Police For Freedom International

The mission of Police For Freedom movement is to re-humanise our societies, bringing back trust and unity between the security forces and the people. policeforfreedom.org
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1 year, 1 month ago

Why are politicians from the right-wing corner always prosecuted by the Public Prosecution Service for statements they use, and when this comes from the left-wing politically oriented corner, it remains icy quiet? Has the Public Prosecution Service hung up its blindfold and scales and chosen a political side? What does that say about the Rule of Law that you think you stand for? What does that mean for the Trias Politica, one of the pillars on which our Constitution is based? Why do sovereign countries sign agreements with a private company (WEF WHO UN) that violate our Constitution and affect a country's sovereignty? Don't we call that treason in our legal system? Isn't there something mentioned about this in criminal law? Is it true that the police top is also in Davos? What is she doing there then? Are you a policeman, policewoman, or a Special Investigating Officer who wants to serve the people, or are you one who, as a political instrument, lends himself to bad choices? Do you want to be someone in the future who has privileges because you want to enforce the laws of a totalitarian system in which the rights of the people have been wiped out? “You own nothing and will be happy” Really? A few years ago I wrote the text below to indicate what the police have done to my heart in recent years.

My blue heart needs to be resuscitated.

What I stood for has disappeared. The blue line has been crossed on the wrong side. I have to completely reset myself. What I thought I was contributing to turned out to be a big lie. While my colleagues and I, to the best of our knowledge, helped citizens in society. Putting criminals behind bars. We were betrayed by politicians behind our backs. My oath to the constitution and laws are being dragged through the mud by politicians who apparently do not know what the oath or promise they have taken entails. Those who do not consider your fundamental rights important. Those who don't care about your health and well-being. I no longer feel obliged to keep my oath to the King because he does not stand for the fundamental rights of his people. I have sworn allegiance to the constitution and laws and NOT to politics and certainly not to Rutte, who puts his political goals above the rights of the people and above the laws. I was blind to the hidden agenda of our leaders. I call on every police officer and woman to recalibrate their moral compass. To stand up for what you joined the police for and protect the people against tyranny. I call on every police officer and woman to let your blue heart speak and use the blue line for what it stands for. I call on every policeman and woman to NEVER, EVER hide behind the term "I was only doing my job." Laws are there to protect citizens, not to oppress Where injustice becomes law, resistance is a duty. My police heart bleeds and hurts terribly.

I hope that every policeman, policewoman, and Special Investigating Officer reads this and absorbs it and recalibrates their moral compass.

I can go on asking questions for another 5 pages, but the message will be clear. Do your research and ask critical questions. We are not there for politics but for the people. Let us not make the same mistakes as in the last century. I pray that you will act according to honor, conscience, and service to humanity.

Fight in the name of love.

Peter Cirk (former Dutch police officer)

1 year, 1 month ago

January 17, 2024

Socially critical police officers

A socially critical attitude and the necessary self-reflection can be expected from every police officer and policewoman, but also every special investigating officer. These qualities and a good knowledge of legislation and basic knowledge of government structure seem to me to be indispensable to be able to carry out police work well, in good faith and serving the population. They should be open to everything, absolutely everything that is told to them, so that they are able to make the right choices based on substantiation.

If they do not, or do not sufficiently, meet the above-mentioned characteristics, they risk becoming an instrument of political choices, with potentially disastrous consequences for the population. And that is why I once again call on every policeman and every policewoman and every special investigating officer from top to bottom to work hard on these qualities. Yes, you receive your salary from the government, but you serve the population, in the fight against evil and to protect the weakest in society.

When, as a police officer or special investigation officer, you use terms that block the opinions or insights of those who think differently, you are on a slippery slope. Supporting your colleagues is a great asset and it should be that way. If that colleague starts committing crimes, then support for them will, of course, disappear, but why does that support not stop with that colleague who makes racist or discriminatory statements about certain topics? Calling someone who thinks differently than you or the organization a conspiracy theorist is a form of discrimination, in the sense of "you don't follow the narrative," so we silence you with a demonizing comment, which undermines any form of open discussion and therefore exchange of insights.

Answer the questions for yourself and seek the truth before you put a label on it. I ask these questions not only to Dutch law officers but also to those in all other countries in Europe and all countries worldwide! Police work is basically the same everywhere. Catch crooks and protect society! Why is there so much resistance to 5G, and maybe they have a point? Could it be that 5G is indeed bad for humans and animals? Why are children in primary school bombarded with teaching materials about sex with adults? Why does almost every Western country have to deal with this, and what is the driving force behind this? Why do Transgenders need such a young audience, and do they visit primary schools? Why are demonstrations not treated equally in principle? Who determines that strategy? The Mayor is about public order, but is he also about the monopoly on violence?

Why are doctors who criticize the implementation of politically chosen policies fired and silenced? Since when does politics determine the treatment strategy of doctors? Where does this come from? Why is so much energy put into prosecuting and condemning critical people? Why are the sentences they receive so exorbitantly high compared to what is customary in sentencing? Why is someone who wants to report abuse refused? Why don't the police investigate children who have been removed from their homes (kidnapped?) as a result of the Allowance Affair? What does that say about the police as an organization and the position they choose? What do you, who are the figurehead of the police, think about this? Some citizens did investigate this, including via WOB requests (Public Administration Act), with a shocking conclusion and STILL it remained quiet within the police organization. Detective work carried out by citizens.

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