ATTITUDE IELTS?Connection not Perfection

All about learning English.

Some attitudes that can lead us to success and happiness:
Have self-discipline!
Have commitment in everything you do!
Don't be afraid of failing big!

The channel is run by @khikmatullokh_abdukarimov ➡️ IELTS (7.0) CEFR (C1)
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9 months ago

Why do we need English?

The answer: To survive in the modern world!

9 months ago

But seeing Dustin's daughter crying is just heartbreaking.

The fight is a fight, surely someone loses. But for children, fathers always have to be heroes ??

9 months ago

Islam Makhachev is a real warrior!

9 months ago

Islam Makhachev is a real warrior!

9 months ago

The best comment ever! (Hammani yetkazsin! Havasdamiz)

We indeed have to try at least for our parents!

9 months, 1 week ago

2025/2026 o‘quv yili qabulidan boshlab fanlar majmuasida chet tili birinchi fan sifatida belgilangan ta’lim yo‘nalishlariga qabul xorijiy tilni bilish darajasini belgilovchi milliy yoki xalqaro sertifikat asosida amalga oshiriladi.

Bu nima degani?

Ya’ni kelasi yildan boshlab, qaysi yo‘nalishda chet tili birinchi fan (3,2 ball) bo‘lsa, o‘sha yo‘nalishga faqat sertifikati borlargina hujjat topshira oladi.

? @xushnudbek ?

9 months, 1 week ago

*⚡️Qabul 5-iyundan boshlanadi!!!*

2024/2025 o‘quv yilidan boshlab davlat oliy va professional ta’lim muassasalariga (kasb-hunar maktabi bundan mustasno) qabul qilish bo‘yicha imtihonlar “avval test, so‘ng tanlov” tamoyiliga muvofiq bir vaqtda o‘tkazilishi belgilansin. Bunda:

a) abituriyentlar o‘z tanloviga ko‘ra test sinovi natijasida to‘plagan balidan kelib chiqib, dastlab oliy ta’limning bakalavriat ta’lim yo‘nalishlariga, so‘ng professional ta’lim muassasalariga o‘qishga kirish uchun tanlovda ishtirok etadi;

b) davlat oliy ta’lim muassasalari bakalavriatiga qabul jarayoni quyidagi ikki bosqichda amalga oshiriladi:

birinchi bosqichda abituriyentlar har yili 5-iyundan 25-iyunga qadar (25-iyun kuni ham) test sinovi topshirish uchun ro‘yxatdan o‘tadi hamda test sinovi topshiriladigan fanlar majmuasi, ta’lim tili va test topshirish hududini hamda kirish imtihonlari tarkibida kasbiy (ijodiy) imtihon bo‘lsa, ushbu imtihonni topshiradigan davlat oliy ta’lim muassasasini tanlaydi. Bunda bakalavriat ta’lim yo‘nalishlari bo‘yicha yagona kasbiy (ijodiy) imtihonlar dasturlari va baholash mezonlari tegishli vazirliklar (idoralar) tomonidan Oliy ta’lim, fan va innovatsiyalar vazirligi bilan kelishilgan holda tasdiqlanadi;

o‘qishga qabul qilish bo‘yicha kirish imtihonlari iyul–avgust oylarida o‘tkaziladi;

ikkinchi bosqichda abituriyentlar test sinovlari to‘liq yakunlanganidan so‘ng 15 kun davomida oliy ta’lim muassasasi, bakalavriat ta’lim yo‘nalishi va ta’lim shaklini tanlaydi.

? @xushnudbek ?

9 months, 2 weeks ago

Pay closer attention to this certificate: It says "Ózbekiston iste'molchilarining ovoz berishi natijalariga kóra".

No criterion other than should be considered valid. Open your eyes

9 months, 3 weeks ago

Once children start school, teachers have more influences on their intellectual and social development than parents.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

*Some people claim that teachers play a more important role in the children’s mental and social abilities when they start attending a school than their parents. While it is now clear that teachers are the ones who children are spending a huge amount of time with, making me think that teachers are more important than parents, I still firmly believe that teachers cannot be parents in terms of shaping children especially socially.

Admittedly, now, living in a fast-paced world, children have to spend majority of their time with their teachers either at schools or extra courses. This, in turn, leads to a limited parenting time, increasing the influence of the teachers in children’s life not only in terms education but on a societal level as well. In Uzbekistan, for example, students aged between 15 and 25 are busy with educational activities such as the lessons at their colleges or universities, as well as study centers in which they learn foreign languages or computer skills during a day. This can define that they usually go home to spend a night if they are not renting in another regions. In this case, what happens is they cannot find time to spend with their parents to discuss their problems, news or decisions, leaving these responsibilities to the teachers.

Nevertheless, children are naturally connected to their parents in a psychological way, meaning whether they have time or not they try to be in touch with their parents all the time and so do their parents. The fundamental behavior in the children usually comes from parents starting from babyhood. Although children may change their character because of the teachers a bit, the ideas and concepts they get from their parents never leave them as children find those ideas the most correct and reliable. Parents are the people who children see first in their life way before going to school, during the process in which their minds are being developed. In other words, children start seeing the world with their parent’s eyes. What I mean by this is that it is highly unlikely that children who were taught social norms for 5 or 6 years to change their way of thinking when they start going to school. The reason for this may be that children do not see their teachers as the ones who care about them honestly or forever. If a child does not find someone responsible for their life, those children are not influenced by them. Eventually, in most of the children’s opinion, parents should be the main characters in their life to follow, I believe.

In conclusion, although the fact that teachers can have a huge impact on children’s life because of current social trends in education or jobs seems reasonable, I favor the idea that parents are the first people children go for to rely on more.
470+ words
Time spent: nearly an hour

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