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3 months, 3 weeks ago

HAPPY BORN DAY AARIC! He got a special present today and he’s over the moon!

3 months, 3 weeks ago
3 months, 3 weeks ago
3 months, 3 weeks ago
3 months, 3 weeks ago

👆Please read and if you’re able to help Aaron it would be greatly appreciated! Also share amongst the Freak family on social media if you’re able. Thanks everyone!!! 🙏❤️

6 months, 1 week ago
6 months, 1 week ago

Thank you to all who participate in such a vulnerable chat on Intimacy. This isn’t an easy subject if we truly dive into the core of what this word means. I feel blessed to bring this discussion forward and honored to have such amazing peeps to share with. Thank you. ❤️.

6 months, 2 weeks ago


I hear so many people say they are too busy to meditate.
If only they had more time in the day they would meditate.
This is precisely when you need to put God first and begin to meditate each and every day.

When you put God first and meditate consistently every day, you begin to slow time down.
Time only exists in this 3D dualistic reality.
Time exists with the mind, intellect and ego.
Most people become a slave to time and this 3D matrix.
They are totally controlled by their mind, intellect, ego and are therefore a prisoner of their minds and time.
Problems can't be fixed within this same mind they were created and hence this why so many people continue to suffer and repeat the same negative patterns day after day.

The only way out of their mind and problems is to go to the place where time doesn't exist.
The state of "no mind."
Only through deep meditation and focus on the 6th and 7th chakras can you reach this state.

Here time ceases to exist and you begin to take control of your 3D life.
Watch how you begin to flow with life and slow time down when you begin to meditate consistently.

So, if you are someone who is always busy and has no time for meditation, the only way to break free of this cycle is to practice meditation.
This must be done sincerely, with the utmost devotion to the father.
If you practice anything halfhearted, you will get halfhearted results.

As per Yogananda below:

So, above all, find time for God.
No matter how tired you are at the end of the day, as soon as everyone goes to sleep, get up and throw yourself at the feet of God.
Do not sleep until you have communed with Him.

Pray to Him, in the language of the heart:
"My Lord, You come first.
I decided that, in the temple of the night, I will dedicate myself to loving You.
You are my everything: my sleep, my life, you are until my death, if necessary.

I only want You.
You are enough for me.
I offer all my power, my thoughts and my love to feel You, to be with You, to love You."

Paramahansa Yogananda, The Divine Romance

And as per Sri Robert Adams below:

"The mind projects the whole universe.
So if you get rid of the mind, there's no universe.
We have to kill the mind (identification with thoughts) and the whole universe is annihilated, because it's the mind that projects the universe, and tells us all these stories.

Think, for a moment, of all the problems that you believe you have. Think of what's bothering you.
You can tell me your story for four hours.
This is wrong and that's wrong.
It's all a projection of the mind.

So by getting rid of the mind, everything stops, and beauty, and joy and bliss ensue.
But you're covering the beauty, and joy and bliss when you worry, when you fear, when you think something is wrong someplace."

~ Sri Robert Adams

God first.
Your "self" second.
Family and friends come after this.
Most people have this backwards.


7 months, 1 week ago
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