NS Heathenry

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1 month, 1 week ago
NS Heathenry
1 month, 1 week ago
"... I am the luckiest fellow …

"... I am the luckiest fellow there is on this earth. On the one hand I am allowed to serve the Führer in closest proximity, on the other hand I have got you! [...] The fact that the saying 'When the need is greatest, God's help is nearest' has become a proverb shows how frequently such times of need occur in human existence. But I don't want to lecture like a schoolmaster. Only one thing more in this connection: we—who are called godless and unbelievers by our reactionary adversaries—we believe in the Führer, we believe that we master Destiny by doing our duty, devotedly, loyally and unshaken in our faith. And the others Witzleben, Gördeler and accomplices are the unbelievers, the Christians are those weak in faith, those who despair!"

— Martin Bormann, letter to his wife on September 1st, 1944

Source: BArch N 2386/3 Briefe Martin Bormann an seine Frau Gerda p.8-10 [Bundesarchiv]


1 month, 1 week ago

Full video meant for educational purposes and sharing to friends of all of the excerpts of Karl Wolff's interview from the Imperial War Museum confirming Hitler's/Himmler's views regarding religion

[Clip 1][Clip 2][Clip 3]

*We would know that Karl Wolff's personal testimony to this is very likely true since he was an SS liaison to Adolf Hitler during World War II. So we know he has the means of aquiring this type of information from his personal experience.

Leon Degrelle on the other hand, was neither a liaison or adjutant of Adolf Hitler. So there is no possible way he could've known his views on Christianity apart from what Hitler is already portrayed as publicly. This comparison is easily proven by the direct contradiction between both Degrelle's and Wolff's words on both Hitler and the SS. Which would mean that Karl Wolff's testimony as someone who was in the actual SS of Germany is in fact more reliable compared to a foreign collaborator of the NSDAP from Belgium.*


1 month, 2 weeks ago
NS Heathenry
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Hitler’s freethinking bent seems to go …

Hitler’s freethinking bent seems to go back to his youth and could've possibly have come from his father, who was also skeptical of the church. When reflecting back on his childhood religion classes in a January 1942 monologue, Hitler claimed that he “was the eternal questioner.”

He then challenged his religion teacher with his findings, allegedly driving his teacher to despair. He would continually ask his teacher about doubtful themes in the Bible, but the teacher’s answers were always evasive. One day Hitler’s teacher asked him if he prayed, and he responded:

“No, Mr Professor, I do not pray; I do not believe that the dear God has an interest if a pupil prays!” [1]

Hitler also reported that he hated the mendacity of his religion instructor, who once told Hitler’s mother in front of him that Hitler’s soul was lost. Hitler responded by telling his teacher that some scholars doubt there is an afterlife.

To further addon to the validity of the first source, Hitler regaled his secretaries with accounts of his youthful exploits, including stories about embarrassing his religion teacher, whom he considered unkempt and filthy. Hitler's secretary Christa Schroeder recalled that:

"In the Staircase Room he told us of the pranks he played in late childhood. He [Hitler] said once that his aversion to the clergy stemmed from that time." [2]

"that time" implying the time of Hitler's youth as shown in the first account. These two depictions by Hitler of his youthful penchant toward religious unbelief and freethinking agree with each other and seem to accord with what we know from other sources, too.

[1] BArch NS 6/819 Hitlers Tischgespräche im Führerhauptquartier 8/9-24 Jan. 1942 p.8-14 [Bundesarchiv]
[2] He Was My Chief: The Memoirs of Adolf Hitler's Secretary by Christa Schroeder p.39


1 month, 2 weeks ago
NS Heathenry
1 month, 3 weeks ago
1 month, 3 weeks ago
???? ?????? ???????? ??? ?????? ????????? …

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Both independent recollections were written in the same timeframe of April 8-9 1941. The precision to detail of how identical they recall the same exact sentiment of what Hitler had spoken about leaves no doubt for it's reliability.

????????: (??? ?? ????? ????)
"The Führer forbids a bombardment of Athens. This is right and noble of him. Rome and Athens are Mecca for him. He very much regrets having to fight the Greeks. […] The Führer is a man completely oriented towards antiquity. because it has crippled all noble humanity. According to Schopenhauer, Christianity and syphilis have made mankind unhappy and unfree. What a difference between a benevolent and wise smiling Zeus and a pain-distorted crucified Christ. Even the view of God itself is much more noble and human among the ancient peoples than in Christianity. What a difference between a gloomy cathedral and a bright, free ancient temple. He describes life in ancient Rome: clarity, grandeur, monumentality. The greatest republic in history. We would probably not experience any disappointment, he thinks, if we were now suddenly transported to this ancient eternal city. The Führer has no relationship at all with the Gothic. He hates the gloom and the blurred mysticism. He wants clarity, brightness, beauty. This is also the life ideal of our time. There the leader is a completely modern man." [1]

?????????: (??? ?? ????? ????)
"The Führer says he is sorry to have to fight against the Greeks, for there is still a memory of the old Hellenic civilization hovering in his mind. Never will a bomb be dropped on Athens! In the context of assessing the superb Augustan exhibition in Rome, the Führer spoke admiringly of this ancient Rome. Apart from a few things related to steel and iron, we have not progressed much further, he said. In terms of sanitation, Rome was far ahead of us. Even in decline it was still magnificent, and one can understand that the young Teutons were overwhelmed by the sight of it. And in the end, each era shapes its God in accordance with its nature. If one looks at the majestic head of Zeus-Jupiter and then at the agonized Christ, only then does one appreciate the complete difference. How free and lighthearted the ancient world seems in contrast to the Inquisition, the burnings of witches and heretics. Only since 200 years ago did people begin to breathe somewhat easily again. It is certainly (following Schopenhauer?) correct that the ancient world was unacquainted with two evils: Christianity and syphilis" [2]

All of the underlined text represent the cross reference between both diaries for easy comparison. Now you know why historical revisionists on telegram invent pseudo-historical claims in attempts to discredit contemporary sources even when you can see the microfilms/original entries from actual archival sources. Because we know that these specific people had the means and access to witness such conversations happen.

[1] BArch N 1118/13 Die Tagebücher von Joseph Goebbels, Eintrag vom 8. April 1941 p.235-40 [Bundesarchiv]
[2] BArch N 1812/1 (Politisches) Tagebuch p.531-33 [Bundesarchiv]


1 month, 3 weeks ago
**Cartoon from Das Schwarze Korps depicting …

Cartoon from Das Schwarze Korps depicting a Preist brainwashing children hoping for God to remove Hitler:

"We may not kill Hitler, but we may and should defend the fact that God will soon remove this man from the earth" Toten dürfen wir Hitler Ja Nicht, aber wir dürfen und sollen deten, dob der liebe Gott disen mann bald von der erde wegbahl

Source: The voice of the SS: a history of the SS journal "Das Schwarze Korps" by William L. Combs p.243-253


1 month, 4 weeks ago
"... With the Minister for Church …

"... With the Minister for Church Affairs, Kerrl, a man who had already been a dead man walking has died. He professed himself to be a Christian but had not the slightest influence. The Gauleiters knew that the Führer held nothing for him. ... No one denied his will. [...] [Kerrl] told me – a few months ago – that he had asked to be relieved of his duties, as he had not been received by the Führer for years. His request was refused. His general remarks about the Third Reich did not suggest that he was one of the oldest fighters for this Reich."

— Ernst von Weizsäcker, December 14, 1941

Source: Die Weizsäcker-Papiere 1933–1950, ed. Leonidas E. Hill (Frankfurt am Main: Propyläen-Verlag, 1974) p. 280-281


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