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Last updated 1 month ago
? Get off social media.It’s so easy to waste time on social media and compare yourself others. But remember, those posts or videos you see don’t always reflect reality. Nobody’s life is perfect.
Confidence comes from believing in yourself, your own abilities, and where you are in your personal journey. Comparing yourself to people who only sharing the “glamorous” things in their lives makes it impossible to see your own achievements clearly.
Don’t go on social media when you’re feeling unsure of yourself or when you’re about to do something challenging. Instead, grab a journal and write about the things you’ve done that you’re proud of.
? The Person Who Chases Two Rabbits Catches NeitherSo what does this saying mean, and why is it so instrumental to everything you do in life? Simply put, it’s a cautionary saying attributed to Confucius, a Chinese philosopher, that means that you should focus on one goal at a time, because if you don’t, you’ll fail to achieve either one.
In today’s buzzing society, where distractions are bound to happen, people get side-tracked too often. A person can be on the “perfect” path and still get sold on other ideas or paths by very convincing people. They may start thinking that the grass is greener on the other side, as opposed to simply where you water it.
For those who are currently dabbling between many things and for those who are just getting started and wanting to do everything at once.
? Focus on one thing at a time — and keep going until you reach your goal. You’ll be fascinated by how fun something becomes once you’ve committed to it.
Sexual TensionSexual tension is marked by strong chemistry between two people who are either physically or emotionally attracted to each other. It’s a buildup of suspense and desire that often leads to some pretty intense hookups.
Sexual tension can make life feel more exciting and gives you something to look forward too. It gives you butterflies when you know you’re going to see the object of your affection.
Don’t disregard sexual tension as something that only happens when you first meet someone. You can have romantic tension or sexual tension with a co-worker, your spouse, or a crush.
Flirting with sexual tension can create a deep bond between you and the recipient of your tension. That’s why it’s so great for marriages and new relationships alike.
? Know that red flags aren’t suggestions (and aren’t going to go away)
If you catch them in a lie, they’re rude to the waiter, or they say something mean about a friend, guess what? It’s not a “one-time thing,” and they’re not going to change. Red flags are gut feelings that are telling you something isn’t right, so listen to them.
Ignoring red flags can only prolong the inevitable demise of a relationship and make the eventual breakup harder for both of you.
Nobody’s perfect; you might judge your partner and they might make mistakes. If it’s simply a judgment or mistake, you’ll be able to talk it through. If it’s more of a gut feeling that “this isn’t right” or an inexcusable behavior more than a mistake, run for the hills.
*? Don’t worry about labels (to a certain extent)*It can be incredibly confusing where you are (“Talking?” “Dating?” “Hooking up?” “FWB?”). If ambiguity still lingers over where you two fall on the relationship scale, don’t panic. Different people have different timelines for when they feel ready to take each relationship step, so different timelines don’t necessarily mean you’re incompatible or that they don’t like you.
However, you should have clarity about whether or not you’re both seeing other people, and you should know if you’re on the same page in terms of keeping it casual or looking for something serious (always be open about what you want).
? Actually enjoy it!
Another personal story coming at you: I can look back at the beginning of every relationship and remember all the times I worried about how my hair looked before going on dates or reading into all the little signs out of worry they didn’t like me as much as I hoped they did.
It’s normal to feel scared or reluctant to be vulnerable when your heart is on the line. But no matter how scary a new relationship can feel, don’t forget to enjoy it. Notice all the little moments, try new things together, and make sure you’re having fun.
When the relationship is difficult, remember the person you are fighting for, not fighting with.
? Be yourselfOK, so this one sounds so cliché, I’m embarrassed to even write it. But I would have saved young, single Josie from a lot of wasted time if I had been 100% myself on every first date and at the beginning of every new relationship. I get it: You try to be all “chill” and “cool” at the beginning.
Be honest and upfront about your likes, dislikes, and who you are. Not only will it save you time and heartbreak with the people who aren’t a good match, but it will also help the right person find you.
It appears that one stops loving another not because of who they are but because they are such and such.
— Jacques Derrida #relationships @lovewende
Community chat:
Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 4 months, 2 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month ago