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Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago
*? Intro To Permaculture —This is our #1 top book for beginners and every home grower. If you are new to permaculture and its systems & concepts start here by reading the incredible Gaia’s Garden. ??*
This is the best introductory book for newcomers and homegrowers wanting to learn and implement permaculture ideas and systems with very simple and easy learning. Toby Hemenway’s contribution to furthering & teaching permaculture in Gaias Garden is profound.
There is so much wisdom in these pages with diagrams and clarity, when asked I always say start here, its a home growers must have. If you only get one this is it!
@PLANTFORCHANGE #pfcbookshop #affiliate
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We got our corn planted late this year and the drought has likely ruined it where we won't get a harvest. Thankfully, the love and generosity of others shines through.
My brother invited us to share in some of his corn. He has a well that he's been irrigating from, so his corn actually turned out. It's good to find a tribe, family, or friends who are like minded. There are times when you can't do it all yourself.
Growing Native Plants contributes to the broader goal of restoring & diversifying healthy ecosystems across the planet.
Best ways to begin is with a single native perennial plant of your bioregion and/or local wild flower options to your garden for native pollinators to thrive on.
If in Australia for example try adding a native Finger Lime, a small thorny evergreen shrub with oval finger-shaped fruit is a tasty option. If in Thailand consider to add in a Makrut, In PNW canada try adding a native hazelnut tree etc.
Native plants often grow enthusiastically with little maintenance and depending on variety less watering as they are acclimatized and designed by nature for that certain region.
My we strive to work with nature, one local plant choice at a time.
Local native plants support native bees/pollinators, which supports thriving local soil & food systems.
Greater biodiversity = adaptational strength!
What native plants have you seeded or planted?
Healing Effects of Trees & Forests! of Phytoncides on HumansWhen humans breathe phytoncides in, they can support us in many ways inside the body.
•Immune response: a 2-hour walk in the forest increases NK cell activity that can last for days
•Anti-inflammatory: common forest terpenes temper inflammation and reduce oxidative stress
•Nervous system: forest air creates a relaxation response and lowers nervous system activity
•Mood enhancing: exposure to forest air reduces cortisol levels and β-pinene has antidepressive properties
•Sleep: phytoncides like α-pinene enhance sleep
•Blood glucose: exposure to VOCs can reduce blood glucose levels
Spending time in forests is so beneficial to our wellbeing. We always feel inspired, invigorated and elated after time in the forest. How about you?
@PLANTFORCHANGE #foresthealing
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Plant Health Starts At The ROOT!
Roots are a plants stability and connection to life. Their roots carry water and essential minerals to the rest of the plant. Strong root systems are absolutely vital to a plant’s health, if the roots are unwell so is the plant, but if the roots are healthy as seen here, the seedling is starting off with great base for success.
The importance of healthy roots can not be stressed enough. Roots are how plants eat and drink and produce great harvests. As the plants grow their roots works as a storage unit to protect plants from times of drought storing excess water for later use. (Amazing right!)
Read more on what to look for for healthy roots… ??????
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Turmeric harvest.
Microorganisms & Our Microbiome
We as humans have a deep intrinsic relationship with microorganisms. They live on us, in us and all around us. Our gut microbiome alone consists of TRILLIONS of living microbes. This symbiotic relationship is one rarely talked about and deeply misunderstood in mainstream health circle’s. Yet, our health is directly impacted by the health of our microbiome made up of these microorganisms in our gut; which drs like Zach Bush are sharing and education on. These microorganisms within us hold a direct relationship to the health of microorganisms in our soil. —incredible right! Proof we are part of nature and intimately connected to the health of our Earth.
How do we improve our microbiome?
-spend as much time in nature as possible.
-increase the types of nature you interact with.
-eat a diverse selection of homegrown organic foods.
-plant for diversity in yards focusing on local native plant species.
-get your bare feet & hands in the soil, play with nature.
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
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Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago