Embassy of Russia in Ethiopia ??

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2 months ago
***⚡️*** [Comment](https://mid.ru/en/foreign_policy/news/1965255/) by Russia's Foreign Ministry …

⚡️ Comment by Russia's Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ latest terrorist attacks on Russian regions

? The Kiev regime continues to carry out its terrorist attacks with the single goal to terrorise the Russian civilians. While being perfectly aware that these barbarous attacks are devoid of any military purpose, it continues to work off the loans provided by its masters.

On the night of August 11, the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched a massive strike on Kursk, with tactical Tochka-U missiles fired at the city. Most of them were destroyed by air defence systems. However, one of them hit a residential multi-story building, resulting in 13 civilians injured, including two that are now in serious condition.

Over the last 24 hours, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have also carried out a massive attack on several Russian regions using UAVs, including the Belgorod and Voronezh regions. Once again, Shebekino in the Belgorod Region came under attack that left five people injured. Last night, a civilian was killed and 16 others injured during Ukraine’s attacks on the DPR. It was reported that a total of 21 Ukrainian UAVs were destroyed by air defence systems over four regions of Russia.

☝️ It is apparent that Ukraine’s missile and UAV attacks on Russian regions are clearly of terrorist nature.

❗️ We strongly condemn these barbaric terrorist acts aimed at destroying civilian infrastructure, and killing and intimidating civilians.
We have no doubt that those who organised and perpetrated these crimes, including their foreign sponsors, will be held to account. A tough response from the Russian Armed Forces will not take long in coming.

Once again, we call on international organisations to condemn the terrorist attacks by Ukrainian militants, although we are sure that relevant structures’ shameful silence will come in response.

2 months ago

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Полная версия репортажа о нашем африканском подготовительном факультете.

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Russian dumplings, TV-stars and the UN venue.

The full footage about our preparatory courses for Africa. As soon as you watch it come to The Pushkin Centre in Addis Ababa.

Start learning Russian!

2 months ago
Embassy of Russia in Ethiopia ??
2 months, 1 week ago

BRICS Advances Toward Independent Digital Payment Platform, Russian Official Says

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BRICS Advances Toward Independent Digital Payment Platform, Russian Official Says

BRICS Advances Toward Independent Digital Payment Platform, Russian Official Says - Economy&Finance - operanewsapp

**BRICS Advances Toward Independent Digital Payment Platform, Russian Official Says**
2 months, 1 week ago

The BRICS Geographer’s Day will be celebrated on August 18, 2024

? Read in full: https://brics-russia2024.ru/en/



Russian 2024 BRICS Chairmanship

Website of Russian 2024 BRICS Chairmanship

**The BRICS Geographer’s Day will be celebrated on August 18, 2024**
2 months, 1 week ago
4 months, 3 weeks ago
*****?*** Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s** [**remarks**](https://mid.ru/en/foreign_policy/news/1951435/) …

*? Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at the 32nd Assembly of the Council for Foreign and Defence Policy (May 18, 2024)*

Key talking points:

• Our people have once again shown profound confidence in President Putin and his policies, including foreign policy. Without a doubt, this fact puts our Ministry under significant obligations. We are working through the steps that are needed to continue to implement the revised Russian Foreign Policy Concept approved in March 2023.

• The US-led West sticks to its official goal proclaimed even at the doctrinal level of inflicting a strategic defeat on Russia.

• The very existence of our country is seen by many most aggressive Russophobes as a threat to the Washington-led golden billion’s global dominance.

☝️ Our approach will be to continue using diplomatic means to create proper conditions for the West to drop its hostile policies, and to help achieve the special military operation’s objectives. This will be the primary focus of our diplomacy.

• Despite the intensity and high media profile of our confrontation with the West, Russia does not limit its foreign relations to a single area.

? Our relations with Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America in various formats remain our foreign policy priority. We share much with the Global Majority, including a common vision for a multipolar world and a commitment to fundamental principles of country-to-country relations, including the main one – the sovereign equality of states.

• Our actions on the Chinese and other non-Western foreign policy tracks evoke undisguised anger from the former hegemon and its satellites. Just look at how the US and its allies are trying by all means to prevent Global Majority countries from dealing with Russia and to embroil them into anti-Russia initiatives.

• We will continue to keep consistently working to build new international balances, mechanisms, and instruments that serve the interests of Russia and its partners in line with the realities of a multipolar world.

Full text

4 months, 3 weeks ago

⚡️ Comment by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on riots in New Caledonia
On May 13, thousands of people took to the streets in the capital of French New Caledonia to protest against France’s colonial policies. The rally grew into island-wide riots that claimed the lives of several local residents and policemen. Dozens of law enforcers were wounded, with hundreds of protesters put into custody.

As is common knowledge, interfering in the internal affairs of foreign states is against our principles, as is to give or press advice on how to deal with internal problems or crises. This is characteristic of the West and, not in the least, of France itself, although, instead of mentoring others, Paris should better look at its own deep-down problems.

After all, it is clear that the tragic events in New Caledonia are the consequence of long-standing antagonisms and the growing dissatisfaction with their status on the part of the Kanaks, the indigenous people of New Caledonia, who make up almost 40 percent of this French overseas territory’s population.

The pretext for yet another surge of public discontent was the consideration by the French Parliament of a bill designed to change the local voting rules, in effect since 1998, and give the right to vote to all those, who have resided on the island for more than ten years. Opponents of this legislation saw it, with a good reason, as an attempt to finally deprive the Kanaks of their fundamental right to self-determination and cut the land from under the feet of those advocating independence. Not accidentally, the Kanak Socialist National Liberation Front, one of the leading New Caledonian Parties, branded Paris’ actions as “re-colonisation.”

We regard the public and political crisis in New Caledonia as stemming from the lack of finality in the process of its decolonisation and as yet another confirmation that the French policy towards its former colonies, renamed “overseas territories,” is reaching an impasse. <...>

☝️ Currently, France governs 13 overseas territories and is attempting to meddle in the internal affairs of its former colonies across the globe. While occupying dozens of countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America for centuries and brutally exploiting the local population, the French have committed numerous military crimes and crimes against humanity there. <...>

❗️ We call on Paris to refrain from an unjustified use of force against the protesters and respect the rights and liberties of the indigenous population of New Caledonia and other overseas territories under its control.

4 months, 3 weeks ago
8 months, 3 weeks ago

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Работы фотоконкурса памяти Андрея Стенина впервые увидели в Аддис-Абебе

Международный этап роуд-шоу конкурса фотожурналистики имени Андрея Стенина, стартовавший в конце 2023 года, продолжается. Следующей за Преторией, Буэнос-Айресом РИА Новости, 21.01.2024

[Читать полностью](https://ria.ru/20240121/konkurs-1922615977.html)
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