Classical Theist


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1 month, 4 weeks ago
Classical Theist
4 months, 1 week ago

When Jews pray the psalms and when Catholics pray the psalms, while they may praying the same text, they are often praying for diametrically opposed outcomes, especially having to do with the exaltation of Israel/Sion. In this sense we do not “share” even the Old Testament.

When Jews pray the psalms and when Catholics pray the psalms, while they may praying the same text, they are often praying for diametrically opposed outcomes, especially having to do with the exaltation of Israel/Sion. In this sense we do not “share” even the Old Testament.

It is for this reason that Judaism unlike other non-Christian religions stands in unique opposition to the Catholic Church. It’s not just that they don’t believe in Jesus, but they received an identity from God that is itself a sign pointing toward something they reject. Christianity is not just an ideological opponent, its very existence creates for them a perpetual identity crisis at the most foundational level of their Jewishness.

4 months, 4 weeks ago
Patron Request: Anti-Trinitarian Blasphemy DEBUNKED:

Patron Request: Anti-Trinitarian Blasphemy DEBUNKED:

6 months, 1 week ago
Trent Horn and Jimmy Akin are …

Trent Horn and Jimmy Akin are WRONG about the Magisterium

7 months, 3 weeks ago

How to Prove the Existence of God Most Effectively

7 months, 3 weeks ago

Our love of God is measured by our hatred of sin, and our malice towards God is measured by how lightly we treat of sin

7 months, 3 weeks ago

To say the Son is in a state of actual obedience to the Father within the inner life of the Trinity would be tantamount to subordinationism. However, in order to properly understand the redemptive value of His human obedience on the Cross, we must still trace it back to Trinitarian dynamics, namely, the Son’s eternally receptive relationship to the Father, which, while distinct from obedience itself, nevertheless forms an analogical basis for His human redemptive obedience

9 months, 3 weeks ago

okay the mr birchum show is as abysmal as it looks. i didn’t expect it to be any good, but thought okay well maybe it will be amusingly unfunny. it wasn’t. dreadful cheap animation. “we have family guy at home” down to the cutaways but not a funny moment throughout the entire half hour. 5 minutes in you forget it’s supposed to be a comedy and not one of those drab educational series they used to make us watch in elementary school. the only group that actually gets made fun of are lgbtqs, who are represented by some dei administrator with a man bun (yes man bun jokes in 2024). he drives a scooter with the license plate LGBTQIA2S+XRW%* because that’s ben shapiro’s oh-so-hilarious running joke about what he thinks they should be called. it sounds like he wrote all the jokes himself btw if that’s any indication. that was really the only dig at them, which i don’t even think would outrage the the most flamboyant faggot in west hollywood.

the main character birchum is basically matt walsh in 10 years. voiced by adam carolla, he’s an “old school” flannel wearing fat boomer who runs a wood working shop at public school, because, grit. he constantly “triggers” the students who want a “safe space,” even though those terms haven’t been heard in 10 years.

the producers thought that the way to win the culture wars would be to have some old man make out of touch “jokes” about outdated references like lady gaga’s poker face. adam corolla tried to shop this show for decades but apparently he never updated the jokes.

birchum is sooo old-school, in fact, that his best friend is black. it would appear they’re trying to offend “all the wrong people” except, of course, the critics who would accuse the show of being racist. so just like the little mermaid and the latest production of romeo and juliet, they too felt it important to have a black main character.

conspicuously missing is mr. birchum’s faith —despite a rather heavy handed emphasis on how traditional he is. but because jewish shapiro produced it, obviously they couldn’t make the main character manifestly christian. so instead “traditional values” is reduced to being a grumpy old man with gravel in his throat who loves manual labor and his coffee (BLACK OF COURSE MILK AND SUGAR IS NOT FOR MANLY-MEN).

the white son is a deadbeat incel gamer who lives in his mom’s basement in a not-so-subtle nod to the only insult the daily wire team knows how to serve anyone under 25 who disparages jews in their comments.

but the daughter, on the other hand is a brilliant, tough, level-headed, whip-smart conservative, who always has the right answer —much like any woman you’d see in a modern-day liberal commercial: “oh mom, that just sounds a lot like the green new deal to me” she says in some reference to waste, fraud, and abuse. and then i think we’re all supposed to laugh. even though it’s not 2019 anymore.

the wife, megyn kelly’s character, is i think supposed to be a mockery of the modern day working wine mom career feminist, but the producers were so afraid to upset any woman that it’s not actually clear.

and that’s really the theme: a bunch of half-jokes petrified of being too offensive, which is literally antithetical to what the show was purported to be.

at the end, mr birchum says “that’s what america’s all about. building things.” and he doesn’t mean building a civilization, or a national identity, or a culture, or a society. he means building roofs and porches and shelves. because the jews at the daily wire want sucker white americans to say “hell yea hoooah” and continue their menial manual labor jobs servicing rich people in order to afford the $10 daily wire plus subscription and continue consuming this insipid tripe.

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