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3 months ago


भगवान के दर्शनका उपाय एवं भगवदर्थ जीवन | How to find Bhagwan? What is the purpose of our Life? #ram

भगवान के दर्शनका उपाय एवं भगवदर्थ जीवन | How to find Bhagwan? What is the purpose of our Life? ( Video credits to @GovardhanMath ) जीव प्रज्ञाका भोक्ता होता है, विषय का नहीं। चित्तरूपी दर्पण में आत्मस्वरूप भगवान् का दर्शन। भगवान केवल आत्मीय नहीं आत्मस्वरूप…

5 months, 4 weeks ago

Religion does not teach us to renounce our livelihood – by Pujya Shri Gurudev Ji

Religion does not teach us to neglect our livelihood. According to the Kurma Purana, religion does not say that we should neglect our livelihood. God above, God's lover in the middle, then destiny and then manliness, we should take support of these four. Householders have to earn their living, if they are Vanaprasthas then they do not get roots and tubers, so they will take alms from Brahmins, Sanyasis will take alms from Brahmins studying in Gurukul. It means that householders are the source of other ashrams, they are the cause. Therefore, we should not neglect our livelihood. Sanyas ashram is excellent from the perspective of progress. Or Grihastha ashram is the origin of everything from the perspective of livelihood.

6 months, 2 weeks ago


Every Siddha/Teertha Kshetra Holds Its Own Specific Energy, One Must Understand That People Visit Teerth To Get Beyond The Material Desires And For Peace..

Take Case Of Kashi, Ujjain, Mathura And Kedarnath Much Of People For Trend Are Flocking Towards These Cities By Justifying It In Name Of Spirituality, And Even In These Pilgrim Sites They Only Visit Famous Temples, Which Is Causing Suffocation In Temples...

Whenever The Energy Of Kshetra Is Disturbed It's Consequences All Come In Negative Terms, For Example The Masan Holi Of Kashi, Which Has Become Very Popular in Last Few Years, Is Not For Commoners Rather For The Siddhas And Specific Entities, But We See People Without Knowing It Rushing Towards Manikarnika..

Basic Development Is Need Of Every Place, But In These Cities Unplanned Development Have Rather Became Axe, Temples Have Been Commercialized Too Much, And Especially In Mahakaal Temple, The Temple Authority Is Keep Doing Such Shringars Which Shouldn't Even Done in A Shivalya..

1 year, 1 month ago

*Shudras are non Dvijas, they do not undergo Upanayan, neither they are initiated for Vedic Studies. Does this mean that God hated shudra? That he is keeping them away from Vedas?

No, infact life of a non Dvijas is more relaxing. As I've cleared previously, Vedas are not for fun. They're not bedtime reading, neither you can just buy them or read from a pdf. Vedic Mantras are for Yagna only. And Yagna is restricted to Dvijas.

The saddest thing ofcourse is that many Hindus who take a keen interest in knowing about our Dharma, too falls in their trap and starts calling Caste System/VarnaSystem/ Varnasharam Dharma a stupid, illogical, immoral concept. Let it be made very clear, there's nothing wrong with Caste System ofcourse if you take Caste= Varna.

Varnasharam Dharma was developed ofcourse by Lord Hari only not some selfish Brahmins. And if you call yourself a hindu- Follow it. Puri Shankaracharya ji rightly said that anyone who speaks against our Dharma, or our principles. It's only because of lack of understanding the scriptures, or internal hatred.

Hindu Dharma is the most logical, most scientific, and with proper understanding no one can raise a finger on it. Those Hindus who speak against the Caste System, their reason for speaking against it is only the lack of reading scriptures. Common hindus call themselves Modi Bhakt, Right Wing, Sanatani, but have not even read Srimadbhagvatam or Bhagwad Gita

"It is alleged that Brahmins created the dharma-sastras for their own benefit. You will realize that this charge is utterly baseless if you appreciate the fact that these sastras impose on them the most stringent rules of life. There is also proof of the impartiality of the dharma-śāstras in that the Brahmin who is expected to be proficient in all the arts and all branches of learning can only give instruction in them but cannot take up any for his livelihood however lucrative it be and however less demanding than the pursuit of the Vedic dharma." -Kanchi Paramacharya.*

1 year, 1 month ago


Our Dharma is constantly being targeted for being "Patriarchal", "Controlled by Brahmins", or even sometimes known as "Brahmanism" the concept that Vedas and other shastras were written by Brahmins themselves, to support their superiority and have a pleasure full life and to demean others.

This propoganda of mcourse is spread by so called worshippers of Abrahamic cults, and followers of Ambedkar.

A wrong notion has gained currency that in the Varnasrama System the Brahmins enjoys more comfort than the others, that he more income, that he has to exert himself less than the others. In the order created by our Shastras the Brahmin has to make as much physical effort as much physical effort as the peasant. Since, at present, there is ignorance about the rites he has to perform, people erroneously believe that he makes others work hard and himself lazes about and enjoys himself.

The Brahmin has to wake up at four in the morning and bathe in cold water, rain or shine, summer or winter. Then, without a break, he has to perform one rite after another: Sandhyavandana, Brahmayajna, Aupasana, Puja, Vaisvadeva and one of the 21 sacrifices. If you sit before sacrificial fire for four days you will realise how difficult it is with all the heat and smoke. How many are the vows and the fasts the Brahmin has to keep and how many are the ritual baths. Other castes do not have to go through such hardships.

A Brahmin cannot eat "cold rice"in the morning like a peasant - he has no "right" to it. The dharmasastras are not created for his convenience or benefit, nor to ensure that he has a comfortable life. He would not have otherwise imposed on himself the performance of so many rites and a life of such rigorous discipline. When he has his daytime meal it will be 1 or 2. (On the day of a sraddha it will be three or four).

And the Brahmin's meal, mind you, is as simple as the peasant's. There is no difference between the humble dwelling of the peasant and that of the Brahmin. Both alike wear cotton. The peasant may save money for the future but not the Brahmin. He has no right either to borrow money or to live in style.

In the "Yaksa-prasna" of the Mahabharata the simple life of Brahmin is referred to:
Pancame' hani saste va sakam pacati svegrhe Anrni ca' pravasi ca sa varicara modate

If day time is divided into eight parts, the Brahmin may have his food only in the fifth or sixth part after performing all his rites. Before that he has neither any breakfast nor any snacks. And what does he eat? Not any rich food, no sweets like almonds crushed in sweetened milk. "Sakam pacati" - the Brahmin eats leafy vegetables growing on the banks of rivers, such areas being no one's property. Why is he asked to live by the river side? It is for his frequent baths and for the leafy vegetables growing free there and for which he does not have to beg.

He should not borrow money: that is the meaning of the word "anrni", because if he developed the habit of borrowing he would be tempted to lead a life of luxury. Poverty and non-acquisitiveness (aparigraha) are his ideals. A Brahmin ought not to keep even a blade of grass in excess of his needs.

"Apravasam" (mentioned in the verse) means that a Brahmin must not leave his birth place and settle elsewhere. Honour or dishonour, profit or loss, he must live in his birth place practising his dharma. Nowadays, for the sake of money, people settle in England or America abandoning their motherland and their traditional way of life - and they are proud of it. I've thus described a Brahmin's tough and restricted life in very short. It's much more complex and restricting than you can even imagine.

Shudra on the other hand, have a much much more relaxed and pleasureful life. Yes, he undergoes Samskara, but they are not so rigorous as that of a Brahmin. Shudras can attain Moksha very easily. He has just two jobs- The Entire service sector, or serving Dvijas. And that too, with his own rights. A Servant, not a slave.*

1 year, 1 month ago


Few Malechhas are hovering on social media platforms who don't know anything related to our Dharma Shastras (Though they are not even authoritative and pertinent to grasp) but always with full intent to attack our eternal scriptures by staging some verses through their favorite tact of "cherry picking". They cook their own bogus theories over Shastriya vachanas & cope hard to defame and falsify our whole Sanatan Kul Parampara. But these Mallechas forget that thier own Allah doesn't have the potency to incarnate and protect their people, he is not even sticked to his own promises regarding the preservation of thier so called holy scriptures, but still they think they are more bona fide and civilized than ourselves. Literally how ironic this stuff seems. All avatars of Bhagwan are of enormous essence, Shree Krishna himself says in Geeta that his janma, karma, all are of divine quintessence" दिव्यमेवं" (Geeta 4:9). Even Bhagwat Puran states “गुणात्मनस्तेऽपि गुणान् विमातुं faradiofear as fast" (1.18.14) means, there are infinite qualities, there are infinite names.

Therefore, no one can count the one whose qualities are infinite, and if one counts, how many will he count? That is, even if a person is able to count every single particle of the earth, no one can count the attributes of Bhagwan. Shruti vachan says "ततो यदुत्तरततं तदरूपमनायम् (Shvetashvatara Upanishad 3:10), " साक्षी चेता .... निर्गुणश्च" (Shvetashvatara Upanishad 6:11) means that that being is far beyond this world and is free from miseries. He is consciousness, pure and transcendental. Therefore Bhagwan's attributes are always free from practical/व्यवर्हिक notions "अदृष्टमव्यवहार्यमग्राह्यमलक्षणे (Mandukya Upanishad 7) So one can never think of good or bad aspects on Bhagwan.

Similarly in Bhagwat Puran it's mentioned about Damodar Leela of Bhagwan & Yashoda Maiya...ŚB 10.9.3 क्षौमं वास: पृथुकटितटे बिभ्रती सूत्रनद्धं
पुत्रस्नेहस्नुतकुचयुगं जातकम्पं च सुभूः । रज्ज्वाकर्षश्रमभुजचलत्कङ्कणौ कुण्डले च स्विन्नं वक्त्रं कबरविगलन्मालती निर्ममन्थ ॥ ३ ॥

Dressed in a saffron-yellow sari, with a belt tied about her full hips, mother Yasoda pulled on the churning rope, laboring considerably, her bangles and earrings moving and vibrating and her whole body shaking. Because of her intense love for her child, her breasts were wet with milk. Her face, with its very beautiful eyebrows, was wet with perspiration, and mälati flowers were falling from her hair. So anyone will make his lustful accusations here too? Whereas here the love of a mother towards her child has beed portrayed. Therefore it's a sin to see the scriptures from a practical point of view.

Always remember this: कुशलाचरितेनैषामिह स्वार्थो न विद्यते । विपर्ययेण वानथों निरहंकारिणां प्रभो ॥
(10th Skand adhdhay 33 Bhagwat Puran).*

1 year, 3 months ago

*This is important for modern day hindus most of whom seek validation from liberals claiming that our Dharma follows no compulsory laws, no central authority, no racism, sexism, casteism, and is a complete decentralised liberal religion since ancient times.
Always realise that the only authority in our religion are The Vedas. And anyone who defies it are not hindus.

Remember- Buddhists, Jains, Sravakas were excluded from the identity of being a hindu because they rejected Vedas. Many of their principles are the same as of hindus because they borrowed some ideologies but also deviated from many core vedic values due to which they were no longer accepted as fellow hindus - doesn't matter even if Buddh and Mahavir were kshatriyas.
Vedas are supreme.

Today, many Beta hindus are doing the same. Those who accept western degeneracy as a part of hinduism even if vedas and manusmriti not only reject them but also penalise homosexuality with harsh punishments, in my eyes - they are OUTCASTED ex-hindus who have given up on their traditional values like Buddhists, Jains and Sravakas did in ancient times.
They don't any longer belong to our Dharma.

Always have BLIND FAITH in our scriptures. They are relevant in every Yuga. Don't fall into kaliyuga teachings of the West. Follow your traditions till your last breath!!!*

1 year, 3 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago

देवताओं का बल अर्जित करने की आवश्यकता है
सरकार का समर्थन मिलेगा या नहीं, कोई कुछ नहीं जानता।
पर गौ माता के लिए देवताओं की सहायता अवश्य मिलेगी ही, इस लिए जो समर्थन में आगे आ सकते हों, प्रतिदिन कुछ पाठ करके गौ हत्या रुकवाने के संकल्प से समर्पित कर सकें वे आगे आएं।
100 करोड़ की आबादी वाले हिंदुओं में से यदि 100 ब्राह्मण, जिनका उच्चारण शुद्ध हो, वो यदि पूर्ण विधि से पाठ करें, तो दैवीय शक्तियां भी प्रसन्न हो कर सहायता करेंगी।

पाठ अपने जन्मना वर्णाश्रम अधिकार अनुसार करें। सुझाव अच्छा लगा हो तो भगवान का धन्यवाद करके अन्य प्रिय सज्जनों को भी प्रेरित करें।

जय गौ माता, गौ हत्या बन्द हो!


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