Stem Cell Activation

X39 StemCells Activation...
30-Days supply for $99.95 USD
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1 month, 3 weeks ago
Life doesn’t stop, and neither should …

Life doesn’t stop, and neither should your wellness! Wherever life takes you, bring LifeWave along for the journey. Where are you taking yours today?

1 month, 3 weeks ago
Stem Cell Activation
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Stem Cell Activation
4 months, 1 week ago
Sharing with you a testimonial shared …

Sharing with you a testimonial shared by Pastor Ed's wife, Vickie Milad. What an incredible healing journey for her mom!

10 months ago

Google:  "Benefits of GHK-Cu"

Hippocrates said that 'all disease begins in the gut'. It seems he was on to something: New evidence shows that optimal health throughout the whole body starts in the gut.

  1. Copper is an astringent, meaning it tightens pores. So it fixes leaky gut.
  2. Copper helps make collagen, strengthening skin. The gut lining is our "inside skin".
  3. Copper stops bleeding, increasing clotting factors, as well as increasing red blood cells, which are also clotting factors themselves.
  4. Copper boosts hormone production, specifically DHEA, which is converted to testosterone. Testosterone is known for building muscle, which it does through speeding healing.
  5. Copper is known as a "wound healer" along with zinc and Vitamin C, other wound healers. All three are needed for collagen production.
  6. Copper detoxes many toxins that slow wound healing and destroy all kinds of metabolic processes.
  7. Copper increases blood circulation by clearing out calcium and cholesterol both of which hinder circulation. Copper increases circulation in many other ways, such as improving the strength of blood vessels through increased collagen, and helping the body to grow new capillaries as needed. With a better blood supply, the gut heals faster.
  8. Copper is released in bile, a main digestive aide released by the liver to digest fats.
  9. Copper helps the body digest and utilize foods for energy.
  10. Copper helps the body convert oxygen into ATP for energy. A body with more energy is better able to heal the gut, engage in muscle contractions like peristalsis, and energy intensive manufacture of digestive acids like HCL.
  11. Copper fixes constipation through helping increase muscle contractions of the gut lining, and as acting as a water attracting electrolyte, as copper is excreted through the bile and ultimately through the gut and feces.
  12. Copper helps the body retain magnesium and salt, which improve hydration, which is crucial to healing stomach ulcers and the lining of the gut, and which also improve constipation. Copper is a historic cure both for internal ulcers, leg ulcers, and other open wounds like battle wounds.
  13. Copper improves hydration by acting as an electrolyte, and increasing other electrolytes, and boosting collagen, which also improves hydration. An increase in collagen improves the strength of muscles such as those that line the gut, and muscles are 30% collagen.
  14. Copper helps make three different antihistamines: antihistaminease, ceruloplasmin, and adrenaline (which is used in Epi pens for allergic reactions). Copper thus is key in helping to overcome all sorts of food allergies, thus, vastly improving digestion.
  15. Copper is anti inflammatory, reducing inflammation of the gut lining.
  16. Every Cell in the body, every tissue, every organ needs copper in a wide variety of ways.
  17. Copper kills parasites in the gut and intestines.
    Many people report vastly improved digestion once starting on copper.
    The LifeWave X39 and X49 patch technology elevate the copper peptides GHK-Cu and AHK-Cu.
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