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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
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Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago
Bee hotel
Saving native bees ?
Credit: thebeepartner
Wind power produces almost no energy yet UK energy providers still claim to deliver “green” energy – how?
Across Europe and the UK energy prices soared last week and wind power failed to produce any meaningful power. In the words of Norway’s energy minister, “It’s an absolutely shit situation.”
Even during this time of almost zero energy supply from “renewable, “green” energy sources, UK energy providers continue to claim…
CCTV isn’t just watching us; it’s changing how our brains work
A study published on 10 December in Neuroscience of Consciousness suggests that surveillance cameras can alter the way our brains process visual information, particularly when it comes to detecting faces and potential threats.
The implications extend beyond individual privacy concerns to questions about public mental health and the subtle ways surveillance might be reshaping…
European Committee gives green light to use self-replicating vaccines on citizens of EU countries
The Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use has recommended marketing authorization for Kostaive, a self-replicating mRNA (“saRNA”) injection developed by Arcturus Therapeutics.
The final decision for regulatory approval now rests with the European Commission. The European Commission must reject authorisation for these dangerous saRNA (replicon) vaccines...
Mad Miliband wants to turn hundreds of square miles of farmland into solar farms
UK Energy Secretary Ed Miliband has made proposals to carpet the countryside with solar panels. He also wants to accelerate the development of offshore wind farms.
Even sunny Australia can’t get solar and wind energy to work well, so cold cloudy Britain doesn’t stand a hope of succeeding with “renewable” energy sources...
Claim: Measuring farm animals burps and farts will help save the planet. Verdict: FALSE.
An article by Vox claimed that methane produced by farm animals is a significant contributor to global warming, and scientists measuring burps and farts could help save the planet. The scientists who are being paid, most likely handsomely, to measure methane emissions from animals may not like to hear this, but measuring burps and…
Map shows thousands of geoengineering projects worldwide
An interactive world map, developed by ETC Group and Heinrich Böll Foundation, has shed light on the widespread nature of geoengineering experiments aimed at altering the climate.
The map identifies over 1,700 projects worldwide, including carbon capture, Solar Radiation Management, weather modification and other methods...
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago