- اهلا بك في سورس بلاك .
- لطلب تمويل القنوات : @xxx1x
- قناة التمويل : @nnnon
- لطلب التمويل : @ossss
- فريق الدعم - @TwSLBlackBot
- انستا https://instagram.com/DS1
Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago
بعض القصص لا تنتهي أبداً 🖤.
- لطلب تمويل تواصل ← : @ooooow
- قناة التمويلات : @xxxxzz
Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago
Last updated 8 months, 3 weeks ago
Camp Hol (a sister recounts the moment she entered Camp Hol and became a prisoner) ⛺️*⛓*
“**It was now midnight, I was the first to step foot in the camp from the new arrivals after the ceasefire was announced.
When I arrived, there were nurses, military women, and al-Hol staff. They were all standing in a line facing us, welcoming us to our new residence.
Ironically, these women welcomed us while their men fought against us [Muslims]. The people of Hassakah were mainly the ones who had joined the fight...
I walked towards them dizzily and felt like I was about to collapse on the floor. A woman gave me a chair facing it towards the camp. I sat, and she wrapped a blanket around me out of compassion because of what I had been through. But I wondered where her compassion was when her husband, father, and son attacked us. Couldn’t she have used those same hands to stop them from murdering us?
Then everything started to set it. The world around me was moving faster than I could process. It was like I was in a movie, and I was dazed and confused.
I could see the doors of the trucks being opened and people walking into the camp. The sounds were increasing. There were loud noises coming from every direction filling the open sky. The chatter of voices and conversation in the distance. The arrival of people entering the camp and lining up to register so they could receive tents and other essentials. Some were looking for food, and others were waiting for the restroom.
I sat there for hours without moving, without saying a word.
Just staring out into the crowd and watching the rush of the Muslimeen make their way into the camp.
I was in a complete state of shock. I recognized so many women. We were together at one point, living a life of honour under our own rule governed by the Sharia of Allah.
We were together again, but this time as prisoners.
I sat there without saying a word or responding to anyone who approached me. And just cried...”
"Allah already knows what's in my heart"This is something you can hear a lot from the more ignorant and colonised minds of this Ummah, when you tell them a certain thing is fardh or haraam they reply with "Allah already knows", "why do I need to pray since Allah knows I am a believer", "why do I have to prove myself to him if He already knows".
Prayer and ibaadah and staying away from the things that are forbidden to us is a test from Allah, and we should be grateful for it.
Who are we in front KhaliluLlah Ibrahim alayhi salam when Allah tested him with his son Isma'il alayhi salam ?
{ And when he reached with him [the age of] exertion he said, "O my son, indeed I have seen in a dream that I [must] sacrifice you, so see what you think." He said, "O my father, do as you are commanded. You will find me, if Allāh wills, of the steadfast. }[37:102]
What is praying your 5 daily prayers and doing your obligations next to slaughtering your beloved son ? And if Allah saw a benefit in testing one of His most blessed servants don't you think you have even more to prove ?
This is the sort of arrogance that is brought to the Muslims from western ideologies and it needs to be eradicated by the seeking of knowledge because indeed knowledge is light.
via @tahririyyah
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
? Les vidéos arrivent bientôt, Furu' al Fiqh et la suite de la série sur Al Wala' wal Baraa'.
? Le cours complet sur usool ath thalatha sera aussi traduit.
{ Those who believe fight in the cause of Allāh, and those who disbelieve fight in the cause of ṭāghūt So fight against the allies of Satan. Indeed, the plot of Satan has ever been weak. }
**{ اللهم اجعل نصرنا عليهم
و اجعلهم تحت اقدامنا
و انصرنا عليهم
و رد لنا عزة الاسلام
و نصرنا بالاسلام
و انصر الاسلام بنا
اللهم اعلي راية التوحيد
اللهم اعلي راية التوحيد
اللهم اعلي راية التوحيد
اللهم لا تجعل للكافرين علينا سبيلا
اللهم لا تجعل للكافرين الفسقة علينا سبيلا
و انصرنا عليهم
و رد لنا عزنا يا ارحم الرحمين }
O Allah make us victorious upon them
And make them under our feet
And aid us against them
And return to us the honour of Islam
And aid us through Islam
And aid Islam through us
O Allah raise the banner of Tahweed [high above any other]
O Allah raise the banner of Tahweed
O Allah raise the banner of Tahweed
O Allah don't make a way for the Disbelievers against us
O Allah don't make a way for the rebellious disobedient Disbelievers against us
And aid us against them
And return to us our glory/honour o Most Merciful.**Allahumma ameen
How many more of our cities need to be besieged for the Ummah to wake up and turn their words into action?
How many more of our women, children, and men need to starve, get imprisoned, tortured, and r*ped, for the Ummah to wake up from their deep sleep?
Are you content sleeping in a warm bed, while the believers are out in the freezing cold?
Are you content eating your fill, while the believers are unable to find food for their families?
How many more years need to pass us by for the Ummah to raise up and fulfill their convenient with Allah?
Where are the men who kept their promise to Allah, and don’t fear the blame of the blamers, rather fear the day they will have to answer to their Lord?
What happened to our glorious Ummah that stood firmly against oppression and injustice?
The wounds of our Ummah are still bleeding, our women and children are still screaming, when will you turn your words into action?
Shia channels and accounts are all coping right now because of shaykh Usama's letter going "viral" and calling it a psyop.
Why don't you have the same attitude for a lot of Palestinian daily news going viral ? Why is that not a pysop ?
Again, don't be fooled by their so-called friendliness and support for the Palestinians, if Palestine were to be liberated and under the correct Shariah, they would fight and hate us as much as they 'fight' and hate Israel.
- اهلا بك في سورس بلاك .
- لطلب تمويل القنوات : @xxx1x
- قناة التمويل : @nnnon
- لطلب التمويل : @ossss
- فريق الدعم - @TwSLBlackBot
- انستا https://instagram.com/DS1
Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago
بعض القصص لا تنتهي أبداً 🖤.
- لطلب تمويل تواصل ← : @ooooow
- قناة التمويلات : @xxxxzz
Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago
Last updated 8 months, 3 weeks ago