Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
🔞El canal se dirige a un público mayor de edad🔞
Last updated 10 months, 3 weeks ago
hi! there has been some misinformation being spread around recently and the thread that i linked below explains about what is actually going on! please read it carefully and lets stop spreading misinformation to more people!! as far as i know, there is no…
hi! there has been some misinformation being spread around recently and the thread that i linked below explains about what is actually going on! please read it carefully and lets stop spreading misinformation to more people!! as far as i know, there is no official source stating that the names of people involved in nth room will be revealed tmr and there isnt 200+ idols in that nth groupchat!! no one knows if t**** is in that groupchat so lets stop spreading rumors!!
please help to spread around so that more people will know about this!! tysm :)
MASS REPORT THESE ACCOUNTS spreading misinformation and hate against Woozi and SVT
Try to report their posts too
(most with certain uncensored words which X can easily detect - if you have a doubt regarding that text me)
For now tags are: targeted harrasment, inciting harrassment, slurs & tropes, hateful references, insults, violent threats, spam
? : zeb0ng
will start the flash sales at 8pm :))
what are yalls favourite track as of now tho! i cant really decide yet cuz all 3 sound so good and its illegal for me to pick one ?
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
🔞El canal se dirige a un público mayor de edad🔞
Last updated 10 months, 3 weeks ago