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Today is the 135th Year Anniversary of the Greatest Man of the 20th Century
✙Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945) 卐
Artist: Jerry Farnsworth (American?? 1895 - 1982)
The Apennine Colossus
An 11m high stone statue manifest as the personification of the Apennine mountains, carved out and shaped by the mason Giambologna in the 1580s and found within the Villa Demidoff in Vaglia, Tuscany, Italy ??**
Where else may one find a structure that, in itself is phenomenal in its scope and long lasting presence for centuries since its construction, but also one of the more profound examples of the European's artistic, innovative spirit that is deep-rooted in his land and whose talent leads them to create grand institutional buildings, monolithic sculptures epitomizing the emotion of the terrain and realistic painting. Who else has something comparable to this in the world, whose supposed artistic skills could ever match, let alone have, the deepness of love to the land of theirs if they merely do not see it as territory to inhabit or would regard this intrinsic masonwork as mere spectacle?
"One of the tragedies of the democratic drift is that profound truths may become truisms without being incorporated in legislative action, especially those truths that require to be imaginatively perceived. Should forty million people find their white blood corpuscles called forth to fight against the deadly germs of typhus, their need would be sufficiently obvious for the politician to bring the resources of the State to their assistance - the more hurriedly in that to the perverted typhus germ a politician makes as appetizing a meal as anybody else. But should those forty million people be fighting a battle no less desperate against all the nameless armies of decadence and ruin that threaten the spirit, the politician can be trusted to observe nothing and therefore not to be diverted from his major business in life, which is service to his own career. Lack of appreciation of this fact, or else a subconscious acquiescence in its implications on the part of the parasitical overlords, has led many a civilization to disaster and many a nation to its grave.
Evidence of national neurosis today is only too abundant. The almost unbelievable shifts and stratagems and blundering follies of modem democratic governments represent one of its facets. The brazen and suicidal rampages of vested interests represent another. The astounding depravity of the Press represents a third. Evidence even more direct is supplied by the facile and poisonous Utopianism of the post-War period: the meaningless catchwords and slogans, the advocacy of the brave new world by human leeches sticking frantically to the bad old order, the failure of the Conservative to conserve, the inability of the Progressive to progress, the murder of the intellect by the intellectuals, and above all the hanging, drawing and quartering of Peace by pacifists who in the frenzy of their hysteria howl and dance and shriek for war. All these things indicate something more than a mental or spiritual stammer, they indicate a strongly entrenched neurosis which is the spirit's cancer and the trumpeter of death."
- A. K. Chesterton
Happy Presidents' Day?? America was founded upon Nationalistic ideals. Any one who pushes the (((Globalist Agenda))) of mass immigration should be considered anti-American. This was a nation of pioneers, explorers and conquerors by manifested destiny. America only became a "nation of immigrants" after the 1965 INA Bill✡️ was passed without the consent or vote of the American people, allowing in an influx of 1 million foreign nationals a year from third world, barbarian countries. Completely abolishing the national origins quota system (the immigration act of 1924 or the founding 1790 Naturalization Act) that was in place before 1965, leading to the destruction of "blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
One of our three admins, who has been inactive since November 2023 had been hacked and has now been removed. We apologize for any inappropriate or detrimental postings as of the first of February, and will be posting content more regularly throughout the month.
Thank You, Good Day.
2023 Reading Catalog Checklist
From the first week of January up until the last week of November, I read a total of eight novels; while the idea was at least one per month, I was also in the midst of fulfilling the last dozen pages of the manuscripts for a novel passion project. Inversely compared to last year, all but three were fiction, based primarily on epics, mythology, poetry, political history and theological studies.
(In Order of January - December)
Beowulf, by Unknown
The Wanderer's Hávamál, by Jackson Crawford
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, by Burton
The Canterbury Tales, by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Story of King Arthur and His Knights, by Howard Pyle
In His Own Words: The Essential Speeches of Adolf Hitler, by Antelope
Hill Publishing
On the Jews and Their Lies, by Martin Luther
Hearts of Fire, by The Voice of The Martyrs
From the first week of January up to now, I have added an additional 14 chapters into the epic novel project, now consisting of over 45 chapters and over 400 pages in rough draft; the goal is to complete the manuscripts by early Spring (no later than after April) of 2024, in spite of my goal for it to be published in January of 2023; inconsistency with times of writing, be it from personal life contentions or other consequences, had not deterred the effort needed to fulfill the creative work to make this a New Year's Resolution to finish in its entirely.
Be sure to make it a new year's resolution to start reading regularly on a daily basis, be it works of an epic, classical poetry, studies and or other educational and phenomenally influential works that helps you to gaining a fuller understanding of the world in the scope of its culturally significant works of literature.
Until then, may you have a Happy New Year's everyone, and have a good day!
Top State for Each Crop Grown in U.S.
Examining each of the most highly grown agricultural crops in the U.S. to determine which state grows the most of each. I look at many different crop types and analyze the geographic distribution of each one. 0:00 Intro 1:00 Crop list (alpahabetically) 11:25…
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!I wish you all a wonderful & blessed day, for the families who come together to celebrate the traditional Holiday; yet for those who sometimes unfortunately can't do so (because of COVID or threats of arrest) I wish you the best of luck and to know what you should be most thankful for this day, for the family and friends who've stuck by your side during these times. Even if you don't have anyone in particular to celebrate with, We at Hometermia want you know that you are never allow, for the Lord is always with you, and We share this day with you too.
2 Corinthians 4:15-16All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God. Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
Peace and Blessings Everyone, Have a Good Day ??
Ancient Romans were NOT GAY
Support the Channel: Citations: 0:00 Opening Skit 1:30 Introduction…
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
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ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 2 months ago