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Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago
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Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
TIL One farming family in California uses more water then all of Las Vegas
From the todayilearned community on Reddit: TIL One farming family in California uses more water then all of Las Vegas
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TIL that during a theater play of The Passion of Christ, a man had to be taken away after he ran on stage and hit one of the roman soldiers with a motorcycle helmet in an attempt to save Jesus from being crucified.
From the todayilearned community on Reddit: TIL that during a theater play of The Passion of Christ, a man had to be taken away…
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TIL the original LEGO building bricks were based off a building toy made by British company Kiddicraft in 1947. LEGO started selling their redesigned version in 1949. In the late '50s LEGO contacted Kiddicraft to ask if they objected to LEGO bricks. They did not, and wished LEGO good luck with them.
From the todayilearned community on Reddit: TIL the original LEGO building bricks were based off a building toy made by British…
Posted by robaato72 - 757 votes and 22 comments
TIL Michael Bay was originally hired to direct Saving Private Ryan, but left because he couldn't figure out how to approach the film
From the todayilearned community on Reddit: TIL Michael Bay was originally hired to direct Saving Private Ryan, but left because…
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TIL that birds have mostly hollow bones, because their lungs extend into the cavities in order to have enough oxygen for flight. This is contrary to the popular belief that they are hollow to be lighter, when in fact, bird bones are denser than similarly sized mammals.
From the todayilearned community on Reddit: TIL that birds have mostly hollow bones, because their lungs extend into the cavities…
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TIL Spontaneous Human Combustion Is (Almost Definitely) a Myth
From the todayilearned community on Reddit: TIL Spontaneous Human Combustion Is (Almost Definitely) a Myth
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TIL that Ruby Red grapefruit - among other modern foods - were the results of irradiating the seeds in "gamma gardens" of the 1950s, an effort to show peaceful uses for fission energy.
From the todayilearned community on Reddit: TIL that Ruby Red grapefruit - among other modern foods - were the results of irradiating…
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TIL that ancient Native Americans consumed a highly caffeinated ceremonial beverage of roasted holly leaves called cacina, or black drink. Conquistadores who consumed the drink daily provide some of the earliest written accounts of caffeine addiction.
From the todayilearned community on Reddit: TIL that ancient Native Americans consumed a highly caffeinated ceremonial beverage…
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TIL The Keroman Base in Lorient France was Among the last WWII Strongholds to surrender because it was so heavily fortified not even bombing will destroy it. In the Battle of the Atlantic allies chose to bomb the surroundings instead to reduce its effectiveness. It could harbor 30 U-boats.
From the todayilearned community on Reddit: TIL The Keroman Base in Lorient France was Among the last WWII Strongholds to surrender…
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TIL in WW2 the British, with the help of a professional magician, tricked the Germans into thinking that a British double-agent had successfully sabotaged an airplane factory.
From the todayilearned community on Reddit: TIL in WW2 the British, with the help of a professional magician, tricked the Germans…
Posted by AirsoftUrban - 829 votes and 38 comments
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago