Last updated hace 1 mes, 2 semanas
سيرافقك قلبي إلى اخر العمر
- لطلب تمويل تواصل ← : @ooooow
- قناة التمويلات : @xxxxzz
Last updated hace 3 semanas, 2 días
Last updated hace 2 meses, 2 semanas
Written by the Sheikha Umm Abdillah Al Waadi'iyyah the daughter of Sheikh Muqbil رحمه الله. I advise every muslimah to have this within her library - for it discusses the most important matters pertaining to womanhood such as the Hijāb, learning beneficial knowledge, adherence to the Qur'ān and Sunnah, Al Haya and the upbringing of children.
In a time where the enemies of islām are striving to mislead the women through various forms of propaganda - it is upon the women to advise one another and to learn what is upon them - to be able to distinguish truth from falsehood.
Sheikh Muqbil رحمه الله mentions regarding the author :
"..she is Umm Abdillah al Wadi'iyyah. She is well versed in various islamic sciences, and possesses the manners of Allāhs Messenger صلى الله عليه و سلم. She is virtuous and very careful in preserving her time. Consequently, Allāh has blessed her knowledge. She is always eager to benefit her sisters, and would teach a book until she completes it and thereafter moves on to another book.."
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قال الإمام ابن القيّم رحمه الله:
Imām Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allāh have mercy on him, said:
فرق بين من يقول لك بلسانه إني أحبك ، ولا شاهد عليه من حاله
There is a difference between someone who tells you with his tongue, “I love you,” and there is no evidence of his condition
وبين من هو ساكت لا يتكلم ، وأنت ترى شواهد أحواله كلها ناطقة بحبه لك
and between the one who is silent and does not say it, and you see evidence of all his conditions that speak of his love for you.
[طريق الهجرتين 314]
If anyone is looking for lessons in tajweed ?
The academy only has 2 places left so contact them now on instagram !
مضى الثلثان يا قلباه فالحق
Two thirds have passed, so catch up, o my heart,
على الثلث الأخير من السباق
with the last third of this race.
أمامك ليلة عن ألف شهر
In front of you is a night better than one thousand nights,
مخبأة لدى العشر البواقي
hidden amongst the ten nights that are left.
? اللهم بارك لنا في هذه العشر، وبلغنا ليلة القدر، واكتبنا فيها من عتقائك من النار
Last updated hace 1 mes, 2 semanas
سيرافقك قلبي إلى اخر العمر
- لطلب تمويل تواصل ← : @ooooow
- قناة التمويلات : @xxxxzz
Last updated hace 3 semanas, 2 días
Last updated hace 2 meses, 2 semanas