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3 months, 2 weeks ago

Level: Intermediate~Advanced

4 months ago
I believe success is achieved by …

I believe success is achieved by ordinary people with extraordinary determination.?

6 months, 3 weeks ago
Start now and don't stop, you …

Start now and don't stop, you can do it!


7 months, 3 weeks ago

To face up to something

Level - Intermediate


7 months, 3 weeks ago

?Casual speech

✍️Use contractions: "That's not true," "What're you doing?" "Where'd he go?" "This's a good idea," etc.

✍️Use slang: "Slang" is language that's only recently been created. It may be popular among some people, but not everyone has started to use it yet. Young people usually use a lot more slang than older people.

✍️Use simplified grammar: An example of something that people do in casual conversation is drop "that" from clauses. They say "I thought you were leaving" instead of "I thought that you were leaving."

When to speak casually:

Use casual English with your family and friends.

Speak casually with people that you meet socially.

Use casual English with people that you know pretty well, even if they are above you in position.

Use it with people who are working for or serving you if you want to sound friendly.

Write casually if you're writing for a large audience.


7 months, 3 weeks ago

Use ‘ask’ correctly

Ask and Ask for

Ask for: ask somebody to give something. Ask without for: ask somebody to tell something.

– Don’t ask me for money. (NOT Don’t ask me money.)
– Don’t ask me my name.

– Ask for the menu.
– Ask the price.

Ask is sometimes used without for when talking about asking for sums of money, especially in connection with buying, selling and renting.

–They’re asking £500 a month rent.
–How much is the car?~ I’m asking fifteen hundred.

Note also the expressions
ask a lot of somebody
ask too much of somebody
ask a favor of somebody
ask (for) permission


7 months, 3 weeks ago


?Appreciable = noticeable:

?Coffee ☕️ has an appreciable amount of caffeine.

?Appreciative = grateful:

?I’m appreciative of your help. ??


8 months, 1 week ago
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