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2 months ago
When you are born, your parents …

When you are born, your parents register you with the government AS A CORPORATION by receiving and signing a birth certificate.
In a few years, your Corporation will receive a taxpayer ID# called a social security number. This is so you can be used as a COLLATERAL  for the government to acquire debt.
That’s right, YOU and your labor, time and energy is what backs up the National debt. You are a stock.

2 months ago
**Media’s Version of Harris is Unburdened …

Media’s Version of Harris is Unburdened by History
Her history is being unveiled, and if your news sources are among the crowd spackling over it, here are some highlights of the past which she is burdened with, in no particular order:

▪️ She supports defunding the police, arguing, “more safety with cops is wrong”
▪️ She supports sanctuary cities.
▪️ She played a leading role in the disastrous hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan in which the U.S. left to the Taliban billions of dollars worth of military equipment, left behind Americans and Afghans who had assisted us, and lost 13 fine military personnel, after which she did not even attend the dignified transfer of their remains at Dover AFB.
▪️She supports Marxism, arguing absurdly that we all have the same capacities and should end up in the same place, but since we didn’t start out in “the same place, some folks might need for equitable distribution.” (Her family’s private residence is valued at $5 million, if you aren’t in the same financial position, go lay claim to it.)
▪️ She wants to transform the criminal justice system by ending cash bail, eliminating minimum sentences, allowing convicted murderers and rapists the right to vote in federal elections.
▪️ She hasn’t a clue about or respect for the Constitution. When she participated in the presidential debates, she insisted over Biden’s dissent that she could institute gun control by executive order.
▪️ She called the border wall a ”vanity project” and said that illegal aliens aren’t criminals, and the surge of them across our borders is “not an emergency.” She even argued that U.S. taxpayers should provide health insurance coverage for illegal border crossers. (Under this Administration, there have been an estimated 11 million of them. Do the math on the cost of that.)
▪️ She was widely touted as Biden’s border czar, and now she and the lickspittle press try to memory-hole that and claim her brief was far more limited. Axios, for one, actually removed its contemporaneous accounts of her appointment as border czar. GovTrack this week removed its early reports which named her as the most liberal person in the Senate.
▪️* Kamala Harris admits she supports —  Raising taxes on 91% of Americans across every income bracket. — A higher business tax rate than socialist Venezuela.—Raising the death tax.”
▪️ She opposed fracking until a day or so ago when the Hill reported an unnamed campaign staffer (probably looking at internal polls from Pennsylvania) announced that she no longer supports fracking bans.
▪️ While Attorney General of California, she supported Proposition 47, which allows people to steal $950 worth of goods at a time without serious criminal penalty. (If you wonder why San Francisco’s downtown is empty of retail stores, you now know.)
▪️ She partnered with local officials of CAIR, which has been at the forefront of anti-Israel activities and is involved in fundraising for the Muslim Brotherhood to boost Hamas.
▪️ She backed the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which bailed out criminals during the George Floyd riots, which caused extensive property damage and some deaths. When she denied that this week, people pointed out that her webpage seeking donations for the group was still online.
▪️ Her office *framed an innocent man for a murder for which he spent seven years in prison and was ultimately awarded over 13 million dollars from the city in compensation.
▪️ As attorney general of California, she kept people in prison after their sentences expired to provide cheap labor for the state and, when called on it, claimed to be shocked. Which was either false or an admission of her lack of managerial capacity.

2 months ago

This man is Stanley Plotkin, the Godfather of vaccines. He is also a consultant to Moderna, one of the main manufacturers of the Covid vaccine. He is under oath admitting to the use of fetal tissue from aborted babies. He also says he'll gladly go to hell for what he's done.

4 months, 3 weeks ago


4 months, 3 weeks ago
The Sad Reality...***?***

The Sad Reality...?

4 months, 3 weeks ago

The world we grew up in was a fiction that never existed... the world as we know it can't be real.
Pay attention - STAY AWAKE and SHARE❗️****

6 months, 2 weeks ago

Why are you ignoring the Universe? ?‍♂️

The Universe is watching…
Sending you signs… hoping that you’ll connect with it.

Have you noticed?
It’s just waiting to bestow showers of abundance on you.

The only thing you need to do, in order to receive these blessings, is to activate your pineal gland.

Luckily, this short 30 second ritual shows you how you can do it in the comfort of your own home.

Watch the video now while it’s still online, and prepare to have your mind blown!

To Your Happiness ?
Note: If you want to order just refresh the main page several times.

6 months, 2 weeks ago
VAERS data on all vaccine deaths …

VAERS data on all vaccine deaths from 1988 to 2021.

Covid vaccine deaths in 1 year are equivalent to deaths of all other vaccines in 33 years.


6 months, 3 weeks ago


Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano exposes Pizzagate and names Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and former editor of The Recount, Slade Sohmer, who was recently arrested for child porn.

He also discusses how Jeffrey Epstein ran a blackmail operation on his island and collected evidence of well-known people committing heinous ritual crimes against children.


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Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

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Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 4 days, 5 hours ago