Duolingo English Test

Official Duolingo English Test preparation

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4 months, 1 week ago


IELTS dan yetarlicha ball olmadingizmi? Chet el Universitetlarida ta’lim olmoqchimisiz?

Bizda buning yechimi bor

Uzoq kutilgan Duolingo Intensiv tayyorlov kursiga start berdik

?Nega aynan bizning kurs?

O'zbekistondagi yagona Duolingo testiga tayyorlov onlayn kurs?

? 2 yildan ortiq tajriba, 200 dan ortiq studentlar va 50 dan ortiq 120+ natijalar

-13 ta Zoom darsliklar
-Davomiyligi 1 oy
-Narxi 650.000 so'm
-Joylar soni 10 ta

Qatnashish shartlari:
-Ingliz tilini kamida "Elementary" darajasida bilish
-Har bir onlayn dars uchun 90 daqiqa vaqt

❗️Joylar soni chegaralangan! Atigi 10 ta!

Birinchi to'lov qilgan 3 ta insonga kurs narxiga 15% chegirma majvud, ya'ni kurs narxini 550.000 so'm qilib beramiz

?Kurs yakunida eng faol o'quvchiga 100% test tolov to'lab beriladi

?Kursga registratsiya qilish uchun @duolingo_course ga yozing

1 year ago

Solution to the most difficult section in DET!The most challenging section in DET is the speaking section, where test-takers are required to respond to spoken and written prompts.

Tips to improve your speaking:

Practice Pronunciation:
Read out loud the books in your room with intonations and focus on clear pronunciation of words. Use language learning apps or resources that provide pronunciation feedback.

Fluency and Pace:
Speak at a natural pace and maintain fluency. Avoid speaking too fast or too slow. Practice conversational English to improve your flow.

Expand Vocabulary:
Enhance your vocabulary to express ideas more effectively use Mariam Dictionaries. This can be achieved through regular reading, listening to English podcasts, and learning new words.

Grammatical Accuracy:
Pay attention to grammar and sentence structure. Practice constructing grammatically correct sentences to convey your thoughts accurately by recording your speech and track yourself.

Effective Communication:
Try to speak with your friends in English and speak with them constantly. Focus on delivering a clear and coherent response. Practice organizing your thoughts before speaking to ensure a well-structured answer.

Familiarize Yourself with the Format:
Download Speaking assistants to prepare for questions and familiarizing with them. Take practice tests to get accustomed to the format of the Speaking section. This will help reduce anxiety during the actual test.

Utilize Duolingo Resources:
Take advantage of Duolingo's own resources and practice materials. They often provide tips and examples specific to the test format.

Time Management:
Practice managing your time effectively. The Speaking section has time constraints, so ensure that you can provide thoughtful responses within the allotted time.

Remember that the key to success in the Duolingo, especially in the Speaking section, lies in consistent practice and improvement. Work on your weaknesses, seek feedback, and refine your language skills over time!

Study DET with @duolingo_lessons.

1 year ago

❗️Today is the last day to register for our DET Marathon 5.0Text @duolingo_course to reserve your spot!

We recommend to visit

Community chat: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_chat_2

Twitter: x.com/hamster_kombat

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@HamsterKombat_Official

Bot: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot
Game: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot/

Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.

📱 App: @Blum
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Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 1 month ago