Patrick Quinlan

Will Ireland live or die, endure or vanish? That question will be answered in this generation.
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2 months, 1 week ago
Patrick Quinlan
2 months, 1 week ago
There's the housing crisis guaranteed for …

There's the housing crisis guaranteed for the next 30 years.

By which time the Irish people will be a minority in our own homeland.

Fight back. Join the National Party.

2 months, 2 weeks ago

As an elected official representing Blanchardstown - Mulhuddart, it is my responsibility to prioritize the needs and interests of my constituents. I would like to address my decision to abstain from yesterday's motion proposed by PBP regarding divestment from companies associated with the Israeli state.

My main focus as a local representative is to serve the Irish people, understand their aspirations, and work towards a better future for them. I did not enter local office to make grandstanding gestures that ultimately serve the self-serving interests of the communist left. They have consistently demonstrated a tendency to align themselves with various causes, except those that truly benefit the Irish people. They selectively choose which issues to support.

For instance, when there were incidents of African gangs attacking innocent Irish people in Dublin West, for an incident completely unrelated to them, and when videos surfaced of Irish people being verbally abused by these individuals, the left remained silent. It is evident that their concern is not for any particular group of people, but rather to exploit misery for their own political gain.

The National Party will remain consistent in our commitment to the Irish people.

4 months, 3 weeks ago
Members have been busy campaigning for …

Members have been busy campaigning for the upcoming local elections in various parts of Tallaght!

Join us ??

4 months, 4 weeks ago

Galway Advertiser

National Party leader Reynolds vows to reverse turf cutting ban if elected to Europe

National Party leader James Reynolds has recently announced his candidacy for the European Parliamentary elections in the Midlands-North-West Constituency.

Patrick Quinlan
4 months, 4 weeks ago

While canvassing in the local area after the recent ongoing events in Newtown Mountkennedy its clear the tide has turned.

Irish people have had enough. The time has come for Direct Deportations.

5 months ago

Beat them on the doorsteps. Beat them at the ballot box. June 7th.

5 months ago

National Party Supporting the People of Newtown Mountkennedy

Get Active:

5 months ago
Patrick Quinlan
7 months, 1 week ago

@NationalPartyIE members across the country will be on the ground over the coming weeks leafleting and canvassing doors in opposition to the reigmes proposed changes to the constitution. Which could open the floodgates for family reunification for foreigners. #VoteNoRef24

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