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Various Jews assemble to discuss how best to restructure Poland by flooding it with economic migrants and then developing systems to empower them... and who they think should pay for it all.
Taken from: Examples of the Mentalities Complicit in Stealth Genocide Through Economic Migration.
"We can hide among them and secretly advance the groups that they're [members of indigenous European races] so scared of." - Susan 'Brooks'.
Magistrates’ courts could grind to a halt if thousands of motorists exploit a legal loophole unwittingly exposed by a Welsh driver.
Magistrates had no choice but to find Phillip Dennis, of Whitford, Flintshire, not guilty of speeding when his case was heard on Thursday.
He had omitted to sign the standard form which is sent to the owner of each vehicle caught by a speed camera – and Mold magistrates said they couldn’t accept the form as evidence.
Police have no power to compel car owners to sign the form and have been expecting someone to spot the loophole.
Yesterday the Association of British Drivers, representing about 2,500 motorists, predicted drivers would soon get wind of the court case.
“Motorists are always very quick to seek any way to avoid paying for their speeding ticket, particularly when they’ve been caught by cameras because they resent very much the way the cameras operate,” said spokesman Tony Vickers.
“The cameras have very much reduced public respect for the police and local authorities.
“People are only too glad to find a way to beat the system.”
He said motorists who receive a speeding ticket after being caught on camera could opt to have their case heard in court, rather than pay the fine without quibble.
“If a lot of people take up this option it will have another side-effect, which will be to clog up the magistrates’ courts with hundreds or thousands of motorists all trying to avoid paying the fine.
“The implications for the legal system are interesting, to say the least.”
Although the ABD did not condone breaking the highway laws, it said it would place details of the loophole on its own website for other drivers to read.
“I’m sure a lot of people will try it on and see whether it gets them anywhere.”
The prospect of using the loophole could look especially appealing to people who already had endorsements on their licences, said Mr Vickers.
“They should bear in mind that if they fail, they will end up paying the full fine rather than the 50% they would pay if they put their hand up.”
When a police camera takes a photograph of a speeding vehicle, the vehicle’s registered owner is sent a form asking who the driver was at the time.
It is an offence not to complete the form and name the driver – but the owner does not have to sign it.
If the form has not been signed, the courts cannot take any notice of it.
Magistrates in Mold were asked to prove a case of speeding against Phillip Dennis, 34, of Gwibnant Farm, Downing Road, Whitford, near Holywell.
But clerk Paul Conlon pointed out that the form naming the defendant as the driver was unsigned.
The driver had provided the information required of him but there was no requirement under that section of the law for the form to be signed.
Magistrates said they were not happy but had to find the defendant not guilty in his absence.
Chairman John Beard suggested the police should go back to defendants and ask them to sign the form.
But he was advised that as the law now stood the only requirement was to stipulate the name of the driver, and that there was no legal requirement to sign it even if police did go back and request a signature.
Nobody was available from North Wales Police to comment yesterday.
But one police source said there had been concern that once the loophole was spotted “it could open the flood gates.”
He said, “The police generally have been waiting for someone to appeal against a conviction on this point but no one has yet.
“We have basically been keeping our heads down.
“Some of my colleagues say we should just make sure people sign the forms but others are a bit concerned that to do that is tricking people into something they do not have to do.
“The trouble is when this is highlighted they will all be sending the forms back unsigned.”
RoadPeace, the charity for road-accident victims, said the loophole showed that cameras and computers were no substitute for a police presence on the roads.
Disgusting and childish language.
They absolutely can't stand the idea of homelands and a sense of belonging. It's jealousy foremost. But pride in one's homeland interferes with the ongoing program of total demoralisation (an act of war).
So building on a deeper sense of pride in our homeland would be good practice. Many billions of man-hours have gone into making it what it is afterall.
A Germanic chieftain ritually deposits captured enemy armour and weaponry into the waters of the Thorsberg moor as a votive offering. The peat bog in northern Germany was the site of such ritual offerings by Germanic tribes for four centuries.
Art by Samson Goetze
Night Owls - Newcastle Trail 02
Green's Alley, Geordie Carr, Sandgate Flooding, Martha Wilson, All Hallows Lane and Dog Bank, Alice McGowan and the black spectre, Holy Jesus Hospital, Captain Ridley, Cuthbert Maxwell,
The Field, or Wang
In looking at blot, which we perform on our holy days, or rare important occasions, we have the field, or wang, which is a holy space, set aside for religious purposes; it’s a place where the folk play games & enjoy social interactions (also known as the lakes), have the sumble feast & toasting rite, & perform blot. Today, the field or wang can be any area: a backyard, public park, national forest, etc. The idea is to bless the land, make it holy& and revere it as such.
From our lore, we have Folcwang, Frowe’s Folk-Field, Thrithwang, Thunor’s home (Strength-Field), Schathe’s (unnamed) fields, & nurxenwang, the Hell-Field of bliss & likely where the halls of our forebears reside.
In Heathen-originated place names, we have Wednesfield in Wolverhampton, Thundersfield in Surrey, & Hellifield & Wetwang in Yorkshire.
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