The Velour Loveshirt Lounge

The Lounge is about stories of the human condition. Mostly by our brilliant members ... except VIC.

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3 days, 12 hours ago
**Good Night Loungers** ***😴******💤***

Good Night Loungers 😴💤

The Velour Loveshirt Lounge Chat

4 days, 5 hours ago
**Good morning Loungers!** *****😬*****

Good morning Loungers! *😬***

It's Wacky Wednesday!


Now do something WACKY or else! (stupid is an acceptable alternative)

You know who's watching!

Submit your stupid ... I mean, wacky comments, memes, gifs, videos, and manifestos NOW!

or rue the day 😠

"Join us now or suffer maximum ruing" - General Tso

The Velour Loveshirt Lounge Chat


5 days, 5 hours ago

Good Morning Loungers!  😬

The Velour Loveshirt Lounge Chat

2 months, 3 weeks ago

Good Morning Loungers! 😬

The Velour Loveshirt Lounge

2 months, 3 weeks ago
2 months, 3 weeks ago

Good Morning Loungers! 😬☕️

The Velour Loveshirt Lounge

4 months, 4 weeks ago
We have a new Lounge member!***🎉******💗******🍾***

We have a new Lounge member!🎉💗🍾

5 months ago

Goodnight Loungers!

If you know Caitlin, she's in labor. Prayers for momma and baby!

5 months ago

Good Morning Loungers! ❤️

The Velour Loveshirt Lounge

6 months, 4 weeks ago

It fits with 24/7 surveillance, 15 minute cities, the perversion of foodstuffs and many more, strange themes and events.

In this context, and in relation to the skies, two things immediately occur to me:

  1. There are many observations of odd patterns in the skies. I myself have observed them in Southern England, the Côte d’Azur & Florida. In two of these three, cloudy skies day after day represent such dramatic change from weather patterns established over centuries. “This isn’t normal” is not conspiracy theory. There have been numerous leaks of information & the odd document, some of which talk specifically of “SAI” (stratospheric aerosol injection). The USAF has been experimenting with weather modification since the end of WW2. In order not to find it more than plausible that this is happening now, I would argue you’d need to know what are the technical limitations of this broad technology, which I do not.

  2. I think the answer to 1 is that we are being sprayed often, but I do not know with what. Might it be with materials that are sufficiently toxic as to damage human health & to damage the environment? Sure, almost anything is possible. I have no direct evidence for this. It might however be do. On the other hand, it’s not faintly implausible that the perpetrators are blocking out the sun, because the psychologists & crooks know that generally speaking, low mood results from this kind of thing, and low mood will increase the sense of despair and lack of planning to resist. That might be enough. They also enjoy dicking around with our minds. They are evidently evil, when you review what they & their antecedents have done.

By the way, I’m often asked “So who is doing this?”

I believe we will never know. We know the names of a small number of those who are obviously all-in on this, and your know their names. They’re often referred to on TV & representatives of wealthy trusts and funds, too, not infrequently seen. There is some attention on “think tanks” such as WEF, UN, WHO, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Bilderberg Group, the Davos Set, the Crowned Heads of European countries, especially U.K. & the Netherlands, even The Committee of 300.
But know this, we’re never going to be allowed to know their names and identities. In my opinion, it makes no difference whatsoever whether we have their names or not.

In terms of countermeasures, being as prepared as possible is very important. My own knowledge has enabled avoidance of just one crucial risk so far: not being injected with “c19 vaccines”. I’m not protected by knowledge. There’s nowhere to run & hide anyway. We have to stop it or limit the destruction that they’ll commit.

Finally, this truly extended planned assault upon humanity has a spiritual aspect to it, to say the least. I doubt they’re alien lizards, but I do think they’re from extended families who have held very terrible views on “ordinary people” like you and me, forever.

We’re not in a hopeless position but I do recommend we recognise just how much trouble we’re in. I encourage each of us to prepare to be able to resist for a long as possible. Buying time may be the single most important thing you can do.

Another is the relay idea. Those reading this for example are already wide awake. Those in your personal network may not be. In those cases, you are pretty much their only salvation. The media is never going to tell them the truth. I cannot ever reach them, because they’re not looking for (people like) me. So this battle may turn on your willingness and effectiveness in opening the eyes of people important to you.

I hope this is of use or interest to someone. I’ll repost it as it may be of wider interest.

Best wishes

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