Maktabah Samarkand

Bookstore based in the UK specialising in Islamic books.

We are currently renovating and will be back as soon as possible.
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Maktabah Samarkand
1 month, 2 weeks ago

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We are currently renovating our website to improve customer experience and service when it comes to issues such as shipping and other things. To stay updated, please join our Telegram channel: []

Maktabah Samarkand
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Due to high demand, Maktabah Samarkand …

Due to high demand, Maktabah Samarkand is proud to announce that we are now taking pre-orders for Taj al-Shari’ah’s explanation of “al-Hidayah” alongside Ibn Kamal Pasha’s explanation of al-Hidayah in 13 volumes.

This book will arrive in September, but due to high demand we are happy to take pre-orders and reservations from now.

Please contact directly at @MaktabahSamarkand for more information.

جزاكم الله خيرا


3 months, 2 weeks ago

Maktabah Samarkand congratulates all the Muslims on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr

Please do not forget our brothers and sisters in occupied Palestine and across the world.

4 months, 2 weeks ago
Maktabah Samarkand
4 months, 3 weeks ago

On the occasion of world book day, we are proud to announce a 15% discount on all orders that have a minimum amount of £30📚

This offer is valid for 24 hours

Use the code: “WorldBookDay”

5 months, 2 weeks ago


مجرد مقالات الأشعري

An important work in Ash’ari Kalam by one of it’s greatest and earliest theologians, Imam Ibn Fūrāk al-Shafi’i al-Ash’ari

Purchase your copy now from our website:

Maktabah Samarkand

مجرد مقالات الإمام الشيخ أبي الحسن الأشعري

A UK based bookstore, providing high quality arabic books at reasonable rates!

5 months, 2 weeks ago

Maktabah Samarkand

عمدة القاري

A UK based bookstore, providing high quality arabic books at reasonable rates!

Maktabah Samarkand
5 months, 2 weeks ago

Maktabah Samarkand

رسالة في التوحيد

A UK based bookstore, providing high quality arabic books at reasonable rates!

5 months, 2 weeks ago

السواد الأعظم

This is a text which was written by al-Ḥakīm al-Samarkandī at the request of the Sultan of his time and he was specifically elected to compose a catechism by the council of scholars of Bukhāra

Thus, in content, this text arguably pre dates Imam al-Hudā al-Māturīdī.

Even Western academics profess the importance of this text as it is a demonstration of the creed of Transoxianian scholarship.

Dr. Ulrich Rudolph writes:

“Given these circumstances it is clear how important the K. al-Sawad al-A’zam is for the sake of our becoming better acquainted with Transoxanian theology. This text is not merely the representation of a few scholars' teachings, but is, to a certain extent, a "public text" in which a wide theological consensus is expressed.”

Rudolph, U. (2014). Al-Maturidi and the Development of Sunni Theology in Samarqand. Netherlands:
Brill. p.101

He also writes:

“The abovementioned Ismāʿīl b. Aḥmad (279–95/892–907), recognized as the actual founder of Sāmānid power, called the scholars of Samarqand, Bukhārā, and other cities of Transoxania together and requested that they compile the orthodox view of belief in a single creed. The goal of this undertaking was to combat various heresies, which in the meanwhile had become native to the region. This also meant, de facto, that Ḥanafite theology was to receive a fixed catechism, the significance of which was compounded since it was issued by the double authority of the ʿulamāʾ and the political rulers.

In keeping with this ambitious goal, the scholar commissioned to author the text was of generally acknowledged rank. The choice fell on Abū l-Qāsim Isḥāq b. Muḥammad b. Ibrāhīm, called al-Ḥakīm al-Samarqandī (d. 342/953),who was identified as a religious authority in various subjects.”

Rudolph, U. (2014). Al-Maturidi and the Development of Sunni Theology in Samarqand. Netherlands:
Brill. p.99

Note: (Maktabah Samarkand does not endorse Ulrich Rudolph but the purpose of the quotation was to highlight the significance which even non Muslim’s acknowledge of this text.)

This text is available to purchase here:

Maktabah Samarkand

السواد الأعظم

A UK based bookstore, providing high quality arabic books at reasonable rates!

السواد الأعظم
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