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🅲🅾🅻🅻🅴🅲🆃🅸🆅🅴 🆁🅸🆂🅸🅽🅶 Kathara Bio-regenisis🔥💥✨:
We are, individually and collectively, making a shift into 'density 2' soul matrix meaning we are integrating parts of our higher identity progressively.
On the flip side, there is also a descent path for those who are getting caught up in dramatical scenes, investing much sacred energy emotionally and mentally into world affairs, in other words, energising and partaking in the duality conflict/drama.
Those of us on the upward spiral of CREATION (A-CCRETION), originally, we didn't need to reincarnate over and over to integrate 'accrete' frequency... that was all done in one lifetime. By the age of 33 we had oversoul integration meaning we could already do things that nowadays you would call supernatural.
However, with the fall of certain races namely 'angelic groups' hybridizing with 'angelic humans' they gave birth to several illuminati races, all of which compete for dominion over earth's and universal stargates.
Where has this left us?
It's left us trying to bio-regenerate our DNA meaning get back the 'lost' strands that we would have fully embodied, a full 12 double strand silicate matrix gene code, had we not also fallen, not necessarily by choice, but by default, as Earth and the solar system did. Meaning, we acquired distorted gene codes when we are born on earth because of earths messed up grids.
Now, as an awaken(ing) HUEman race, we must really take the path of bio-spiritual evolution aka regenesis to put these gene codes back together. Think of this as a puzzle that got our fire letter codes scrambled, that becomes our sole responsibility to put them back together.
Sounds impossible?
It's not. It's an easy process for people who prioritize their healing. It's easier than living with messed up gene codes and remaining in a hypnotic state subservient to Fallan Angelics who systematically have and continue to drain your Shal-A natural light to feed themselves because they lost their connection to Source.
We were gifted the inner technologies and techniques for BIO-SPIRITUAL Healing. Those who have eyes to see will be able to recognize that there is something really unusual 'unnatural' happening. There is a lot happening, we are in the most crucial time right now - we are re-aligning back with our inner Christos, regaining our multi-dimensional identities, literally, turning on our gene codes like lights on a Xmas tree (Christos tree of life) that science terms as 'junk', we are awakening.
Welcome to the GREAT AWAKENING!
You, I, us we are all in it together. But know this, if you continue to activate the Caduceus and feed it, channel messages from False light and mess up earth's grids you are not evolving, you are causing destruction, in other words, streaming energy into phantom matrix. While the destruction continues, there are groups we are running 12th dimensional and over frequencies healing earths' grids and their personal templates. It's not always comfortable to live with DNA symptom activations. There is an evolutionary side that people are not seeing because they are channeling their vision towards the 'polarity' drama. There's a hidden side that those in power want to keep you in the dark about.
العديد ممن اختار طريق الارتقاء و الوعي تتجلى كثير مشاكل في حياته فجأة .
و هذا شيء متوقع. لان هذا يعني الطاقات بدات فعلا تتحرك في واقعك بعض الركود. فقط لو اعتبرناها مشاكل و نظرنا اليها بسلبية و احباط و قلة حيلة فان الامر سيزيد سوء و نعلق اكثر في المشاكل.
الافضل اعتبارها تحديات ستساعدنا في تعلم الدروس باسرعة طريقة حتى نتمكن من الارتقاء في الوعي و اكتساب المزيد من النضج الروحي و الحكمة
طبعا لازم دائما ان نتعامل مع اي مشكل مت منظور ايجابي و نكون متيقنين بان الحلول موجودة.
كل مشكل لديه ليس حل واحد بل عدة حلول.
كمان لو كان الحل هو تغيير جذري في حياتنا .فتأكد ان هذا هو الحل الافضل. خاصة لو اخترت طريق التطور.
المشاكل او التحديات تحدث عندما نصل الى مرحلة تصبح الطاقات لدينا راكدة و لم تعد في صالح التطور. لهذا يحدث زلزال يدفعنا للبحث عن طرق لاعادة التوازن و من خلال التجربة نتطور و ننضج
تصفحت فقط بعض الجمل من الكتاب
الظاهر ان جيشوا الحقيقي و له علاقة بالاراضي الوسطى ولد من ثوأم شعلة متطورين روحيا . و الحدث كان فعلا في ديسمبر.
اما المزيف و الذي تتحدث عنه الاديان فهم من صنع الانوناكي و أعطوه قدرات هو مهجن و لديه فقط 9 شرائط من DNA. مفعلة و ليس مثل جيشووا الحقيقي الذي لديه 12 شريط مفعل. هذا الأخير ولد من اجل اصلاح درع الارض و المساعدة على تفعيل جينات البشر . مو معروف بس الانوناكي لكي يخفوا تعاليمه الحقيقية عملوا نسخة المسيح الي لديه قدرات خارقة . و كمان الذي صلب ليس واحد من هادول بل شخص لعب الانوناكي بعقله و جعلوه يهلوس. قصة الصلب حقيقية .فعلا تم صلب رجل لكنه ليس المسيح لا الحقيفي و لا المزيف
يعني تمثيلية للتاريخ المزيف
Maharic Christos frequencies ?♥️? for HEALING
This too shall pass.
All in time, we will realise the collective unconscious is generating so much trauma into the field, it requires awareness.
It may look ugly but its in our field, requiring transmutation.
Earth is tired.
We can blame the bad guys for the collective suffering too but this doesn't help.
Loving compassion, supporting one another and focusing on what we want to co-create is the only way to restore peace for all of us.
Witness the changes lets witness them within our personal and planetary fields, while focusing in the meantime on what we want to rebuild.
Sending healing frequencies now to every place in the universe for healing, regeneration and restoration of the organic divine blueprint of all living beings.
Omni love
8 to 12:
8D Stargate Xian, China 34.3416º N, 108.9398º E
8D Inner gate Lop Nur, border Tibet/China 40.1666º N, 90.5833º E
9D Stargate Tibet Autonomous Region, Bam Co Lake 31.25277778º N, 90.57861111º E
9D Inner gate Valley of the White Horse, Westbury England 51.26361111º N, 2.14694444ºW
10D Stargate Abadan, Iran 30.3ºN, 48.3º E
10D Inner gate Basrah, Iraq 30.5081ºN, 47.7835º E
11D Stargate Vale of Pewsey, Amesbury, Wiltshire, UK (Stonehenge) 51.1679º N, 1.763º W
11D Inner gate Ireland’s Eye, Irish Sea 53.404608º N, 6.063344º W
11D Inner gate St. Ives Bay, Cornwall, UK 50.211º N, 5.48º W (Grual-Grail Point)
12D Stargate Monsegur, southern France 44.65º N, 0.0803º E
12D Inner gate Kauai 22.16444º N, 159.65722º W
• 1459BC Israel Crusade
• 1,458BC Hatshepsut Invasion
• 1353BC Fall of Akhenaton
• 906BC Fall of Solomon’s Temple
• 26BC Roman Invasion
• 23BC Essene Divide
• 325AD Council of Nicaea
• 608AD Arthurian Grail Quest
• 1244AD Albigensian Crusade
• 1500AD Ameka Crusade
• 1750AD Nibiruian Re-acquaintance
• 1916AD Zeta Surveillance
• 1930-1940AD Zeta Treaties and MJ-12
• 1983AD Orion intrusion
• 1992AD Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements
• November 1999AD Centurian-Necromiton Intrusion
• January 2000AD SAC Rebellion
• July 5th, 2000AD Treaty of Altair
• September 12, 2000AD United Resistance
• February 2001AD Grid Spiking Campaign
• 2003AD Intended Dimensional Blend Time Rip
• 2004AD Intended Frequency Fence
• 2008AD Intended Pole Shift via Nibiruian Battle Star and NDC-Grid
• 2012AD Intended Resistance Re-settlement & Inner Earth Crusade
تكملة روابط رسالة الجارديان والتلخيصات ..
ملخصات ..
القصة الحقيقية للأديان والكتب السماوية
أصول أجناس المتنورين – إنشاء قوات الليفياثان
مكة و ميكة ?
المسايا، المسيح، الماشايا، الموشياح
طفرة رقعة الشطرنج، الحمض النووي الكيميائي، التحول الذري، انعكاس الميركبا، الموت بالتكثيف
ما هو "الدين" ومن أين أتى❕️
البورغا، المهاتما، مسيح الصراع الأخير
تسلسل غزو الدُخلاء للشبكة المزروعة بالصرح الأطلنطي في الهيكل من أطلانطس حتى 21 ديسمبر 2012م
موسيقى النجوم
الصلب الحقيقي للمسيح، طفرة الشطرنج، أختام الموت الجاهوفية، الخطوط المحورية النغمية
ديناميكيات الدِرع القبلي
المصادر ..
"الرسائل العشر" من قناة دراسات في العمق إلى الشعوب الناطقة بالعربية
رسالة ?
عزيزي الإنسان الملائكي الهابط..
رابط قناتي الأولى في اليوتيوب "كتاب مسموع"
رابط قناتي الثانية في اليوتيوب "منوعات"
تويتر - X
كورا - Quora
بِنْ - Pinterest
They ALLOW, but do not ENDORSE, ideas, beliefs and actions through which the Path of Chaos, the Anti-Christiac Imposed Will Objective and the Density of Sorrow are experientially attained. Path of Chaos is allowed in respect for the gift of Free Will Choice, without which the Divine Objective of the Destiny of Joy cannot be attained.
But the Path of Order, which IS the Path of Divine Love, IS the preference of Source and so true representatives of Source will encourage, but not force, the Divine Right Use of Free Will Choice in creating Source’s intended Divine Right Destiny of Perpetual Joy. The CHOICE is always ours, and the Founders always respect our right to choose. As individuated manifest expressions of Source-God, we are imbued with the Power of Creation; our choices are the tools by which our experiential reality is created. Individually and collectively, we are the creators of our experientially manifest worlds; as we progressively remember and embody our organic Blessed Identity as Faces of God Manifest, our choices and our worlds will progressively become more “Godly”, to reflect more of the true Loving Nature of God. This is the Divine Objective of God-Source, of the Founders and of the infinite numbers of Emerald Covenant races who strive to keep the Sentient Awareness and Embodied Demonstration of our Unconditionally Loving ONE-Source perpetually alive within the Many Mansions of Time. ......
Idea, belief and action are the creative tools with which consciousness is endowed to employ the gift of Free Will Choice as to which path of experience one will select to follow. The Christiac Path of Order is that originally intended by Source, as Loving Joy is the intrinsic nature of Source. In that Omnipresent Source-Love, the Path of Chaos is permitted for, without this, the option of choice would not exist. The Yanas, Founders and Christiac Races understand that the intrinsic nature of Source is LOVE, and that in this Love, Source most desires to experience the Joy of its manifest expressions, while simultaneously honoring their Free Will in allowing them to choose otherwise.
In honor of and as a living reflection of the true Loving Nature of Source, the Founders and Emerald Covenant races lend support to the ideas, beliefs and actions through which the Path of Order, the Christiac Free Will Objective and the Destiny of Joy are experientially attained.
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 2 months ago