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For all English learners around the world.

Last updated 4 years, 10 months ago

3 years, 7 months ago
English translation:

English translation:
Black gulper fish is capable of swallowing prey, which is twice as long and 10 times as large by weight. Distributed throughout the world in tropical and subtropical waters at a depth of 150 to 3900 m.

3 years, 8 months ago
English translation:

English translation:
The black swift can stay in the air without stopping. for six months or more. All this time the swift sleeps, feeds on small flying insects, drinks and even mates without sitting on the ground. Swifts cannot walk on the ground. In addition, among all birds, the black swift the highest horizontal flight speed, it can reach 180 km / h.

3 years, 9 months ago
English translation:

English translation:
The speed-of-movement-of-the-Earth around-the-Sun is 108,000 km / h or 30 km / s

3 years, 10 months ago
English translation:

English translation:
The Amazon ranks first among all the rivers in the world in the area of the pool, in terms of fullness and length (possibly yielding to the Nile River). Its tributaries form one of the largest in the world of inland waterway systems with a total length of over 25,000 km, which is more than half the length of the equator our planet. At a depth of 4 km under the Amazon flows the largest underground current in the world - Hamza. The length of the river is about 6000 km. According to preliminary calculations, width is about 400 km.

3 years, 11 months ago
English translation:

English translation:
The Sentinelians are a people living in complete isolation from the rest of the world is about 60 thousand years old. Inhabits one of northern islands of the Andaman archipelago (India). The tribe is very aggressive, which kills everyone who trying to step on their ground. Poisoned arrows and spears are always ready. Currently accurate Sentinelese population unknown, range of estimates ranges from 15 to 500 people. Sentinel language nobody knows or understands.

4 years ago
English translation:

English translation:
Agama Mwanza is a flat-headed lizard that lives in Africa. The coloring of the lizard resembles the hero from the movie "Spider-Man". Its body length reaches 35 cm.It is found at an altitude of 2200 m above sea level. Prefers rocky terrain, lives among trees. Depending on the mood, the lizard is able to change your color. If you scare her strongly, then even the brightest male becomes dark brown.

4 years ago
English translation:

English translation:
Mancinella is one of the most poisonous trees in the world. Distributed in the islands of the Caribbean and in the Central America. The fruits that grow on the tree resemble apples. They smell very sweet and attract attention. The tree itself gives off a viscous and white, like milk, juice. It is contained in the bark, in leaves and fruits. Eye contact causes blindness since the eyes are practically burned out by this poisonous latex. When it enters the stomach, the juice "eats up" the real holes, after which death occurs. Smoke from burning wood causes severe irritation of the respiratory tract.

4 years, 1 month ago
English translation:

English translation:
Bees have two stomachs. One is for digestion and the other is for honey. One bee produces about 5 grams of honey in its lifetime. This equals 1 teaspoon. Honey bees make up 250 wing beats per second. Bees have five eyes. Three at the top parts of the head and two in front. Only females can sting a person, male bees have no sting. They sting only once in a lifetime, since along with the sting, the bees lose part of their abdomen and die. An exception is the so-called queen bee.

4 years, 2 months ago
English translation:

English translation:
Michel Lotito (June 15, 1950 - June 25, 2007) - French entertainer made famous for eating inorganic objects (metal, glass). Between 1959 to 1997 Michel Lotito ate almost 9 tons of metal. On in his speeches, he ate such objects like supermarket carts, bicycles, televisions and etc. The most significant achievement is eating aircraft "Cessna-150", which took 2 years.

4 years, 2 months ago
English translation:

English translation:
On Christmas Island (Australia) at the start of the rainy season (in October / November), more than 120 million land red crabs begin to migrate from the forest to the coast the ocean for breeding (for 18 days). During migration, most of the roads are closed to transport. Having reached the coast, the males begin to dig holes, where mating occurs. Then the females, waiting for the tide, lay their eggs in the ocean. The hatched crabs stay in water for up to 1 month, after which they go home to the forest.

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Instagram Handle: www.instagram.com/himanshisinghofficial

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

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Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago

For all English learners around the world.

Last updated 4 years, 10 months ago