
Linux Mint, video encoding, ffmpeg, geek tips, regex, pdf manipulation, substitcher, mpv config
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2 months, 3 weeks ago

SubStitcher v2 36KiB July 2024 for transcribing audiobooks and stitching up to 160 vttt / srt subtitles into one subtitle. Added preview of lines to be lowercased. Hopefully this is hardly ever necessary.

2 months, 3 weeks ago

mpv config and extensions or Mac July 2024 7MiB This is for Macs. will add binary for those who can't compile mpv 0.38 since brew install mpv is still using 0.37 stolen-data version.

2 months, 3 weeks ago

mpv config 2MiB 19 pages

shows customized uosc menu and keyboard shortcuts.

2 months, 3 weeks ago

SubStitcher July 2024 for transcribing audiobooks and stitching up to 160 vttt / srt subtitles into one subtitle.

2 months, 3 weeks ago

Use Linux Mint and apps I use are (not listing ones using on Mac):
Evince - PDF Reader, FileZilla - ftp client, fotoxx - photo editor, Master PDF Editor 5 - crop PDFs, PDF Arranger - reorganize PDF, Remmina - remote control

Eventually will just use LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition) ..yeah no PPA and a few other things but that's about it. Ubuntu die, die, die.

2 months, 4 weeks ago

ggml-large-v3-encoder.mlmodelc 1.1GiB multilingual (December 2023)

A mirror of CoreML whisper.cpp models for Macs Silicon M1, M2, etc.

Or the models can be downloaded from the web

Haven't tried large-v3 yet cuz when it initially came out there were massive reports of hallucination. Not sure if that's still the case or not but will find out.

edit: ok tried large-v3 and sure enough it hallucinates....piece of trash

3 months, 2 weeks ago

Skim opensource PDF reader for Mac. Recently found PDF Marker in app store and love it but can't handle a certain PDF I'm working on with tons of hyperlinks. It does up to a certain point then just doesn't recognize additional links. edit: ok seems it can handle it now for some reason.

Skim drove me nuts cuz it wouldn't by default have TOC (table of contents) outline collapsed. So to rectify that use the hidden preferences which I wasn't aware of. Set it to always be collapsed on PDF open and open PDFs in tabs. In Terminal just do the following:

`defaults write net.sourceforge.skim-app.skim SKCollapseTOCSublevels -boolean true

defaults write net.sourceforge.skim-app.skim AppleWindowTabbingMode -string always`

4 months, 2 weeks ago

Make PDF photo collage / montage. Just run script in a directory of jpg images. This one creates photos 2 columns and 3 rows per page. Compresses pdf to small size.

[ ! \-d output ] && mkdir output ; montage *.jpg \-mode concatenate \-tile 2x3 +polaroid \-geometry \-44\-44 \-background "\#222222" output/montage_%03d.jpg ; img2pdf \-\-imgsize 888x1500 output/*.jpg \-o collage.pdf ; gs \-sDEVICE=pdfwrite \-dCompatibilityLevel=1.5 \-dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook \-dNOPAUSE \-dBATCH \-dColorImageResolution=150 \-sOutputFile=collage_small.pdf collage.pdf && exiftool \-all:all= collage_small.pdf && qpdf \-\-linearize \-\-object\-streams=generate collage_small.pdf collage_tiny.pdf && rm \-f output/* collage_small.pdf collage_small.pdf_original

5 months, 2 weeks ago

Lately ocrmypdf keeps failing when I just wanna compress pdfs so had to do it without fail. Also to clean metadata was using ExifCleaner but didn't realize all metadata can be restored by doing exiftool \-pdf\-update:all= some.pdf.

qpdf does a decent job of compressing images and the linearize destroys the metadata that was stripped out so it can't be restored.

exiftool \-\-list some.pdfwill show pdf metadata

On Mac (cuz of stupid zsh)

metapdf=$(bash \-c 'read \-e \-p "Input pdf filename to clean metadata and compress: " tmp; echo $tmp') && exiftool \-all:all= $metapdf && qpdf \-\-linearize \-\-object\-streams=generate $metapdf ${metapdf%.*}_cleaned.pdf

On Linux this should work

read \-p "Input pdf filename to clean metadata and compress: " metapdf && exiftool \-all:all= $metapdf && qpdf \-\-linearize \-\-object\-streams=generate $metapdf ${metapdf%.*}_cleaned.pdf

Another way to compress pdfs is

ps2pdf in.pdf out.pdf
but it's way too slow

On Linux I use MasterPDF Editor to crop pdfs but on Mac not sure what free app there is so resorted to online pdf croppers. Only free one I found that doesn't destroy bookmarks in the process was pdfmonk but gotta use it in Safari.

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