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Death sentence and terrorism ... Part 2
Part 1 https://t.me/IsraelWarWomenRights/1167
Any form of execution is inhumane ...
Again this is bullshit!
What about capital punishment for terrorists? wrote Amnesty.
Terrorist still continue to do terror, even if the leader is alive in prison ... SO IT'S HUGE COMPLEX!Are there more deaths if we kill the leader?
or if we keep alive the leader?
or if the leader will escape?
WE CANNOT SAY THAT! because there is NO ANSWER TO THAT! and depends from so many factors!
But don't forget that terrorists already escaped ...
Five dangerous prisoners escaped from Tunisia's Mornaguia jail on Tuesday, according to an official statement https://perma.cc/ELW8-B5QU
Four jihadists escape in deadly Mauritania prison break https://perma.cc/9AJ3-GPTP
At Least 10 Killed, 24 Inmates Escape in Attack on Mexican Prison Near Texas Border https://perma.cc/JT2L-ERG5
Twenty killed in Sierra Leone attack and nearly 2,000 prisoners escape https://archive.is/QAihf
Let we remember how laws are shit and different between countries / region
never forget Prison Break
without hoping that prisoners are doing errors
to have a confirm we need to keep them in prison / or kill ...
Amnesty: to demonstrate they are doing something to “protect” national security —> this will NOT protect a country! Terrorism IS NOT HOMICIDE!
and homicide is not homicide!
But the threat of execution is unlikely to stop men and women prepared to die for their beliefs – for example, suicide bombers —> yes, this is why Israel built a wall, and Amnesty is still complaining about that!!!https://t.me/IsraeliFacts/7
Amnesty can just complain!See next post
Without digital technologies, surveillance, and the militarisation of the border, walls would not be nearly as effective, for these barriers are not necessarily a successful means of preventing border crossings as they have always been breached.https://t.me/BorderWallEcocide/51
Outsiders do not get in because borders are lax, rather they simply find another way through, often increasing their risk of fatality by doing so. Despite inherent dangers of migrant journeys, millions of people continue to cross borders all over the globe without authorisation. The fact that this continues to occur, despite the plethora of new walls, suggests walls are not necessarily a practical prevention. Borders are often very long and extremely diffcult to fence as well as requiring the necessary maintenance for their continued upkeep. As at February 2020, only one-third of the US-Mexico’s 3,170km border had been completed (Miro & Blanco, 2020). Even the heavily fortified 708km Israeli-West Bank barrier was only two-thirds finished after 15 years of construction (Jones, 2016: 4).
In addition, border barriers are not effective because terrorists or drug smugglers do not enter through the land border, but rather, a significant share of unauthorised arrivals in OECD countries enter with a valid visa and never leave (Krishnadev, 2019: 1-9).
Likewise, illegal goods enter through shipping ports and airports as well as through tunnels built underground. To this end, Israel has started construction of a subterranean wall along the Gaza strip to prevent people from tunnelling under (Estrin, 2018: 1-6).
In fact, the tunnels into Gaza supply everything from building materials to food, clothing, computers, and livestock, as well as weapons. Work in and around the tunnels is believed to sustain 15,000 workers, and trade through the tunnels is estimated to raise as much as $750 mil- lion a year in taxation alone for the Hamas government (Verini, 2012: 42).
To all "fake" war experts, just one question ...
You always talk about or against Apartheid or other things. BUT THIS PICTURE SHOW EXACTLY THE FACTS! 100k people watched the video, other remain ignorant. So have you watched this video or read the report or opened at least one time the site about Amnesty? No matter if what they write is bullshit or not! Because even if this is bullshit, first need to be watched, then verified and only after that you can express something!
Or you share "we have no enough knowledge / experience" to give a statement, like we do too!
Even your living experience IS NOT A FACT! if other things get ignored, considering just one point of view. So experience is important, but is not the only one!
Means you cannot say anything about that, without even reading and watching videos.
This is just a small example that we see day by days. Scientific research downloaded by 200 - 1000+ people, serious video watched by 3 cats, serious channels followed by 3 cats ...
Meanwhile bullshit IS FOLLOWED BY MILLIONS! and TikTok bullshit video are trendy like shit.
So before opening your mouth sharing opinions, reflect about that!
Meanwhile, if you are in this category, you can find the video we shared long time ago here
?? https://t.me/ApartheidPalestine/18
?? https://t.me/ApartheidPalestine/38
?? https://t.me/ApartheidPalestine/63
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