Aisling O'Loughlin

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5 Monate, 3 Wochen her
Aisling O'Loughlin
5 Monate, 3 Wochen her
Interviewing author Iain Davis later to …

Interviewing author Iain Davis later to discuss his book based on the findings of Richard D Hall. He agrees with RDH and says there was no bomb and no victims on the night - I say there was a bomb and victims are real. Should be interesting.

5 Monate, 3 Wochen her

There's still work to be done here. Journalists stop once the story has reached its conclusion which it hasn't yet. Bear with me.

6 Monate her

Yet another striking example of how fake investigative journalist Richard D Hall has conned thousands of his followers into believing nobody was killed in the Manchester Arena on May 22, 2017. According to D Hall, they're all crisis actors and there was no bomb despite the injuries being consistent with a nuts and bolts homemade device. People who believe this is investigative journalism are the problem. They let down those of us putting out sound information that's verifiable and wins arguments at a critical time in history. If you've been fooled by Richard D Hall, make amends with those you've wronged as quickly as possible and send prayers to the victims of the bombing. It's important you acknowledge your participation in the deception. This is a spiritual war as much as anything. We're cranking things up from here. Let this be a big lesson for all of us. God only disciplines those willing to better themselves. It's part of the humbling process.

6 Monate her

VIEW POINT (anon): Here we go again. There is something about money, wills and Sinn Fein that I don’t understand. Maybe they are just lucky and it’s nothing to do with arm twisting or other methods of Sinn Fein style persuasion. Perhaps the late Michael Dollard from Kilkenny knew exactly what he was doing when he bequeathed €44,000 to Sinn Fein. Perhaps Mr Dollard was enamoured by all things LGBQT and transgender and passionately believed in mass inward migration of unvetted males. But I suspect not by the overwhelming laws of average. I wonder what his family have to say but I also wonder what Sinn Fein told him about their policies before he made the will.

What about the late Mr William Hampton who bequeathed €4 million to Sinn Fein in 1997. Sinn Fein had to wait until 2018 to get the money. Mr Hampton who battled mental health issues and self harming all his life died in a public bed in a UK nursing home. He was spotted by Joe Cahill, ‘Chief of Staff’ of the IRA and Sinn Fein supremo living in a camper van along the border. He was isolated, disheveled and paranoid when he made a new will in favour of Sinn Fein. Nice one Joe. He later moved to France where he is quoted as saying ‘I am much less paranoid than normal and do not suffer from a persecution complex at all in France’. Despite repeated requests for Sinn Fein to donate the money to a mental health charity the money remains in the Sinn Fein bank account making them probably the wealthiest political party in Europe. Ms McDonald of Sinn Fein described Mr Hampton who has no Irish connections as a ‘rebel with a cause’. Many would see him as a vulnerable person who was taken advantage of.

Then there was the equally bizarre case of Lauren Harvey from Arizona, again no Irish connections. Sinn Fein have stated that she once took a holiday in Connemara. Big deal. She bequeathed $390,000 to Sinn Fein in 2020. Shortly afterwards she died in a cycling accident. Sinn Fein stated that they never heard of her. Really! This is getting routine. Interestingly her obituary requested that people should donate to a community food bank, no mention of Sinn Fein.

On a more mundane level Sinn Fein owns over fifty properties and have been described as ‘slum landlords’. Their fundraising is slick and in the US alone raises about $600,000 a year from Irish Americans. No mention there of LGBQT inclusiveness and diversity, it’s all about Danny Boy and Killarney. They know what they are doing and the message given to ‘progressive’ disaffected youth in Dublin would be substantially different. How long these deceptions can continue is anybodies guess but money goes a long way. But it is easier to chisel a mentally vulnerable person for money or to palm it out of a goof in a Boston bar than to rock up to an ATM in your hijacked JCB and bucket the loot.

The only thing that money can’t buy is integrity. Democracy still requires the ballot box to be secret. This is very unfortunate for Sinn Fein who always seem to struggle with the concept of democracy, they are not built for consulting people no more than they are built for opposition politics. Dictatorship of the proletariat is more their style. The ballot box gets in the way especially when your popular support is withering into single figures. Money can help, more leaflets, more spin but it can’t buy power because you can’t buy probity and rectitude. The message to Sinn Fein must be, my vote is not for sale, go away. Respect real democracy and real people power.

6 Monate, 1 Woche her

VIEW POINT (anon): Let’s ask a simple question: 'What is a woman?'. A simple question such as that should produce an equally simple answer. But apparently it has become a very difficult question for a certain class of politician to answer. For example the Sinn Féin leader Ms McDonald doesn’t know. Neither does the leadership of Fine Fail or Fine Gael. A certain People Before Profit politician whose wife, partner or whatever had a new baby has been unable to determine his new baby's gender despite obvious anatomical distinctives. I wonder has he clarity about his own gender. It gets as complicated as you want it to get. And yet genetics, anatomy, chromosomal analysis, even archeology would have no problem in giving a definitive answer

The Australian Federal Court was asked recently to make a determination after a man posing as a woman who calls himself Roxanne Tickle took a case against the owner of a woman’s only ‘app’ called ‘Giggles for Girls’. The ‘app’ described as a ‘an online refuge where women could share experiences’ denied Mr Tickle membership on the obvious grounds that he was a man. The court found in favour of Mr Tickle and fined the ‘App’ owner the equivalent of €6000. She had been sued for €200,000 as predictably enough Mr Tickle suffered suicidal thoughts as a result of the ‘discrimination’. The ‘discrimination’ was described as indirect but none the less the app owner was penalised. Her defence team had argued that Mr Tickle was indeed discriminated against but only on grounds of sex and not gender. It is perfectly legal to have an app for women, the problem is the definition of a woman. It’s likely that the ruling will be appealed to a higher court. But this ruling is significant for Ireland.

The ruling relied heavily on the UN Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. Ireland signed the convention in 1985. Tickle argued that Australia’s signing of the convention obliges Australia not to discriminate against women and as he is legally a woman the convention should protect ‘her’ against discrimination. The ruling by a Justice Robert Bromwich was heavily influenced by case law. Mr Justice Bromwich stated that ‘case law had consistently found sex to be changeable and not necessarily binary’. When national courts are asked to interpret an international treaty they often look at how other national courts in other countries interpreted the international treaty.

In Ireland a person can apply for a Gender Recognition Certificate and legally change their gender. Therefore according to the Australian Federal Court if a person is in possession of a Gender Recognition Certificate their sex is what the certificate indicates so if they are now legally a woman they qualify for protection under the UN Convention for the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. When this charter was launched in 1979 and when Ireland ratified it in 1985 transgender issues were non existent. If this ruling is not appealed successfully it has the potential to abolish all women only spaces in all areas of society where the Australian Federal Court has jurisdiction. And this Australian ruling carries weight in every other jurisdiction that has signed the UN Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination.

In Ireland the legal authority to change gender by self declaration slipped through parliament without much debate or visibility. I am sure that was the intention. But the consequences of the act which were not explored before the bill became law are now woefully obvious. The only way to protect against the consequences of the Australian court judgement is to introduce legislation to reverse self declaration of gender. Many European countries don’t allow for self declaration. The presence of a Y chromosome should be the sole factor in defining male and its absence female. Let’s return to science and common sense.

6 Monate, 1 Woche her

Dr Pat Morrissey's response to Gript's article covering excess deaths in Ireland since the rollout of the experimental injections (updated): Agree with the implications here. As a practicing GP who spoke out early against the jabs and for early treatment I have seen the disaster unfold from close proximity. The Bradford Hill criteria implicating the mRNA and viral vector jabs have been satisfied. The excellent work by and Patrick E Walsh’s excellent Substack document the patterns of excess mortality. I have witnessed the casualties related to the jabs. Early on the sudden deaths from cardiac causes and clots. Later the autoimmune wave and now the rising tide of turbo cancers in my vaccinated patients. My practice has a unique patient profile as many who choose not to participate in the experiment joined my list and I can see plain as day the contrast in health between the jabbed and unjabbed.

6 Monate, 1 Woche her

VIEW POINT (anon): Is there not a sense of déjà vu at this stage, a sense of having seen it all before? Perhaps a fatigue is setting in when there should be a sense of outrage. I am referring to the ‘knife attack’ in the German city of Solingen in North Rhine-Westphalia. The distressing facts are that three people are dead having had their throats cut halal style and others have neck injuries displaying various degrees of butchery. The Islamic State was quick to claim responsibility gleefully stating that the attack was carried out by ‘a soldier of the Islamic State’. This ‘soldier’ is a 26-year-old Syrian refugee who came to Germany instead of Ireland. I would have used a different formula of words to describe the creature responsible for this cowardly attack. Nonetheless what happened was totally predictable, the only questions are where and when and until we can answer those questions the attacker will always have the upper hand. For every one thousand preventative moves taken by society they only have to succeed once. The odds are stacked against us.

Apparently the attacker was associated with a ‘refugee centre’. No surprises there. But equally it would be no surprise if the attacker was a naturalised German. The problem is in trying to identify who is radicalised and who is not. And we simply can not. Social media traffic can be monitored as it was with the ‘Galway boy’ but the Gardai did nothing. If they had moved preventively they would have been labelled as racist but they did nothing and now at least nobody can shout racist. Incompetence in wokedom is the lesser of two evils.

There is no point considering these attacks to be isolated incidences, they are not. They are all part of a pattern but because they occur in different jurisdictions they are politically insulated from each other. The German can say that there were only a couple of attacks this year and the French can say the same so this butchery can drop below the radar all too quickly. Even the question of who will be next is not the question that we should be asking. The real question is what can we do as a civilisation to act in a unified way to prevent these atrocities. These are attacks on our culture, our civilisation, the Christian faith according to Islamic State and our entire way of life. There is nothing that we can do to appease them, these are all or nothing fanatics. The choice we have is stark, accept sharia law or fight back using parliament and the law.

Only parliament can bring about the changes necessary to prevent these grotesqueries. Parliament caused the problem by opening borders throughout Europe. This ill judged policy has comprehensively failed. It relied upon integration. This never occurred, instead it produced ghettoisation. Different hostile groups marking out territory and refusing to avail of the civilising benefits of European culture. The experiment has failed, now it must be stopped and dismantled.

Each country is at a different point in this headlong rush of madness. In Ireland the damage is relatively recent but is happening in an accelerated scale. There has been no recognition of the fact that there is a problem let alone a catastrophe. That is why politicians who have failed us must be defeated democratically at the next election. This might be our last chance as a nation. Thankfully the solution is simple and capable of immediate implementation with the right political will. Simply cancel all contracts with accommodation providers and stop all allowances to migrants. People would immediately self deport. Remember, they choose to come here as welfare tourists bypassing many safe nations and equally they could choose to go. Obviously a full review of recent citizenships granted to people with no genetic or cultural link to our island and people must happen in tandem. None of this is difficult, none of this costs money.

Time is not on our side. We know that from Germany and France and Sweden and elsewhere. We have the knowledge, let’s get the political will to make change happen that will protect our people.

8 Monate, 3 Wochen her
***??*** The head of the WHO …

?? The head of the WHO office in Russia, Batyr Berdyklychev, talks about the danger of a new pandemic: Scientists around the world, epidemiologists, and experts agree that this is a very real threat. It's only a matter of time. Therefore, an important task is to be prepared for such a situation, for the so-called disease X. The Russian healthcare system is well prepared for possible situations, but this is not a reason to relax, you must always be prepared.

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