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Last updated 1 год, 9 месяцев назад
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#UPSC, #SSC , #CGL #BPSC #STATE #PET #Banking, #Railway, #Mppsc, #RRB, #IBPS, #Defence, #Police, #RBI etc.
🇮🇳This Channel Has Been Established With The Aim Of Providing Proper Guidance To Youths Preparing For All Govt Exam
Last updated 1 месяц, 1 неделя назад
The virtue of sending ṣalāh (supplications for peace) upon the Prophet ﷺ on Friday begins from sunset on the night of Jumuʿah (Thursday night) and finishes at sunset on the night of Saturday (Friday night). Moreover, sending ṣalāh upon him during the day of Friday is better than during its night (Thursday night).
تفضيل الصلاة على النبي ﷺ في الجمعة يبدأ من غروب الشمس ليلة الجمعة وينتهي بغروبها ليلة السبت، والصلاة عليه ﷺ في نهار الجمعة أفضل من ليلها
إنَّ اللهَ وملائكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ على النَّبي يا أَيُّها الذِّين آمَنوا صَلُّوا عَلَيهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيما ً
Don't forget to send Salutations on Prophet ﷺ
Allah the Almighty will do this for you:
Anas bin Maalik (radhi Allaahu anhu) said: Verily the Prophet (salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said:
Whoever sends Salah upon me once Allah will send ten upon him and remove ten of his sins and raise his rank by ten levels.
[Imam Ahmad in his Musnad, Imam Bukharee in Adabul Mufrad #642 and #643. Jami Sagheer #6359
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Ibn al-Jawzi رحمه الله:
"A wise and discerning individual refrains from overanalyzing every minor detail when dealing with family, loved ones, friends, and neighbors"
[تهذيب الكمال(جـ١٩ صـ٣٧٠)]
Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله:
“The perfection of man is based on these two abilities: Knowledge and love. And the best knowledge is the knowledge about Allāh, and the highest love is the love for His Sake.”
[al-Fawā’id | Pg. 83]
"If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love, be persistent in doing the things Allah loves"
~Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal
"Whoever puts his Tawakkul (trust and reliance) in Allah for his sustenance, he will become:
1. More courteous (and good-mannered)
2. Forbearing, (gentle, and patient)
3. Big-hearted in his spending
4. Less distracted by thoughts (and whispers) in his prayer."
- The renowned ascetic Abu Sulayman al-Dārāni (circa 190 AH)
«مَنْ وَثِقَ بِاللَّهِ فِي رِزْقِهِ زَادَ فِي حُسْنِ خُلُقِهِ، وَأَعْقَبَهُ الحِلْمَ، وَسخَتْ نَفْسُهُ فِي نَفَقَتِهِ، وَقَلَّتْ وَسَاوِسُهُ فِي صَلاتِهِ»
Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله:
“How strange it is that when a servant of Allāh has a problem, he seeks the help of Allāh but he never asks Allāh to cure his heart before it dies of ignorance, neglect, fulfilling one’s desires and being involved in innovations. Indeed, when the heart dies, he will never feel the significance or impact of his sins.”
[al-Fawā’id | Pg. 180]
Ibn al-Jawzī رحمه الله:
“The pleasure of knowledge (ladha al ‘ilm) exceeds all pleasures, and whenever seekers of knowledge feel hunger or harm, this only elevates their status. There is also a sweetness (halawa) to seclusion (khalwa) and worship (ta’abbud)."
[Captured Thoughts | Pg. 632]
Ibn al-Jawzī رحمه الله:
“Fulfilling lusts hastily often causes one to miss out on virtue and to gain shamefulness. This is all caused by not contemplating the future outcome of things, which is what the mind and intellect demands. Contemplation is praiseworthy, while chasing lusts is condemned.”
[Captured Thoughts | Pg. 565]
Ibn al-Jawzī رحمه الله:
“The devotee shall find no comfort in this life; if he feels he is veiled [from his Lord] he weeps for being distanced from his Lord, and if the gate of acceptance is opened for him, he fears being expelled.”
[Seeds of Admonishment & Reform | Pg. 73]
Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله:
“The greenery and verdure of this world is like a tree. The rapid manner in which the world vanishes away bit by bit is like the shade. And the slave is a traveler heading toward the meeting with his Lord. When the traveler sees a tree on a hot day, he does not deem it appropriate to build a home under the tree or take it as a permanent residence; rather he shades himself according to his need. If he exceeds this, he is cut off from his companions.”
[The Dunya & Its Reality | Pg. 18]
Official Telegram Channel by Sarkari Result SarkariResult.Com
Welcome to this official Channel of Sarkari Result SarkariResult.Com - On this page you will get all the updated information on Sarkari Result website from time to time.
Last updated 2 месяца назад
?Only Current Affairs English & Hindi Medium.
Contact @GKGSAdminBot
Channel Link-
By Chandan Kr Sah
Email- [email protected]
Must Subscribe Us On YouTube -
Last updated 1 год, 9 месяцев назад
✆ Contact 👉 @Aarav723
#UPSC, #SSC , #CGL #BPSC #STATE #PET #Banking, #Railway, #Mppsc, #RRB, #IBPS, #Defence, #Police, #RBI etc.
🇮🇳This Channel Has Been Established With The Aim Of Providing Proper Guidance To Youths Preparing For All Govt Exam
Last updated 1 месяц, 1 неделя назад