‼️ BlackList • @BJReport
📚 KamusJajan @KamusJajan
📥 Pengaduan @NgadminJajanBOT
💸 Paid Promote @BJANPP
Last updated 6 months, 3 weeks ago
We’re thrilled to invite you to the Syrdarya Model United Nations Conference, returning for the second time on Sunday, August 25th!
Join us for an exciting end-of-summer experience filled with engaging debates and opportunities to hone your diplomatic skills. The registration deadline is August 24th, so don’t wait!
To secure your spot, register promptly. After registration, you'll receive a card number for payment of the registration fee.
Feel free to invite your friends and share this announcement widely. We look forward to seeing you and making this event a memorable one!
Register by link now and be part of something special!
It's Official*✅***
?Applications Open for CAI MUN
⭐️ Delegates
?Link to application form
?August 18th. Don't miss out!
Guys, sorry for unexpected begining. Hope you understand.
Assalamu alaykum dear delegates!
?Please be responsible to payment google forms.
Some of you did pay and didn't fill the form. In such cases, payment will not be accepted.
‼️Iltimos, to'lov haqidagi google formani to'lov qilingan zaxoti to'ldiring. Ba'zilaringiz to'lov qilib, google formani to'ldirmagansiz. Bunday hollarda to'lov qabul qilinmaydi.
The Results are out!
?Please Check Your Emails (spam folder)
Hammaga xayrli kech!?
Xush habar!* ?
Biz ertaga gmail orqali qabul xatlarini jo'natishni boshlaymiz va to'lovni belgilangan muddatda to'lashni unutmang.✅***
‼️ BlackList • @BJReport
📚 KamusJajan @KamusJajan
📥 Pengaduan @NgadminJajanBOT
💸 Paid Promote @BJANPP
Last updated 6 months, 3 weeks ago