
Amerikadagi o’zbek qizi??

??University of South Florida•| Finance?
??El-Yurt Umidi Stependiya G’olibasi
?? IHT MUN Asoschisi
?US Women Leaders Dasturi G’olibasi
We recommend to visit

- Ta'limga oid eng tezkor xabar va yangiliklar!

? @DTMreklama

Ushbu kanalda abituriyentlar uchun kabi taʼlimga oid rasmiy manbalardagi xabarlar sodda tilda yoritiladi.

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Воқеа ва ҳодисага гувоҳ бўлдингизми ?
бизга юборинг ? @Sunnatik_Uz

Everyday Interesting, Videos and Photos!

Реклама: +998999090909 @KDREKLAMA

+998998750505 @KDGROUP_UZ

?643092-сонли гувоҳнома асосида фаолият юритамиз

Last updated 1 week, 4 days ago

 «Eslating! Zero eslatma mo'minlarga manfaat yetkazur...»
(Zoriyot surasi 55-oyat)


Last updated 1 year, 3 months ago

1 month, 4 weeks ago

20-iyulda oyijonim va kichkina ukam AQSHga uchib kelishdi, va hozirgacha ko’p joylarga sayohat qildik..

1 month, 4 weeks ago

I am back with a lot of photos from my last trips?

2 months, 3 weeks ago

Admitly Education is Accepting Applications for Our Student Mentorship Program!

Are you a student looking to achieve your academic and professional goals with the guidance of experienced mentors? Our consulting agency is excited to announce the opening of applications for our Mentorship Program!

About the Program:
Our mentorship program is designed to support students in their journey towards academic excellence and career success. Participants will receive personalized guidance, resources, and networking opportunities to help them navigate the challenges of international admissions and beyond.

What We Offer:
-One-on-One Mentorship: Connect with experienced mentors who will provide personalized advice and support.
-Workshops and Seminars: Gain access to exclusive workshops on topics such as college applications, essay writing, interview preparation, and more.
-Networking Opportunities: Build a network with other ambitious students and professionals in various fields.
-Resource Access: Utilize our extensive library of resources, including application guides, study materials, and career advice.

For more information and program contact : @admitly_edu

Or leave your contact here, we’ll organize online Consultation for you:Link

Don't miss this opportunity to take your academic and professional journey to the next level with the guidance of experienced mentors. Apply now and start paving the way to your success!

We look forward to receiving your applications and become part of your admissions journey !

Admitly Education Team?

3 months, 2 weeks ago
3 months, 2 weeks ago
3 months, 2 weeks ago
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Hozirda universitetimizda “Week of Welcome” bo’lib …

Hozirda universitetimizda “Week of Welcome” bo’lib o’tyabti. “Week of Welcome”- bu yangi talabalarni kutib olish tadbiri?

3 months, 2 weeks ago

Here we goooooooo?

3 months, 2 weeks ago

*? MUHIM E'LON! ?***
Bizda ajoyib yangilik bor! Davlat fondi «El Yurt Umidi» stipendiatlari bilan hamkorlikda maxsus kursni ishga tushiramiz, u sizga fond sinovlariga tayyorlanishga yordam beradi.

?Eng muhimi — kursda qatnashish mutlaqo BEPUL!

Bu kurs nafaqat bu yil ariza berishni rejalashtirayotganlar uchun, balki oldindan tayyorgarlik ko'rishni va barcha nozikliklarni bilib olishni xohlaganlar uchun ham foydali bo'ladi.

Bizning mentorlarimiz:

Munisa Mahamadjanova
«El Yurt Umidi» fondi stipendiatlari
University of South Florida talabasi

Shahriyor Baxtiyorov
University of Toronto talabasi (dunyodagi eng yaxshi 25 universitetlar qatoriga kiradi)

Qanday qilib ishtirokchi bo'lish mumkin?
Bizning kanallarimizni 10 do'stingiz va 5 guruh bilan ulashing. (Kanallarimiz : va

Tasdiq skrinshotlarini bizga jo'nating. ( @shakhriyor_b )

Shoshiling, o'rinlar cheklangan!

«El Yurt Umidi» fondi sinovlariga bepul tayyorgarlik ko'rish imkonini qo'ldan boy bermang!



Amerikadagi o’zbek qizi***🇺🇿*** ***🇺🇸***University of South Florida•| Finance***🎓*** ***🇺🇿***El-Yurt Umidi Stependiya G’olibasi ***🇺🇳*** IHT MUN Asoschisi ***🎓***US Women Leaders Dasturi G’olibasi

*****?*** MUHIM E'LON! ***?*****
6 months, 1 week ago
We recommend to visit

- Ta'limga oid eng tezkor xabar va yangiliklar!

? @DTMreklama

Ushbu kanalda abituriyentlar uchun kabi taʼlimga oid rasmiy manbalardagi xabarlar sodda tilda yoritiladi.

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Воқеа ва ҳодисага гувоҳ бўлдингизми ?
бизга юборинг ? @Sunnatik_Uz

Everyday Interesting, Videos and Photos!

Реклама: +998999090909 @KDREKLAMA

+998998750505 @KDGROUP_UZ

?643092-сонли гувоҳнома асосида фаолият юритамиз

Last updated 1 week, 4 days ago

 «Eslating! Zero eslatma mo'minlarga manfaat yetkazur...»
(Zoriyot surasi 55-oyat)


Last updated 1 year, 3 months ago