Startup Jobs in Finland

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Last updated 1 week, 3 days ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat

Last updated 5 months, 4 weeks ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago

1 year, 4 months ago

Freelance marketing & webmaster for

Petit-Chateau started out as a small hobby project and has grown year by year since 2012. Now is the time for us to accelerate and utilize the full potential of our concept and the opportunities the portfolio of high-end luxury properties gives us. We are eager to expand our footprint to other markets and destinations and continue to give our clients unforgettable experiences in the most beautiful regions in France, and the world!

During the next months, we will develop our offering towards business clients, events, "workcations" and corporate retreats. We will define our marketing strategy, target markets, and customers, and adjust our product portfolio accordingly.

We are looking for a freelancer with an interest in all aspects of marketing and communication, business development, SEO Optimization, website development or web design, and marketing on social media.

A key task will be to support us with adding content to our site, mostly by adding new properties to our portfolio. We will deliver the needed text and great pictures, and you will make the website shine.

Experience with Wordpress is a must.

Experience with ActiveCampaign is a great plus.

Together we will find the tasks that have the most relevance, and if you are creative, like great design, and love France, you’d be a great fit for this freelance job!

Apply today, we would love to hear from you!

1 year, 4 months ago

Circular Economy - Digital Marketing

Circular Innovation Lab is a danish think tank focused on connecting, collaborating and creating exciting circular economy solutions, with emerging stakeholders, to accelerate the transition towards a circular economy. Our founders are former experts from the United Nations and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, who have the vision of spreading the circular economy movement, through our circular economy solutions

We are experts in developing strategies to implement circular economy-based solutions and offer consulting, training, tools and technical assistance for governments, businesses and cities. We believe in an interdisciplinary approach in addressing the challenges that exist when it comes to implementation and scale up of the circular economy. We have specific expertise in National Circular Economy Roadmaps, plastics, textiles, agriculture, vehicle manufacturing, cement, electronics, material efficiency, circular economy and climate change.

1. Make a Social media strategy for Circular Innovation Lab;

  1. Handle Instagram and Linkedin;

  2. Collaborate with the whole team to set up a marketing and communications system for the think tank;

  3. You will be exposed to our global circular economy projects for more information look at

  4. Chance to work on World Circular Economy Forum Side Events

1. Be well versed in English

  1. Have a lot of interest and experience in circular economy and sustainable development

  2. Follow circular economy related developments globally

  3. Be diligent and passionate about circular economy

1. Great opportunity to get a bird's eye view of a European Circular economy Think Tank.

  1. Global exposure, as a lot of unique challenges to work on everyday across functions.

  2. Diversity of challenges and a valuable experience.

  3. We are a very diverse team with current nationalities Indian, Spanish, Chilean, Danish and Portuguese.

1. Start date: Immediately

  1. Duration: 5 months (Minimum)

  2. Remuneration : Unpaid

1 year, 4 months ago

Circular Economy Research Internship

Circular Innovation Lab is a Danish think tank focused on connecting, collaborating, and creating exciting circular economy solutions, with emerging stakeholders, to accelerate the transition towards a circular economy. Our founders are former experts from the United Nations and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, who have the vision of spreading the circular economy movement, through our circular economy solutions

We are experts in developing strategies to implement circular economy-based solutions and offer consulting, training, tools, and technical assistance for governments, businesses, and cities. We believe in an interdisciplinary approach to addressing the challenges that exist when it comes to the implementation and scale-up of the circular economy. We have specific expertise in National Circular Economy Roadmaps, plastics, textiles, agriculture, vehicle manufacturing, cement, electronics, material efficiency, circular economy, and climate change.

1. Researching and publishing news pieces for Circular Innovation Lab;

  1. Producing great quality insight articles for the website ;

  2. Working on Research Papers to be published in Circular Press;

  3. You will get a chance to publish these works as an author on our website and will be streamed across our social media channels;

  4. You will be exposed to our global circular economy projects for more information look at

  5. Chance to work on World Circular Economy Forum Side Events

1. Be well-versed in English

  1. Have a lot of interest and experience in circular economy and sustainable development

  2. Follow circular economy-related developments globally

  3. Be diligent and passionate about the circular economy

1. Great opportunity to get a bird's eye view of a European Circular Economy Think Tank.

  1. Global exposure, has a lot of unique challenges to work on every day across functions.

  2. Diversity of challenges and valuable experience.

  3. We are a very diverse team with current nationalities Indian, Spanish, Chilean, Danish, and Portuguese.

1. Start date: As soon as possible

  1. Duration: 5 months (Minimum)

  2. Remuneration: Unpaid

1 year, 4 months ago
  • Katsomme etuna, mikäli sinulta löytyy kiinnostusta olla mukana rakentamassa Frankille vahvempaa äänensävyä opiskelijoiden keskuudessa, mahdollisesti myös uusia kanavia hyödyntäen.

Mitä voit odottaa meiltä

Lupaamme tukea sinua matkalla tavoitteisiisi. Meillä arvostetaan tekemällä oppimista sekä eteenpäin tähtäävää asennetta. Arvostamme kehitysideoitasi ja meillä on niiden esiin tuomiseksi hyvät kanavat.

Meitä on Frankilla tällä hetkellä 17. Olemme erittäin tiivis ja joustava porukka. Töitä tehdään yhdessä mutta kuitenkin niin, että jokainen kantaa vastuun omasta roolistaan ja saa työssään onnistumiseksi tarvitsemansa tuen. Toisinaan vietämme iltoja koko firman kesken, joten voit halutessasi tutustua työkavereihin myös vapaammissa merkeissä.

Frankilla teet töitä opiskelijoiden hyväksi. Takaamme win-win-win-lopputuloksen kaikille osapuolille. Meillä hierarkia on matala ja kasvumahdollisuudet isot. Täällä ei odoteta tuntien etenevän, vaan tehdään töitä oma-aloitteisesti ja intohimolla yhteisten tavoitteiden eteen.

Haethan pian, mutta viimeistään 15.11.2023. Toivomme, että voit aloittaa työt vielä tämän vuoden puolella mutta viimeistään ensi vuoden alussa. Haastattelemme sopivia henkilöitä jo hakuaikana. Paikka on kokopäiväinen ja sopimus toistaiseksi voimassaoleva. Tarjoamme palkan lisäksi lounassetelit, puhelinedun ja tietysti kaikki tarvitsemasi työvälineet ja työterveyshuollon. Toimistomme sijaitsee aivan Helsingin ydinkeskustassa.

1 year, 4 months ago

Marketing Specialist

Frank on mobiilisovellus, joka tarjoaa Suomen parhaat opiskelija-alennukset, opiskelijoille suunnatut työpaikat ja opiskelijakortin, sekä nykyään edut myös vastavalmistuneille. Sovelluksen etuja hyödyntää jo yli 280 000 käyttäjää ympäri Suomen. Nykyisessä taloustilanteessa etujen ja alennusten merkitys on korostunut monelle opiskelijalle. Tärkein missiomme onkin auttaa opiskelijoita ottamaan opiskeluvuosistaan kaikki irti tarjoamalla välineet edullisempaan opiskelijaelämään. Mahdollistamme tämän yhdessä kiinnostavien yrityskumppanien ja opiskelijajärjestöjen kanssa.

Etsimme nyt markkinointitiimiimme vahvistusta oma-aloitteisesta Marketing Specialistista. Työtehtäviisi kuuluu opiskelija-alennuksista ja kampanjoista viestiminen Frankin sisäisissä kanavissa. Luot tehokkaasti markkinointinäkyvyydet kuten mainossähköpostiviestit ja sovelluksen sisäisen viestinnän. Sosiaalisen median kanavista TikTok on vakiintunut osa Frankin markkinoinnin työkalupakkia. Tehtäviisi kuuluu operatiivisen markkinointiviestinnän lisäksi yhteistyötä myös TikTok-sisällöntuottajiemme kanssa. Kiinnostus SoMe-kanavien hyödyntämiseen markkinoinnissa katsotaan siis vahvaksi eduksi tehtävässä.

Toivomme sinulta löytyvän jo jonkin verran osaamista ja kokemusta erilaisten markkinointikampanjoiden teknisestä toteutuksesta: digitaalisten markkinointityökalujen käytöstä, viestinnän kohdentamisesta ja datan käsittelystä sekä erilaisten analytiikkajärjestelmien hyödyntämisestä. Mikäli sisällöntuotanto ja markkinointiviestintä ovat intohimosi, saatat olla tiimimme puuttuva palanen!


  • Operatiivinen markkinointiviestintä: opiskelijaeduista viestiminen Frankin sisäisiä kanavia pitkin (in-app, push, email).

  • Frankin TikTok-näkyvyyden kehittäminen yhdessä sisällöntuottajien kanssa.

  • Maksetun mainonnan hallinnointi.

  • Markkinoinnin analytiikan seuranta ja tulosten mittaaminen.

Aiempi kokemus ja työtä tukevat luonteenpiirteet

Olet uraasi aloitteleva tulevaisuuden lupaus tai jonkin verran työelämää nähnyt osaaja. Arvostamme tiimin jäsenessä idearikasta asennetta ja intoa kehittyä. Tuoreesta opiskelijaelämän tuntemuksesta voi olla tehtävässä hyötyä. Odotamme kuitenkin, että voit tehdä töitä täysipäiväisesti ja toimistoaikoihin. Suurin osa työstä tapahtuu suomen kielellä, mutta myös hyvä englannin kielen taito on välttämätön ja ruotsin kielen taito on eduksi.

Menestyt tehtävässä, jos tunnistat itsessäsi seuraavat taidot ja luonteenpiirteet, ja pystyt ne myös aiemman työkokemuksen tai projektien kautta todistamaan:

  • Olet dataohjautuvainen ja hyödynnät ketterästi erilaisia markkinoinnin järjestelmiä työsi tukena.

  • Sinulta löytyy aitoa kiinnostusta ja intoa alaa ja kohderyhmää kohtaan, joka auttaa sinua opiskelijoita puhuttelevan ja kiinnostavan sisällön tuottamisessa.

  • Et kavahda rutiineja, vaan pyrit paremminkin tehostamaan tekemistäsi pitkällä aikavälillä.

  • Työskentelet yhtä luontevasti yksin kuin osana tiimiä: olet päivittäin tekemisissä useiden muiden tiimiläisten kanssa kun tarvitset heiltä vastauksia kysymyksiisi, mutta otat vastuun omasta tontistasi ja solmit tarvittaessa langanpäät itse.

  • Olet organisointitaitoinen ja tarkka ongelmanratkaisija, jolla on vahva kyky keskittyä yksityiskohtiin.

  • Sinulta löytyy jo hieman kokemusta alalta joko aikaisemman työkokemuksen tai harjoittelun kautta tai olet markkinointi- tai viestintäalalta vastavalmistunut tuleva sisältömarkkinoinnin superstara.

  • Omaat rohkean asenteen omien ideoiden ja ajatusten esille tuomiseen ja niiden eteenpäin ajamiseen. Kokeilet mielelläsi uusia tapoja kehittää ja parantaa päivittäisiä tehtäviä ja prosesseja niin oman tekemisen tueksi kuin Frankin hyväksi! Meillä ideoita pallotellaan ennakkoluulottomasti ja vapaasti tiimien kesken.

1 year, 4 months ago
  • Knowledge of card games and or or city-builder games

  • Good communication skills, written and verbal

  • Able to illustrate and/or prototype ideas visually

  • A portfolio or sample of your design

  • You can collaborate with various departments, such as programmers, artists and also consultants that just recently began their game development experience in the firm

  • Flexible with technology and open to changing your workflow to fit the team

  • You are open to receiving feedback from colleagues

  • Ability to work with deadlines

It would be nice if you have experience with:

  • Unity, any other game engine experience could also be relevant

  • Experience with working in a video games studio and knowledge of the industry

  • Inspiration from similar of different games

If you are interested in shaping the future of gaming, send us an application. We can have you start as soon as possible!

Online interviews are expected to take place in October. Starting date: as soon as possible.

Please note we reply as fast as possible, but not always as fast as big corporations.

Be aware that we might end up in your email spam folder when we try to contact you, so keep a keen eye on that.

Please apply on this page on the Hub. The application deadline is 21/11. Kindly note that we will be reviewing applications and conducting interviews on an ongoing basis so please apply as soon as possible. The position will be closed as soon as we have a right-fit candidate.

1 year, 4 months ago
  • Flexible working hours and environment

New tech gear (Computer and phone) ?

Skill development ?‍?

Hybrid working setup ?

Work-life balance ⚖️

Central office ?

Occupational Health Care ?

Office snacks ?☕️?

Team events ?‍?‍?‍?

Mobal is a marketing-technology SaaS company that helps businesses stand out in local searches through cutting-edge technology and managed services. At Mobal, we help businesses get the most out of their location marketing and bring their physical stores in front of local customers to drive more visitors. In November 2021, we raised €2M in financing from Lifeline Ventures (Supercell, Wolt, Smartly, etc.), and our vision is to be the world-leading location marketing technology provider. As of today, we serve over 250 customers in six countries.

Mobal is a caring, curious, and courageous group of people who share a high level of ambition and belief in what we do. Our culture is built on supporting each other and aiming to grow together, both as individuals and as a team. We respect every individual's own personality and way of being, and the following values guide our behavior and ways of working: we take ownership, maximize learning, and act with integrity. Join us to see it for yourself.

Read more about Mobal at

If this sounds like an opportunity you'd like to explore, we'd love to hear from you as soon as possible, but no later than November 10, 2023. Please note that we will fill this position as soon as we've found the right talent.

During the interview process, we are very eager to learn more about your skillset. Please prepare yourself to do an assignment if we move forward with you in the recruitment process.

If you have questions, please contact Alexander Silén, COO, at below email address or phone.

1 year, 4 months ago

Customer Success Manager (Managed Services)

Are you passionate about helping businesses thrive in the digital world? Do you have a keen eye for visuals and a genuine enthusiasm for customer success? If so, we have an exciting opportunity for you.

The rise of smartphones and mobile internet access, which began in the late 2000s, has played a crucial role in the surge of 'near-me' searches. Today, users increasingly turn to their mobile devices to find businesses, services, and products in their vicinity.

At, we're passionate about helping businesses maximize their online presence through Google Business, Apple Maps, Bing, and other location profiles. We are a Helsinki-based startup backed by one of the most prominent VCs, Lifeline Ventures, to help us achieve our great mission of assisting companies in getting the most out of their location profiles in this new digital era. Currently, our team comprises 15 forward-thinking professionals in sales, customer success, marketing, and product. We collaborate with around 250 companies across the Nordic region, with a long-term ambition to have a global impact.

We work with a diverse range of clients, including restaurants, retail stores, grocery stores, car services, museums, and more, to attract more visitors to their locations. If you're enthusiastic about customer success and have experience in customer work, we invite you to join our team.

As a Customer Success professional at, you'll have the exciting opportunity to work with a portfolio of small and medium-sized businesses in Finland. Your primary goal will be to help these businesses make the most of their online location profiles. You'll work with a variety of industries, from restaurants to retail stores, car services, museums, and beyond. Additionally, you'll work closely with the CS team, consisting of five CSMs.

Your daily work includes:

  • Managing customer location profiles using Mobal's AI-powered platform

  • Making necessary updates to profiles, such as opening hours, as per customer requests

  • Enhancing the visual appeal of customer profiles to make them shine

  • Onboarding new customers and setting expectations for collaboration

  • Conducting regular check-ins with customers through meetings or phone calls

  • Orchestrating progress meetings to align with customer expectations

  • Maintaining a feedback loop with the product team to contribute to Mobal's tech development based on customer requests

* Full professional proficiency in Finnish and English

  • 1+ year of experience in customer work, ideally in a Customer Success or Account Manager role

  • A genuine passion for customer work and customer success

  • Exceptional time management skills

  • A proactive approach to streamlining work processes

  • A solution-oriented and forward-thinking mindset

  • Outstanding communication skills

  • Proficiency in using CRM tools such as Hubspot and Planhat

  • Strong presentation skills and experience in conducting customer meetings

  • A growth mindset to adapt and excel

  • A keen eye for visuals

  • Effective negotiation skills

Prior experience in location marketing, e.g., Google Maps and Apple Maps, is seen as an advantage.

* Opportunity to have a direct impact on the success of small and medium-sized businesses

  • Be part of an exciting startup growth journey

  • Competitive salary, including team bonuses

  • An inspiring, energetic, and encouraging work environment

  • Excellent career development opportunities, including on an international level

  • Develop your skills within the fast-paced environment of digital marketing

1 year, 4 months ago

Content Specialist

As our new Content Specialist, you will play a crucial role in supporting our “growth loops” and ensuring a unified and simplified approach to our marketing efforts. Working closely with our growth managers, Camil and Annie, as well as other members of our marketing team, you will be responsible for producing engaging and consistent copy across a variety of mediums including ads, website content, and social media.

* take ownership of all external copy at Contractbook, ensuring consistency in language across all platforms,

  • support growth loops with necessary copy as required by the loop owners,

  • produce high-quality content for ads, website, and social media,

  • collaborate closely with the marketing team to understand and effectively communicate Contractbook's value proposition,

  • continuously improve and adapt content based on feedback and performance metrics.

* 1-3 years of experience in copywriting,

  • strong English skills with the ability to showcase their previous work,

  • the ability to adapt and thrive in a dynamic, fully remote working environment,

  • the hunger and drive to learn from the best and grow with and alongside Contractbook.

This is a fully remote position with the budgeted salary being between 3000 - 6000 USD per month.

Show us what makes you unique! Please share your CV along with a link to your portfolio. Interviews are conducted on an ongoing basis, so apply soon to ensure we can include you in our recruitment process. We're excited to meet you and hope to have you on board as soon as possible to hit the ground running together!

1. Introduction with Benjamin, our Talent Acquisition Manager (25 min).

  1. 1st Interview with Emil, our Chief Marketing Officer (25 min).

  2. Case Study with Emil and Kristian, our Director of Marketing (30 min + 45 min prep time).

  3. Talent Test with Viktor, our co-founder and COO (30 min + 30 min prep time).

  4. References.

  5. Contract negotiations and you’re hired!

At Contractbook, our vision is to create the new era of contracts. We believe that contracts should be more than static documents – they should be dynamic, connected, and easily accessible. Our mission is to make contract data accessible and actionable for small and medium-sized businesses all over the globe. By empowering teams to build better, future-proof contracts, we are helping businesses of all sizes navigate the increasingly complex world of contract management.

We are building a harmonic group of unselfish team players. We do not allow brilliant jerks, even if it means that we miss out on some talented people. What is essential for us is that you fit into our culture and show openness, ambition, and motivation. In return, we will facilitate an environment where talented people can learn, grow and boost their careers, so please, join us in creating the new era of contracts.

1 year, 5 months ago

Social Media Marketing Intern

Who are we?

Gaddr is an innovation house operating in industries such as Tech & Innovation, AI, Education, Studio & Media, and Co-working. We love technology & innovation, and we think you will too. As we continue to grow, we are expanding our creative team to the position of Marketing & Community intern who is based in Stockholm. The person in this position will be working closely with the core team and have an amazing opportunity to learn and grow.

Please note this is an unpaid internship position.

* Currently studying or just finished your studies and eager to learn more

  • Passionate about developing your Marketing skills and office management

  • Love to plan and organize events

  • Fluent in the English language, the Swedish language is an advantage

  • Excited about organizing and strategizing

  • You have good communication skills

* Content creation on Social media

  • Assist in communication activities

  • Lead generation

  • Market research

  • Analyse advertisement outcome

  • Visitor and business parents' happiness

  • Office, assistance, and receptionist duties

  • Maintain the office, kitchen, and overall space comfort

  • Meeting schedules and booking

  • Assist in Event Management

* Recommendation letter from the Gaddr team upon finishing the internship

  • Access to a growing team of diverse professionals

  • Traveling

  • A large, homely office in an easily accessible area of Stockholm

  • Access to gym and events

  • Get free mentorship

  • A fun summer internship

  • And other perks

Does this sound like you? Don’t wait and apply today. Please attach your CV/portfolio and tell us why you are the right person for this job.

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Last updated 1 week, 3 days ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat

Last updated 5 months, 4 weeks ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago