting on the street. This makes commuters more likely to respect the law, and traffic accidents can be limited. Another solution is to encourage people to use public transport rather than private vehicles. This can be done by reducing the price and increasing the frequency of buses and tubes to make it more convenient for users.
In conclusion, I believe apart from increasing the legal age for driving, there are more effective ways to make sure that travelling on the street is safe for everyone.
✍️ **Total words: 298
?Band: 7.0+
? @Essays_band9 - Road to band 9️⃣**
Part 2ga gapirayotganda sizga berilgan topic mavzusiga theme toping, yani kim yoki nima haqida gapirmoqchisiz aniqlav oling. Hayolingizga kelgan birinchi ideani tanlaganiz yaxshiroq.
Keyin esa xuddi shunday sıfatlar royxatini tuzib chiqing.
1daqiqa tayyorgarlik uchun berilgan vaqtizni vocabulary Va structure uchun sarflang, grammatika Va linking words uchun emas.
#class by Simon _dan
Describe someone you know who does something good
*? ???? ? ????? ?** Biroz vaqt oladi
??It will take a while to cook this cake.
??Ushbu tortni tayyorlash uchun biroz vaqt kerak bo'ladi*.
Community chat:
Last updated 1 week, 6 days ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 6 months ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 4 weeks ago