Dolores Cahill

The REAL Prof. Dolores Cahill,
Scientist, Immunologist, Inventor and Innovator.
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Last updated 4 days, 5 hours ago

1 year, 4 months ago

Dolores Cahill: Law versus legal:
Open Debate/Free Speech/Accountability
No questions that cannot be asked & no topics we cannot debate (Part 3):?

Next Question: Is there evidence that there has been a Concerted Multi-Generational Plan to REMOVE & DECEIVE Lawful Money, Lawful Loans/Mortgages, Lawful Securities, Lawful Assets e.g. Land, Property, Homes, Lawful Trade & Lawful Businesses:

Answer: Richard Vobes interviews Allegedly Dave, who gives a very clear & informative discussion on money, banking & mortgages.

This interview is ideal for those who have not yet looked into the 'Big Lies' around money & banking, and particularly those who have a mortgage or wish to know where the 'money', 'loan', 'mortgage' comes from. Allegedly Dave worked in the Financial Industry & left when he realised the 'Scam', so he has extensive knowledge, & here he explains it simply, in plain English & in such an easy to understand way, so this is an ideal introduction including if you have never looked into the 'Big Lies' of 'loans' & 'mortgages':

If you think of the 'time' you, your family & your loved ones spend to 'pay' 'back' the 'loan' or 'mortgage', understanding this 'Big Lie' is important:

This will be the one that will be a 'game changer', even if it takes some years to be understood, but once the scam, fraud & criminally is exposed, then people will work & want to support Local & Lawful Money & Community based, Lawful & Honest Lending with local accountability, such as Lawful Lending from Lawful & Correctly Regulated Co-operatives, Credit Unions, etc with Lawful & Local 'Trial by Jury' Oversight for Fraud, Misconduct, etc: This will be a real boost to innovation, job creation, like the Local German Banks & Austrian Banking which has worked & supported Communities for centuries, as detailed by Prof. Richard Werner.

What comes from this, is societally significant & will require a return to:
- Lawful Money
- Lawful Oversight & Accountability
- Lawful Loans & Lending
- Lawful funding for Business
- Lawful funding for Homes
- Local & Community Lending
- Local & Community Co-ops
- Investigation into the current system for mis-selling & Deception/Fraud
- Investigation into Unlawful 'mortgage' & ' 'repossessions' & 'regulations'

'Big Lies' ARE being exposed with Evidence:

This is for Historical & Generational Evidence & may help those not yet 'aware' of the 'Big Lies' that will soon be widely known by all:

Solutions: ?

What should/could we do NOW & in the coming years:
(i) get healthy, food secure, build locally
(ii) be innovative & develop solutions, networks & or communities:

Lawful Trade, Property, Business, Money, Homes, Securities, Land, Assets, Property can & will be restored:

I am regularly connecting those who are 'Solution-focussed': to join, please email 'Solutions' to:
[email protected]

Please share & join ?
@DoloresCahill on Telegram


You make the money!

SIGN UP FOR THE NEWSLETTER: I am in conversation with Allegedly Dave, about the mortgage scam, how banks make money out of nothing, and why helping people is so rewarding. Find out more about Dave on his website: h…

1 year, 4 months ago

Dolores Cahill: Law versus legal:
Open Debate/Free Speech/Accountability
No questions that cannot be asked & no topics we cannot debate (Part 2):?

Next Question: Is there evidence that there has been a Concerted Multi-Generational Plan to remove Sovereignty & Lawful Accountability of People & their Nations through 'international' organisations such as the UN 'United Nations'?

Answer: Evidence from Robert Welch (2mins) speech from 1958:

'Big Lies' ARE being exposed with Evidence:

This is for Historical & Generational Evidence & may help those not yet 'aware' of the 'Big Lies' that will soon be widely known by all:

Solutions: ?

What should/could we do NOW & in the coming years:
(i) get healthy, food secure, build locally
(ii) be innovative & develop solutions, networks & or communities:

I am regularly connecting those who are 'Solution-focussed': to join, please email 'Solutions' to:
[email protected]

Please share & join ?
@DoloresCahill on Telegram

1 year, 4 months ago

Dolores Cahill: With deep sadness & In loving Memory of Dr. Rashid Buttar: 20.1.1966 -18.5.2023: ? Excerpt from Dr. Buttar's 13.03.2023 interview with Ty Bollinger, Dr. Joel Bohemier & Sayer Ji, detailing his symptoms over the previous six months & hospitalisation in January 2023, link here (31mins): ? Dr. Buttar lovingly cared for his patients with great wisdom, insight & compassion. He courageously spoke the Truth, including in the past 3 years, saving many lives.
He will be greatly missed by all those his life has touched worldwide? Mo chomhbhrón agus ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam ? @DoloresCahill [email protected]


Dr Rashid Buttar Describes his January 2023 Hospital Incident with Sayer Ji and Others - Brand New Tube is a Video Sharing Platform. Focusing on news of the world. A platform which wouldn’t suppress your opinions. We will not hide the truth!!

1 year, 4 months ago

Dolores Cahill: Break the Spell (Part 1):

Awaken with JP 'Where did all the 'Trust the Science' People go?

This is an excellent question & JP's video that gets to the heart of the lies, fake empathy, 'gas lighting', bullying, unlawful coercion, lack of care, decency, conscience, compassion, kindness & exclusion within families & with friends.

Compounded then, by the lack of discussion when masks, etc are dropped & everything is 'inverted', literally makes no sense 'non-sense', & the lack of 'awareness' & no analysis themselves of how 'unprincipled' & contradictory their statements are & how illogical their rationale, with no apology & no discussion & no critical analysis.

Understanding why this is & what is going on, is an important part of 'Breaking the Spell', literally 'Waking Up' from the 'Trance' & understanding & dealing with the psychological aspects, 'hypnosis', numbness, including NLP.

Researching the 'Tavistock Institute' by Daniel Estulin is a good place to start, to learn of psychological manipulation used in 'marketing', media, by politicians, 'nudge' manipulation & psychological methods including the use of contradictory 'messages' (as in C-19) to confuse the mind to exhaustion, producing a 'Comfortably Numb' state (as Pink Floyd).

Understanding this is important for those not affected to analyse what is going on around us in our society, in the media, 'politics', 'education' & to take first step in making it easier to understand what is going on & re-connect with our family, friends & loved ones.

The is crucial also in the longer term aim of building our societal discussions, media & education that AVOID using it & teaches how this manipulation is done, where people 'see' it & renders it ineffective.

These techniques have been researched for decades & when used, those affected, their state of mind finds it hard to deal with the contradictions and internally leads to mental exhaustion leading them to 'give up' & go along with what they are being told to do, wear masks, isolate, social distance, etc leading to an almost 'infantile' or 'child like' or numb acceptance.

However & a rationale for their Censorship:

If those more prone to this manipulation become aware of it, it 'breaks the trance'!

It is important to know how to do this & a good starting place is:
- humour
- questions
- hearing the Truth: which RESONATES:

Censorship explained:
When those prone to this manipulation, have it explained to them, & exactly how & what has been done to them ( when they reach that stage!), it does break the trance!

If people hear the Truth BEFORE the main manipulation campaign, of 'Fear followed by Repetition of Contradictory Manipulation Measures' as with my video & many others, these Psychological Manipulation Techniques are less effective or entirely not effective.

This is an important element to understand & makes how the media behaved even more responsible & accountable, as they were using these techniques.

Our loved ones who manage to escape this psychological manipulation, their minds will be more at peace, less 'numb', as this is a confusing & mentally exhausting place for them also ?

Understanding this process, makes it easier for us, who are not susceptible to this manipulation, & makes it less frustrating dealing with our loved ones, families & friends.?

JP has many good insights:
'I am just always trying to help people by intimidating them with safe & effective Science'!

This may be a useful video to share! ?

To connect, email:
[email protected]

Share & join on Telegram ?


Where Did All The "Trust the Science" People Go?

Grab your Real White Sonic Toothbrush at Get your Freedom Merch Here - Upcoming LIVE shows - Get updates from me via email here:…

1 year, 4 months ago

Dolores Cahill: In Remembrance & In Gratitude?

11th May 2020-2023: 3rd Anniversary of Dave Cullen's interview & my message here (2 mins) has been the same throughout:

☘️ Update: 2021/65354: POSTPONED again to 3rd Oct 2023:

☘️ My work & time these 3 years has all been voluntarily. All your support & memberships goes to these initiatives. Thank you?
& with

WFA Action Plan:
Strengthen the Individual: WFA Greece 15-19 June
Build the New: WFA Education Charter & Water Initiatives:
Resist & Protect: Law/Trial by Jury

☘️ In Freedom Travel Alliance with 100,000+ subscribers & 7000+ members with Susan Sweetin CEO, we educated &supported thousands on Law/Inalienable Rights & to Travel in Freedom & 50+ FTA Charters worldwide, our first was Ghana, Africa to Florida:

[email protected] ?

1 year, 5 months ago
Dolores Cahill: Today Spotlight on Dublin …

Dolores Cahill: Today Spotlight on Dublin 'Criminal' 'Court' 'Judges':
Re: Speaking on Scientific Research in Trafalgar Sq. Sept. 2020 & Travel Home:

2021/65354: 5th May 2023 10.30am District 'Criminal' 'Court' 8, Parkgate St:

Dolores sent Lawful Public Notices:

1st March 2023: entire 'Court' closed:

Postponed to 5th April 2023 entire 'Court' closed:

Postponed to 5th May 2023:

2021/65354 Focus on

-who is making the Criminal Accusations?
-who 'employs' them?
-the process & language & autograph & service
-Inalienable Rights & Freedom
-Irish Travel Referenda (X case)
-the British Isles Common Travel Area
-Academic Freedom as Professor & Mother returning home
-Travel between 'EU' entities
-COVID19 'act'/legislation
-Privacy: Newspapers 'Warrants' re Travel, never seen, despite Lawfully writing
-Unlawful to 'Criminalise' Travel: Malfeasance, Misrepresentation:
-All Men & Women are liable for their actions/omissions

All are innocent til Proven Guilty

Subscribe & join ?

1 year, 5 months ago

Law versus legal: Law: Freedom of Speech & Freedom to Hear: Inalienable & Inherent & underpins education & learning (Part 1):
Freedom to Hear & True Diversity: True Free Speech is Freedom to Hear, as well as speak:

A Lawful Trial by Jury process is to give people a 'Hearing'. Freedom to Hear is to give people a voice, in order to listen, consider & be educated to understand, including on Cultural Diversity & the importance to let people describe their own culture in their own words:

In this 9 minute video, it explains teachings, including on Amalek & Edom (Esau) including references, explained by over 20 speakers in their own words in order to understand others & their Culture, it is Lawful & fundamental to allow People the opportunity to speak & educate us, as in this video & for us to hear people describe themselves & their Culture & their own teachings & their history in their own words:

Please share & join ?
@DoloresCahill on Telegram

1 year, 5 months ago

Dolores Cahill: Law versus legal: Informed Consent (Part 1):
Law: Informed Consent from age 18 & up: Below 18 years any Medical intervention is Harm/Abuse/Assault/Battery without Lawful consent
legal: a corporation/legal entity/child is not alive & Harm is not seen in 'legal' system

Big Business: Starting in 'Education' & 'schools' are creating psychological & physical Harm & manipulation in young people & they go on to the 'Medical' industries, who together are doing Harm including irreversible 'treatments & surgery' on young people.

Please share ?

? Project Veritas ?

How young is too young? Part 2:

Project Veritas investigates the 'transgender medical services industry' & discovers young people under 18 get 'attention'/'services' from 'clinics' not asking for paperwork & moreover with subsidies from state & federal funds.

'Harmed Generation': This is Unlawful as young people under 18 cannot give Lawful consent & cannot enter contracts.

Parts 1, 2 & 3 are on: ?

1 year, 5 months ago

Dolores Cahill: Update 202305:?

Just re-posting my reply to a comment here & an update:

For future updates, please join & support me on Telegram?

To be connected, please email with a relevant subject heading to:
[email protected] ?
I will only reply on email when I have an Update/Meeting etc:

What can you do now?

You can educate yourself & your loved ones, getting healthier, grow food
build Communities & Cooperatives
connect to WISE & or World Freedom Alliance
prepare/volunteer your Community for Precedences, Moots & Lawful 'Trial by Jury' to Nullify acts/legislation:

We are working together in WISE:
Wales, Ireland, Scotland & England,
led by the IRB in Ireland
with the ERB & planning the SRB & WRB:

We are developing Education & Training of Jurors
looking for People/Communities/Venues for Lawful 'Trial by Jury' training
Moot 'Trial by Jury' for education
Precedence: e.g UN Agenda21/2030 '15 minute cities'

One Lawful 'Trial by Jury' sets Precedence
e.g. Men & Women paid in Councils/CEO are implementing the United Nations UN Agenda21/2030 '15 minute cities' locally
If ONE Councillor/CEO is found Guilty in 'Trial by Jury' of Unlawful Infringement of Inalienable Rights to Travel
This PRECEDENCE Nullifies ALL UN Agenda21/30 '15 min cities' Travel Restrictions as UNLAWFUL Worldwide
Councillors/CEOs Worldwide will hold liability criminally, financially & privately for their Unlawful Interference in Right to Travel:


For me, having done all this work to date Voluntarily for the past 3 years, I do now need support & will ask over the coming months including on 'Trial by Jury' e.g. with your valuable time, Printing, Training Venues & or Communities/Networks:

Also needed is support for Uncensorable Platforms if you can teach me &/or build using Web3.0/ BSVblockchain etc please get in touch ?

Thank you all ?

2021/65354 is on 5th May 2023 at 10.30am in 'Court 8', Dublin 'Criminal' 'Court', Parkgate St.
This Criminal Accusation is referred to Higher Justices, holding as Men & Women in Law full Liability for their Actions & Omissions to Lawfully & Correctly assess whether my Lawful travel to prevent Harm, including as a Professor discussing Research, is an Imprisonable Criminal Offence:

Inalienable Rights & Freedoms can never be Criminalised:

All Men & Women & also 'Justices', Garda, etc are lawfully duty & oath bound & in contract & paid to protect our Inalienable Rights & Freedoms
NOT participate in their Criminalisation:

In Law:
2021/65354 focuses:
- on who are these Men & Women making Criminal Accusations & in these 'Courts'
- on what is their employment status
- on is the process & language & autograph & service by these Men & Women lawful
- on Inalienable/Imprescriptible Rights & Freedoms in Law & Natural Law
-on Irish Travel Referendums (X case)
-on the British Isles Common Travel Area
-on Academic Freedom as a Professor & as a mother returning home to my family
-on Travel between 'EU' 'entities'
-on COVID19 'act'/legislation
-on privacy, as Newspapers reported 'Warrants' for my Travel, I have never seen despite Lawfully writing to 'Justices', 'Police' etc:

In Law:
Inalienable Natural Law Rights & Freedoms can never be taken away
in the Hierarchy of Law & are high up, above all written documents
assessed by Lawful 'Trial by Jury':

In Law:
It is not a Criminal Offence to Travel home
In fact, it IS a Crime for 'police', 'justices' etc to Interfere with Inalienable Rights called Malfeasance, Fraud/Counterfeit, Misrepresentation, Deception:
for those NOT stopping such interference-Justices, Garda etc


Law versus legal: Harm/Fraud in Teaching:

Communities/Mothers/Fathers/Families/Young People can stop the teaching of known abusive content based on fraudulent research using Law:
-Private Prosecution
-Fraud investigation
-Lawful 'Trial by Jury':

If Guilty, Men & Women hold private/personal/criminal liability & their assets/pension/bonds/indemnity insurance etc

All Men & Women are innocent until proven Guilty:

Thank you?

1 year, 5 months ago

Dolores Cahill: Update 202305:?

Just re-posting my reply to a comment here & an update:

For future updates, please join & support me on Telegram?

To be connected, please email with a relevant subject heading to:
[email protected] ?
I will only reply on email when I have an Update/Meeting etc:

What can you do now?

You can educate yourself & your loved ones, getting healthier, grow food
build Communities & Cooperatives
connect to WISE & or World Freedom Alliance
prepare/volunteer your Community for Precedences, Moots & Lawful 'Trial by Jury' to Nullify acts/legislation:

We are working together in WISE:
Wales, Ireland, Scotland & England,
led by the IRB in Ireland
with the ERB & planning the SRB & WRB:

We are developing Education & Training of Jurors
looking for People/Communities/Venues for Lawful 'Trial by Jury' training
Moot 'Trial by Jury' for education
Precedence: e.g UN Agenda21/2030 '15 minute cities'

One Lawful 'Trial by Jury' sets Precedence
e.g. Men & Women paid in Councils/CEO are implementing the United Nations UN Agenda21/2030 '15 minute cities' locally
If ONE Councillor/CEO is found Guilty in 'Trial by Jury' of Unlawful Infringement of Inalienable Rights to Travel
This PRECEDENCE Nullifies ALL UN Agenda21/30 '15 min cities' Travel Restrictions as UNLAWFUL Worldwide
Councillors/CEOs Worldwide will hold liability criminally, financially & privately for their Unlawful Interference in Right to Travel:


For me, having done all this work to date Voluntarily for the past 3 years, I do now need support & will ask over the coming months including on 'Trial by Jury' e.g. with your valuable time, Printing, Training Venues & or Communities/Networks:

Also needed is support for Uncensorable Platforms if you can teach me &/or build using Web3.0/ BSVblockchain etc please get in touch ?

Thank you all ?

2021/65354 is on 5th May 2023 at 10.30am in 'Court 8', Dublin 'Criminal' 'Court', Parkgate St.
This Criminal Accusation is referred to Higher Justices, holding as Men & Women in Law full Liability for their Actions & Omissions to Lawfully & Correctly assess whether my Lawful travel to prevent Harm, including as a Professor discussing Research, is an Imprisonable Criminal Offence:

Inalienable Rights & Freedoms can never be Criminalised:

All Men & Women & also 'Justices', Garda, etc are lawfully duty & oath bound & in contract & paid to protect our Inalienable Rights & Freedoms
NOT participate in their Criminalisation:

In Law:
2021/65354 focuses:
- on who are these Men & Women making Criminal Accusations & in these 'Courts'
- on what is their employment status
- on is the process & language & autograph & service by these Men & Women lawful
- on Inalienable/Imprescriptible Rights & Freedoms in Law & Natural Law
-on Irish Travel Referendums (X case)
-on the British Isles Common Travel Area
-on Academic Freedom as a Professor & as a mother returning home to my family
-on Travel between 'EU' 'entities'
-on COVID19 'act'/legislation
-on privacy, as Newspapers reported 'Warrants' for my Travel, I have never seen despite Lawfully writing to 'Justices', 'Police' etc:

In Law:
Inalienable Natural Law Rights & Freedoms can never be taken away
in the Hierarchy of Law & are high up, above all written documents
assessed by Lawful 'Trial by Jury':

In Law:
It is not a Criminal Offence to Travel home
In fact, it IS a Crime for 'police', 'justices' etc to Interfere with Inalienable Rights called Malfeasance, Fraud/Counterfeit, Misrepresentation, Deception:
for those NOT stopping such interference-Justices, Garda etc


Law versus legal: Harm/Fraud in Teaching:

Communities/Mothers/Fathers/Families/Young People can stop the teaching of known abusive content based on fraudulent research using Law:
-Private Prosecution
-Fraud investigation
-Lawful 'Trial by Jury':

If Guilty, Men & Women hold private/personal/criminal liability & their assets/pension/bonds/indemnity insurance etc

All Men & Women are innocent until proven Guilty:

Thank you?

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